
It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

author:Huinong Circle

Summer is coming, and in addition to barbecue, the most popular thing is probably the crayfish! As an exotic species, crayfish were originally one of the most hated pests by farmers, but they were made into a delicacy. I have to say that in terms of "eating", the Chinese people have studied it very thoroughly.

Although the crayfish does not have much meat and is very troublesome to eat, some people love it. The average price of crayfish in the market is now more than 40 yuan a catty, although the recent wave of price diving, the price in some areas fell to more than 20 yuan a catty, but overall this price is not cheap.

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

When crayfish has just been put on the table by the majority of consumers, the price has remained high, and for friends who love to eat crayfish, it can only be prohibitive. In recent years, with the increase in crayfish farmers, the price of crayfish has also been declining. This allows friends who love crayfish to eat and feast.

But many people do not know that there is actually a kind of "native" crayfish in our country, which was very common when I was a child, and people often fished to eat. It tasted much more delicious than the crayfish you eat now! So what exactly is this homegrown "crayfish"? And why haven't they been around in the past few years?

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

"Domestic Northeast crayfish" cockroach

In the northeast, there is a kind of "big head shrimp", which is also called "Northeast crayfish" because it looks like a crayfish. This shrimp from the northeast is scientifically called the scorpion.

In appearance, the cockroach and the crayfish look very similar. It's just that the cockroach is much smaller than the crayfish, and there are three pairs of footlets with a jaw, so it is also called a shrimp.

The cockroach is cleaner than the crayfish

Compared to crayfish, the cockroaches are much cleaner. Friends who often eat crayfish know that crayfish have a strong ability to reproduce, and there are no requirements for the growth environment, even if it is in the mud, it can grow well. That's why moms don't let them eat crayfish.

In contrast, the cockroach is very demanding in the environment, and it must survive in clear river water. Cockroaches are very sensitive to chemicals, pesticides, etc., and if there is a little bit of water left, the cockroaches will die. So if there are terracotta where there are, it means that the ecological environment here is very good.

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

The cockroaches are more delicious than the crayfish

Compared with crayfish, the taste of the cockroach is more delicious, which actually has a lot to do with the growth environment of the cockroach. The cockroaches must live in an environment with good water quality, so there will be no muddy smell like crayfish. Although most of the crayfish on our table are now farmed, the innate habit of crayfish makes it inevitably carry a muddy smell. Therefore, most of the cooking methods of crayfish are based on heavy oil and heavy salt.

But the cockroaches will not have this muddy taste, and if you simply cook it, the taste will be very delicious. And the flesh of the cockroach is very tender, and the entrance is slippery. In the northeast, there is a dish called "tofu", this dish is to shell the cockroach, crush the flesh of the cockroach, the flesh is as tender as tofu.

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

Why doesn't anyone eat a cockroach now?

Since the cadmie has so many advantages, why is it that the figure of the cadlug is not seen on the market now? Why don't people eat native clams and eat crayfish that are so expensive?

In fact, it is mainly because the worm is the intermediate host of lung flukes, if the eating of the worm is not thoroughly cooked, the lung fluke can not be completely killed, and people will have an impact on the body after eating it. So in order to avoid this situation, people do not dare to eat cockroaches, and over time, fewer and fewer people eat cockroaches.

It is also very important to note that it is no longer allowed to catch butterflies. Because of the high requirements of the growth environment, it is difficult to carry out artificial breeding, so artificially farmed cockroaches in the market are also rare. In contrast, farmers prefer to raise crayfish that survive.

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

Nowadays, the price of cockroaches is more expensive than that of crayfish

Since May, crayfish have been affected by various conditions, and the price has been falling all the way. In contrast, the price of the cockroach is much higher. Decades ago, the price of cockroaches was only a few dollars, but now it sells for dozens of yuan, and some areas even exceed 100 yuan a catty. Mainly because the caddisflies have high requirements for water quality, and the growth cycle is long, the survival rate is low, so the number of wild slugs has decreased sharply, and the number of artificial cultures is not much. Therefore, the number of clams on the market is small, and the rarity is expensive.

If we can't afford to eat expensive clams, then honestly eat crayfish! There are so many crayfish on the market, how to buy it?

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

How to buy good crayfish?

Crayfish have two colors, and many people only know how to eat them, but they don't know which of the two colors is better. In fact, the two colors of crayfish have their own advantages, cyan is juvenile crayfish, red is adult shrimp. So is it better to buy juvenile shrimp or adult shrimp?

This is mainly based on personal preferences, crayfish juvenile shrimp meat is relatively tender, the shrimp meat is relatively old, but at the same time the shrimp meat is tighter. And the shell of the adult shrimp is relatively hard, and it takes longer to cook to taste.

It looks like a crayfish, and the taste is better than that of crayfish, so why is "domestic crayfish" rarely seen

In addition, the purchase of crayfish should pay attention to take a look at the crayfish belly, try to buy the belly is white, if the crayfish belly is black, it means that the water quality of its life is not very good, such crayfish not only taste bad, but also easily polluted.

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