
Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

author:Illustration & Branding
Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

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——No matter how small an individual is, it may become a brand——

Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), founded in 1826, was the first art school in the United States to officially confer a degree. MICA is one of the oldest art schools in the United States and the oldest degree-granting art school, a member of the AICAD (Independent Association of Art and Design Colleges) and a member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. This article will share with you the works of a master's degree in illustration practice at the Maryland College of Art in the United States.

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

American illustrator Adam Lister graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2003. In the new series "Art History 101", he combines modern perspectives with classical memories from art history. In his work, pixel watercolor paintings are filled with his passion for digital graphics. From Michelangelo's "David" to Edward Hope's "Night Wanderer", the Art History 101 series reveals the secrets of color and shape in masterpieces in a new form. Adam's work demonstrates his ability to bring two worlds together, connecting this feeling of nostalgia with familiar works of art.

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Genesis, Michelangelo, 1512

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

David, Michelangelo, 1512

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Night Wanderer, Edward Hopper, 1942

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

American Gothic, Grant Wood, 1930

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

In Al's Bedroom, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Open Air Café of the Night, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Still Life, Curtains, Throwing Pots, Paul Cezanne, 1893–1894

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Ballet dancer, Edgar Degas, 1876–1877

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Empire of Light, René Magritte, 1943–1954

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Washington, Gilbert Stuart, 1797

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Girl in front of the Mirror, Pablo Picasso, 1932

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Sunday afternoon on Big Bowl Island, Georges-Pierre Seurat, 1884–1886

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Man Who Played Cards, Paul Cezanne, 1895

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Scarfed Maiden, Raffaello Sanzio, 1516

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Omiya E, Diego Velázquez, 1656

Adam Lister's pixel watercolor paintings, innovatively blending traditional watercolor techniques with the construction principles of modern geometry, make adjustments to the combination of light, perspective and line in the painting. In the finished work, Adam made the best demonstration, not only retaining the artistic characteristics of the original, but also adding his unique pixel style to it. This fusion of the two art forms is precisely the charm of his works.

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Maiden of Avignon, Pablo Picasso, 1907

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Pierre Gottreo, John Singer Sargent, 1884

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, 1503–1517

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Water Lilies, Claude Monet, 1906

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Olympia, Édouard Manet, 1863

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Ophelia, John Everett Millais, 1851–1852

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Paradise on Earth, Hieronymus Bosch, 1490–1510

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Princess Brogley, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1853

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Starry Night on the Rhône, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Arnolfinis, Jan van Eyck, 1434

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Birth of Venus, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1753 – 1775

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Surf Lane Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai, 1829–1833

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Kiss, Gustav Klimt, 1907–1908

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1503–1517

In the "Art History 101" collection, Adam Lister takes classical art as inspiration and blends modern and classic design elements while retaining its identity, injecting a childlike heart into traditional images. His paintings reflect both the rationality of geometric composition and the sensibility that can impress the viewer.

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Venus of Urbino, Tiziano Vecell, 1538

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

The Eternity of Memory, Salvador Dalí, 1931

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Scream, Edvard Munch, 1893

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Son of Man, René Magritte, 1964

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Traveler on the Sea of Fog, Caspar David Friedrich, 1818

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Starry Sky, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Three Sunflowers, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Self-portrait, Vincent van Gogh., 1889

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Twelve Sunflowers in a Vase, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Fifteen Sunflowers in a Vase, Vincent van Gogh., 1888

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

Cypress tree in a wheat field, Vincent van Gogh., 1889

Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor
Brand 丨 American illustrator Adam Lister: An art history hidden in pixel watercolor

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