
#Agronotechnical Science Contest #I have a lilac tree at home, which was purchased in June 2012 at the Kitakura Nursery. There was a vacant lot in front of my house, and it happened to be planted in a flower pond. I

author:The Celestials came to the Global Village

#Agronotechnical Science Contest #I have a lilac tree at home, which was purchased in June 2012 at the Kitakura Nursery. There was a vacant lot in front of my house, and it happened to be planted in a flower pond. I usually don't manage it much except to water it and apply fertilizer to him in the spring and autumn with dimmonia fertilizer.

However, there is a problem that has always bothered me, that is, every year after May Day, the lilac tree rolls its leaves, and I asked a few people who have a little agricultural knowledge, and they don't understand it. Finally, I asked an agricultural expert on the Internet, and the problem was finally solved.

The leaves of the lilac tree are actually directly related to the infection of pathogens, and its bark is very rough with pimples. I diluted it with "fungicide" carbendazim to irrigate the roots; I sprayed the leaves with carbendazim, and after doing so for two or three years, the lilac tree never rolled leaves again. I have to say that agricultural experts, that is, there is a technical content, you do not accept it! Thumbs up for him.

#Agronotechnical Science Contest #I have a lilac tree at home, which was purchased in June 2012 at the Kitakura Nursery. There was a vacant lot in front of my house, and it happened to be planted in a flower pond. I
#Agronotechnical Science Contest #I have a lilac tree at home, which was purchased in June 2012 at the Kitakura Nursery. There was a vacant lot in front of my house, and it happened to be planted in a flower pond. I
#Agronotechnical Science Contest #I have a lilac tree at home, which was purchased in June 2012 at the Kitakura Nursery. There was a vacant lot in front of my house, and it happened to be planted in a flower pond. I

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