
Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

author:A lion who can't write

Live alone

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 Dried root of Umbellifera plant heavy tooth hair angelica

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Sexual Taste】 Hard, bitter, warm. It belongs to the kidneys, liver, and bladder meridians

【Performance characteristics】This product is hard and warm, and the medicinal power is slower than that of Qiang. The effect is partial to the lower, the main scattered in the wind and yellow wet and Tongli joint pain relief, especially good at curing the headache of the less yin volt wind and the cold and wet paralysis of the lower body.

【Efficacy】Relieve rheumatism, relieve pain, relieve table

【Application】 1, wind chill and wet paralysis, waist and knee pain

2. The table is wet

3. Less yin headache, wet and itchy skin

【Matching】Qianghuo with solo living, Qiang active temperature, function cold dispelling wind, victory dampness and pain relief, publication, good dispersion of muscle surface swimming wind and cold and wet, treatment of upper body cold and wet paralysis; single living micro-temperature, functional rheumatism, cold and pain relief, publishing, good scattered in the wind and cold and damp, treatment of cold and wet paralysis below the waist. The two drugs are used together, go to the table, disperse wind and cold and dampness, and cure rheumatism and paralysis.



Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 Dried roots and rhizomes of the ranunculaceae plant Wellingspringen

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Sexual taste】Spicy, salty, warm. Attribution to the bladder meridian

【Performance characteristics】This product is spicy and warm, strong channeling power, not only good at dispelling rheumatism, passing through the meridians, but also for the treatment of cold and damp limb cramps or numbness of the essential medicine; but also can eliminate phlegm water, remove bone fish, for the treatment of phlegm drink accumulation and the throat of the bones of the carp commonly used.

【Effect】Relieve rheumatism, pass through the meridians, eliminate phlegm water, cure bone fish

【Application】1, wind chill and wet paralysis, limb cramps, paralysis and numbness

2. Phlegm accumulation, the throat of the bones

【Dosage】5-10g, 30g for bone fish

Defend yourself

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 The roots of plants of the family Acephalus are powdered against themselves, wood against themselves, etc. or plants of the Aristolochiaceae family. Powder defends itself in the habit of calling itself Han defensive

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

Bitter, spicy, cold. Return to the bladder, kidneys, and spleen meridians

【Performance characteristics】Han defense is longer than water and swelling, wood defense and wide defense are longer than wind and pain relief

【Application】1, rheumatism and pain, especially fever paralysis is preferred

2. Edema, ascites, edema of athlete's foot, unfavorable urination

【Dosage and usage】 5-10g, treatment of edema and urine should be used to prevent themselves, rheumatism and pain should be used to prevent themselves or widely defend themselves


Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 Dried roots of gentian plants such as Qin Gang

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

Bitter, spicy, slightly cold. Return to the stomach, liver, bile meridians

【Effect】Dispel rheumatism, relax muscles, clear hypothermia, dampness and yellowing

【Application】1, rheumatic fever paralysis, rheumatic and wet paralysis, manifestation of wetness.

2. Bone steaming hot flashes, hot and humid jaundice


Xu Changqing

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 Dried roots or rhizomes of Xu Changqing, a plant of the Family Radix

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Sexual taste returns to the scriptures】Spicy, warm. Return to the liver and stomach meridians.

【Performance characteristics】This product is xin scattered and warm, the work is in the spleen and stomach, which is good at dispelling wind and relieving pain, and can also activate blood circulation, anti-itching and detoxification. It is an essential medicine for the treatment of wind paralysis or paralysis

【Effect】Relieve wind and pain, activate blood circulation, relieve itching, and detoxify snakes

【Application】 1, rheumatic paralysis, toothache, postoperative pain, cancer swelling pain

2. Bruises, swelling and pain, rubella, eczema, stubborn ringworm, single snake bite



Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism
Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 Dried ripe fruit of Rosaceae plants with begonias and papayas

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Sexual taste】 sour, warm. Return to the liver and spleen meridians

【Effect】Relax the muscles and activate the network, dissolve dampness and medium, and make a stomach warm

【Application】1, relax the muscles and activate the network, dissolve dampness and medium, raw and appetizing

2. Vomiting and turning tendons caused by wet turbidity obstruction are commonly used drugs for treating rheumatism, paralysis, acid, heavy contraction, numbness, and vomiting and diarrhea

3. Indigestion certificate


Mulberry parasitism

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Source】 Mulberry parasitic or mistletoe parasitizes dried banded stems and branches of mulberry parasitics

Rheumatism medicine - Du Huo, Welling Immortal, Self-Defense, Qin Gang, Xu Changqing, Papaya, Mulberry Parasitism

【Sexual Taste Returns】 Bitter, Sweet, Flat. Return to the liver and kidney meridians

【Effect】Dispel rheumatism, tonify liver and kidneys, strengthen muscles and bones, and install fetuses

【Application】1, rheumatism pain, waist and knee pain

2. Liver and kidney deficiency, fetal leakage caused by non-consolidation, fetal restlessness, is the essential medicine for the treatment of liver and kidney deficiency fetal restlessness.


For everyone's study and reference!

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