
Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided


Recently, a number of consumers complained online that they ate insect eggs in the badan wood nuts purchased in the Baicaowei physical store and the Tmall flagship store.

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided
Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

High energy ahead

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Image source: Black Cat Complaint

Recently, a reporter contacted the customer service of the Flagship Store of Baicaowei Tmall as a consumer, and the customer service of Baicaowei said that Badan wood is an agricultural and sideline product, and for agricultural and sideline products, the state also has strict management requirements for pesticide use, even if it is a pesticide sanitize, it is impossible to guarantee the killing of all insect eggs.

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Badan wood itself is an agricultural and sideline product and accompanied by a shell; if the flesh has been invaded by insects during the flowering period, the internal insect moths are caused in the subsequent processing process, but the appearance is normal and cannot be completely eliminated during the processing process, and there may be a very rare case of insects. ”

In this regard, on May 12, Tan Shujing, head of the public relations department of Baicaowei, said: "For the product problems reported on the Internet, we have apologized to consumers and compensated, and reached a consensus (to solve). At that time, the response of customer service was a reply from a media call to ask 'why there are worms in Badanmu', and we will not respond to this question for the time being. ”

Badan Muri eats bugs, and this is not the first time it has happened. On July 9, 2020, some consumers reported on the black cat complaint that they had eaten a large bug in the herb-flavored badan wood purchased online, and there were many eggs.

High energy ahead

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Image source: Black Cat Complaint

In fact, the problem of Badan wood worm eggs not only occurred in the hundred grass flavor, but also three squirrels were also caught. On February 28 this year, some netizens posted on Weibo that they bought a pack of three squirrels that ate the insects by hand peeling the badan wood.

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Image source: Weibo netizen @ Huajian Fisherman

According to the outer packaging information of baicao flavored dan wood related products, the product standards implemented by badan wood are mainly: GB/T22165 and GB 19300, which have no relevant provisions for insect moths.

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

According to the "SBT10673-2012 Ripe Almonds (Almond Wood) Kernels and Kernels" previously issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the insect erosion rate of almond kernels (almond wood) should be less than 3%, and the insect erosion rate of almond kernels (almond wood) should be less than 1.5%.

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Baicaowei is a leisure snack brand originating in Hangzhou, opened the first physical store in 2003, transformed online in 2010, successively settled in Taobao Mall, Jingdong and other e-commerce platforms, in 2012, Baicaowei participated in Tmall Double 11 for the second time, with single-day sales exceeding 5 million.

In 2016, Baicaowei was acquired by Haoxiangyou for 960 million yuan, and in 2020, it sold itself to PepsiCo for $705 million.

In the past, Baicaowei and three squirrels and good shops were called the three giants of Internet leisure snacks, and in the competition in previous years, Baicaowei ranked third in performance. With the gradual decline of online traffic dividends, Since 2017, Baicaowei has begun to lay out offline, and in June 2021, Baicaowei also released offline stores to join.

In this regard, some netizens think

It is normal for bugs to appear in nut foods


Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Some netizens also said

Merchants should do a good job of quality control

Such a dense concentration of eggs

It's a little hard to accept

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided
Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

Shanghai News Broadcasting is integrated from Southern Metropolis Daily, Jimu News, and China Quality News Network

Editor: Chen Li

Editor-in-Charge: Min Chen

Get one’s dander up! Nuts eat dense insect eggs, customer service response: can not be avoided

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