
Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

Menopause is a stage that women must go through, the main features are the degradation of ovarian function, insufficient secretion of estrogen in the body, and then a series of symptoms occur, such as night sweats, emotional instability, menstrual changes, etc.

Menopause is a high-risk period for a variety of diseases, such as gynecological tumors, osteoporosis, and three highs, so it is necessary to do a good job in prevention and control, and eat more alkaline foods to supplement estrogen.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

What are the symptoms of low estrogen in women?

First: osteoporosis, back pain

Estrogen promotes muscle protein synthesis, strengthens calcium deposition in bones, and can cause bone loss if estrogen levels in the blood are greatly reduced.

With ovarian hypofunction, women at about the age of 35 bone metabolism begin to appear negative balance, resulting in osteoporosis, especially in women during menopause, bones will become lighter, brittle, easy to fracture, shortened height, hunchback, the symptoms of back pain.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

Second: dull skin

There are many estrogen receptors in the skin, these receptors can make the skin more plump, moisturized, shiny, if the estrogen in the body drops, it will cause the skin to be drier, darker, lack of luster, and wrinkles will be more obvious.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat 6 more alkaline foods, and supplement with estrogen

1. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has antioxidant properties that help eliminate free radicals that form wrinkles, while dark chocolate also helps to improve blood flow, effectively promotes blood circulation speed, and is important for cell repair.

The bioactive compounds in dark chocolate are beneficial to the skin, and flavonols help prevent sun damage and improve blood flow to the skin.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

2. Houttuynia cordata

It is more common in the countryside, it can not only be eaten as a cold dish, but also as a medicinal herb, because it has a very heavy fishy smell, some people are more disgusted with its taste.

However, it is used as a natural antibiotic ingredient, which is often consumed in normal times, which can play a role in clearing heat, detoxification, sterilization and anti-inflammatory, and women usually take some houttuynia cordata and can also activate blood and regulate menstruation.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

3. Milk

After women enter the menopause period, due to the obvious slowdown in metabolism, the overall calorie intake every day needs to be controlled, which is conducive to the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases, and the cholesterol content in milk fat is lower than meat and eggs, which are high in protein and calcium content, and are also rich in protein, sugar and vitamins, which are very suitable for menopausal women to eat, it is recommended that menopausal women drink high-calcium, low-fat milk will be better.

4. Sugarcane

Sugarcane contains a large number of trace elements, and the iron content is high, and the iron element will achieve the effect of replenishing qi and blood after entering the human body.

Especially for menopausal women, qi and blood will be seriously affected, at this time eat more sugarcane, can effectively whiten the skin, increase the secretion of estrogen.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

5. Purple lentils

This type of vegetable looks very appetizing, but this vegetable not only has a beautiful appearance, which is rich in nutritional value, because purple lentils are rich in flavonoids, which are nutrients that the female body needs.

If a woman experiences menopause, it means that the uterus is short of flavonoids, so you can eat more flavonoids, which is beneficial to the health of the uterus, helps the uterus to improve immunity, and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

At the same time, purple lentils, rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, can make the skin more and more supple, which anthocyanins, can eliminate skin free radicals, antioxidants, is conducive to delaying aging, maintenance of the uterus.

Women should not be too frugal during menopause, eat more than 6 alkaline foods, or can supplement with estrogen

6. Coix kernel

Coix seed taste sweet and slightly cold, conducive to water swelling, healthy spleen dampness, heat and pus removal and other effects, is a kind of spleen effect is excellent food, if the spleen and stomach is not good, loss of appetite, or a small amount of eating is prone to bloating, you can often eat coix kernel, can effectively alleviate the phenomenon of bloating.

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