
Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Introduction: In the spring and summer, many flowers and plants began to grow vigorously, showing the most beautiful state, but with the rise of temperature, there are 3 kinds of flowers in the summer must be less watered, will be more exuberant and greener and more beautiful, a pot can be raised for many years, super skinny, more and more beautiful, very attractive, people love!

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

In the summer, as the temperature rises, the sun becomes more brilliant, and some of the potted plants we raise on the terrace or on the roof garden, one thing to do every morning in the early spring is to water them, which is an indispensable and very important thing.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

As long as it does not rain, you have to water them, sometimes, in the case of wind, in the case of high winds, it is sunny again, almost twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening, such as moon flowers, blue snowflakes, hydrangeas, pomegranate flowers, almost every day to water.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

However, in the summer, there are also some plants and flowers in a semi-dormant or semi-dormant state, but should not be watered too much, too much watering, but easy to lead to black rot, or yellow leaves, or root system problems, these flowers in the summer high temperature must be less watering, in order to spend the summer more smoothly.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

3 kinds of flowers, summer must be less watering, more exuberant green flowers colorful, smoothly through the summer

1. Junzilan

In fact, in the summer, especially when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, its growth is slow, almost into a semi-dormant state, do not think that this time watering more is better, in fact, to water less, placed on the inside of the balcony, ventilation, the sun can not be sunshine.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

Less water is appropriate, the pot soil is not dry, do not water more, pour more, the temperature is high, its fleshy root system is easy to rot, but also easy to rot leaves, so in the summer, remember not to let the pot soil too wet, in order to smoothly spend the summer, shade and sunscreen, the leaves will be green and beautiful and better looking.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

2. Geranium

In the summer, although some geraniums are still flowering non-stop, but most of the geraniums have begun to enter semi-dormancy, in the case of high temperatures, on the one hand, do not expose, to be placed in the shade, on the one hand, to reduce the temperature, the most important thing is not to water too much.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

With the rise of temperature, it is necessary to appropriately reduce watering, and try not to rain, long-term rain, will lead to wet pot soil, resulting in the production of germs, easy to dry leaves, rotten roots and stems. As long as it is placed in a cool and ventilated place and watered less, it can pass the summer smoothly, and the autumn begins to grow formally, and it will grow very vigorously, constantly flowering, very bright and beautiful.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful
Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

3. Longevity flowers

It is also a plant with a long flowering period, its meaning is very good, the flowering is also very beautiful, there are many types of longevity flowers, all kinds of flower colors are very beautiful, winter and spring flowering, a whole spring flowering non-stop, a flower can last for a long time, just like the fake flower is as perfect.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful
Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

It grows vigorously in autumn and spring, you can water a little more, but in the summer high temperature, is dormant, growth stagnation, on the one hand do not expose, on the one hand is to control water, it likes dry growth environment, pot soil if not dry, absolutely do not water again.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

Summer maintenance must do a good job of water control, after the summer, remember the pot soil water, so as not to cause rotten roots or leaves. As long as you spend the summer, the autumn begins to grow vigorously again, and many flower buds grow in the winter, and the flowers are very bright and beautiful.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

These three kinds of flowers, as long as they have spent the summer, other seasons are easy to maintain and manage, a pot can be raised for a long time, raise for many years without problems, especially longevity, summer maintenance is very critical, well raised, the state of the branches and leaves is very beautiful, thicker and more beautiful.

Raise these "3 kinds of flowers" in the summer, the more watering is less, the more vigorous and blooming, the skin is beautiful

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