
How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized? How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized?

author:A selection of music

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="1" How do > view the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized? </h1>


There are two different views on the decline of opera

According to the incomplete statistics of the cultural department, there are about 460 kinds of traditional opera dramas in the country, but unfortunately, there are only about 300 kinds of traditional operas recorded today, and the traditional operas left to us by our ancestors are getting less and less, and the decline rate is very fast.

The question of how to view the decline of opera art has always been controversial on the Internet, and there are two different views.

Point 1: Some people think that opera art, like other things, conforms to the objective law of development, and always has to go through a process from prosperity to decline, so there is no need to deliberately develop support! This era has the cultural needs of this era, and we just have a normal mentality;

Point 2: The other part of the opera art is a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, and the development of opera today is because there are no excellent works and no vigorous publicity among young people, so we should vigorously develop opera and inherit opera.

Both of these views have their own reasons, both have reasonable places, and have a group of supporters! Today I see this problem again, I want to talk about my views, I think we should continue to develop the art of opera, not simply "development", but on the basis of reform and innovation, only in this way can we carry forward our traditional art of opera.


The reason for the decline of opera

In the past, the primary purpose of the emergence of traditional opera art was to entertain and enrich the lives of ordinary people. In the past, the economic level was not high, the productive forces were not developed enough, people had a lot of time in addition to labor and three meals a day, people thought of various entertainment methods, and opera was born. The development of opera to today, has a complete system, different types of drama have their own unique singing methods, representative repertoire, tunes, accompaniment instruments, etc., is a mature art form, this art form in the process of human development, for people's spiritual needs also have a huge contribution. With the development of the times and the progress of technology, a variety of entertainment methods and new art forms emerge in an endless stream, young people no longer love to watch traditional opera art, and even many people do not understand opera culture, thus causing the decline of opera. To sum up, there are three main reasons for the decline of opera:

How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized? How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized?

Today, under the call of the state, all walks of life are innovating, and if they do not innovate, they will decline and will be eliminated by the times, and the same is true of opera. Take the song, for example, there is a clear difference between today's popular songs and the songs of the eighties and nineties, whether it is lyrics, or songs, there are differences in the way of accompaniment, and even the way of distribution is also very different. In the past, most of the songs were consumed by optical discs, tapes, etc., which not only cost high, but also did not work very well, but today's distribution methods have been eliminated, and there has been network distribution, which is innovation. Opera works should conform to the characteristics of the times in the new era, reflect the cultural needs of the people to a certain extent, and be close to the lives of the people, so that the audience will be more receptive to such works.

Another big reason for the decline of our opera today is that the spread is not strong enough, and many young people usually do not have access to the art of opera, let alone understand the art of opera and like the art of opera! The emergence of the network provides a good platform for the development and dissemination of opera, today's headlines, Baidu video, vibrato, Kuaishou, etc. These platforms we can use, whether it is professional actors or ticket holders, we can spread opera knowledge through live broadcasting and small videos, so that more people can understand opera culture.

We have a variety of ways today, young people are brushing vibrato, watching fast hands, very few people can take a little time to listen to a play, take the initiative to understand some opera-related knowledge. I think this is also an important reason for the decline of opera.

How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized? How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized?


How to inherit opera culture

How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized? How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized?

As long as this is done well, opera will not decline. To sum up, inheriting the opera culture I think can be done from the following aspects:

A large part of the reason for the difficulties in the discovery of opera is because the intensity of dissemination is not enough, and not many people really understand the culture of opera. In today's era of technological development, we have many tools that we can use to publicize opera culture, such as new media such as today's headlines, Kuaishou, Douyin, and B station, and we can also use traditional methods such as television programs and news reports to increase the dissemination of opera. The dissemination of opera culture not only requires the efforts of professional opera actors, but also the efforts of many opera fans, the efforts of the media, etc. Only when there are more people who know opera, there are more people who like opera culture, so that real development can be achieved.

With the progress of society, the original mode of opera inheritance needs to be changed a little. Relying only on the inheritance of masters and apprentices, the energy of one master is limited, and the number of people who pass on the other is too small. This model of inheritance is not conducive to the development of opera art, and at the same time does not meet the needs of the times.

How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized? How do you see the decline of opera? Should Sun Xiangyu be recognized?

Today's era is an era of commercialization, and opera culture can completely take the road of commercialization. Some people may worry that xiqu is now in a downturn, the market for traditional arts such as xiqu may be too small, I think there is no need to worry about this problem, the success of Guo Degang's cross-talk has proved that there is a market for traditional culture. I often see some comments saying that because of Zhang Yunlei, I like traditional opera, traditional culture, which shows that opera can take the road of commercialization. However, the commercialization path has advantages and disadvantages, on the one hand, it can greatly promote the development of opera art, on the other hand, it may only be for the sake of obtaining benefits, and ignore the quality of opera, the inheritance of opera and other issues, so we should find a balance between the two, which can drive the development of opera art without reducing the quality of opera inheritance.

Of course, in addition to these measures, there are also encouragement of innovation, reform of opera works, and inject new blood into the development of opera; encourage the development of theater troupes, do a good job in the role of state-run theater troupes, and vigorously support the development of private theater troupes. At the same time, as opera fans, we should also exert our own strength to inherit and carry forward the opera culture. The above are some of my humble opinions, if there is any incorrect place, please correct more, welcome to exchange your views in the comment area!

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