
Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come

author:Fortune AI lesson

Congress legislated to ban the sale of crayfish

According to relevant reports, Japan passed the revised version of the Alien Biological Law on the 11th Congress, which means that the sale of crayfish will be banned in the future.

Not only are the well-known crayfish, but also the same treatment is enjoyed by the release of Mississippi red-eared turtles.

#日本立法禁止出售小龙虾 #

Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come

Why do you refer to crayfish?

For hemp small, crayfish so big move, what is the intention? It aims to strengthen countermeasures against alien species that may affect ecosystems and better prevent the further spread of these alien species.

It is understood that the scientific name of crayfish "Protocrayfish Crawfish" is a proper "imported product", native to North America, especially in the southern United States Louisiana;

Due to its scavenger nature, Japan was initially introduced as feed for raising bullfrogs, but unexpectedly, bullfrogs did not feed a few, but crayfish quickly swept through Japan, except for a few islands that are really difficult to enter, almost occupying the entire territory of Japan.

What is even more frightening is that these tenacious crayfish, which still have teeth and claws and resemble alien creatures, have completely squeezed out the living space of species living in Japan, many of which are now endangered.

Japan has also recently begun to try to send crayfish into restaurants, but most of the buyers are Chinese.

Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come

Mainland crayfish come from Japan

According to relevant reports, the way of raising crayfish on the mainland also happens to be introduced from Japan in the last century, and was first used as animal feed or to treat dirt.

YiGe incidentally searched the Internet for the history of the introduction of crayfish into China, crayfish were introduced to China from Japan around 1927 or 1929, due to its scavengivity, in the early years the Internet had rumored that "crayfish were introduced to help Japan dispose of corpses";

However, according to the research of many experts and scholars, it is likely that it was also introduced as food or pets at that time, and later mistakenly entered the pond and river, and once flooded in China.

Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come

One world, one treatment

Compared with the treatment of "entering the cold palace and pronouncing the death penalty" in Japan, the treatment of crayfish in China can be described as a "popular star", and the history of Chinese people eating crayfish dates back to the fifties and sixties, most likely because of regulating life, supplementing nutrition, and then the profundity and inclusiveness of Chinese cuisine have played a role;

"Original Krascher's crawfish" began to walk out of the sewage ditch, wild river ditch, into the intensive pond, from the bottom of the food chain at the beginning, from being preyed by inferior animals in the most primitive way, from bullfrog feed accessories, jumping up to replace bullfrogs, cutting off this middleman, directly to the table!

This is an evolutionary inspirational history of the biological world, in order to change their subordinate position in people's tables, they endure dirty and chaotic environments, do not picky eating and living, seriously dig holes, and diligently breed offspring, just to become the star "spicy crayfish" on the table.

Of course, at this moment, it is no longer small! Dragon! Shrimp! It has become possessed by the God Eater! It made it into the World Cup of the Chinese Food Festival! It's in!

Of course, there are not only spicy flavors, but also spicy, minced garlic, five spices, thirteen spices, original taste... There are also some new flavors, such as cheese, durian, milk flavor, etc., you can eat more than shrimp tails, shrimp balls, shrimp yellow, shrimp tongs, of course, eat more than brine, boil, grill, steam, braised, salt baked... He even developed a table of thirteen ways to eat "crayfish full of Han full table"! Moreover, the eating method and taste are still iteratively updated, and it seems that each eating method has not been able to realize the edible potential of crayfish.

With the development of e-commerce, takeaway and logistics, crayfish has changed from traditional store catering and food stalls to "home travel, camping parties, decompression and hunger, and essential medicine".

In order to learn more systematically how to tap the delicious and economic potential of crayfish, people have even opened a crayfish academy, specializing in breeding and cooking, e-commerce sales, etc. Crayfish from the abundant production areas such as Jiangsu Xuyi, Hubei Qianjiang, Hunan Yiyang and other places to the whole country, from the earliest food stall Qianjiang oil braised prawns Changsha flavor shrimp, into Changsha shrimp Slope Super Wenheyou, Wuhan beautiful steamed shrimp Bali lobster, Beijing Guijie Hu Mari small lamp super brand, people flock to this delicacy.

Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come

Netizens see it this way

In this regard, netizens have talked about it, some said, "Why do you do it, yesterday 6 people ate 13 pounds, not enough to eat what to do?" ”

Some say, "I can't even eat."

Some people say, "The invasion of alien organisms still needs to be paid attention to, crayfish can still be eaten, and Brazilian turtles are really deadly."

Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come
Outburst! Japan legislates to ban the sale of crayfish! Netizen: Let go of that basket of hemp small, let me come

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