
During the barbecue season, does Japan's legislation banning the sale of crayfish affect the scale of farming and the interest of foodies?

author:Sannong code

#农技科普大赛 #

According to CCTV Finance, the Japanese Diet voted on May 11, 2022 to pass the revised Alien Biological Law, which will prohibit the sale or release of Mississippi red-eared turtles and crayfish in the future. The revised Alien Biological Law aims to strengthen countermeasures against alien species that may affect ecosystems.

During the barbecue season, does Japan's legislation banning the sale of crayfish affect the scale of farming and the interest of foodies?

This huge move has directly aroused the world's hot discussion, accounting for the fourth place in the global hot discussion list. At the same time, Chinese foodies immediately fried the pot, will it affect the crayfish business in the summer barbecue stalls? Can I eat crayfish every day? Enterprises and individuals who farm crayfish also pay attention to the comments and wind direction of all aspects in real time, and a small crayfish also occupies the sixth place in the headline hot list.

During the barbecue season, does Japan's legislation banning the sale of crayfish affect the scale of farming and the interest of foodies?

Judging from the focus of netizens' comments, there are nothing more than three aspects, one is whether Japan brought crayfish to China is a problem of whether it is a special pit Chinese, one is a health problem, one is the problem of which groups do not eat, whether it is good or not, in fact, how many people will eat in the future, whether the price will rise or not, and whether it can continue to breed.

The first question is the origin and plot of the crayfish.

China's existing crayfish is indeed after the fall of Nanjing, the Japanese are in the island country, rich in aquatic and seafood resources, originally did not like to eat crayfish, in order to breed bullfrogs, the crayfish as feed for bullfrogs brought in, is not the so-called biochemical force of the reason, which has formed a consensus in China. Crayfish in foreign countries belong to dangerous alien species, if not good will cause flooding, did not expect to enter China, at the beginning because of the small number, no one paid attention to him, began to expand in the tropical and subtropical regions of the frenzied territory. Who knows the unexpected end in China, that is, the wild crayfish have been eaten to the point of extinction and have to take measures to protect it. Today's crayfish are basically farmed crayfish.

During the barbecue season, does Japan's legislation banning the sale of crayfish affect the scale of farming and the interest of foodies?

The second problem is the hygiene of crayfish.

As the saying goes, when the water is clear, there are no fish, while crayfish are freshwater creatures that cannot survive in seawater, but can only live in wetlands, swamps, lakes, streams and ditches with shallow water layers and abundant aquatic plants, and can also temporarily enter ditches, farmland and ponds. Because crayfish are highly resistant to pollution, they can survive normally in highly polluted water. Crayfish are omnivorous animals, feeding on aquatic weeds, plankton, algae, small fish and shrimp, benthic organisms, aquatic insects, animal carcasses, silt, etc., have the habit of cannibalism, therefore, the crayfish body will be attached to a large number of dirty things, the gills contain a lot of bacteria, if not sterilized and carefully cleaned, it will indeed bring people diseases and other unhealthy factors.

During the barbecue season, does Japan's legislation banning the sale of crayfish affect the scale of farming and the interest of foodies?

Who doesn't like to eat crayfish?

There are hundreds of mouths in the family, and everyone has them. In China, some people like to eat rice, some people like to eat steamed buns, some people can't do without potatoes every day, some people can't eat sweet potatoes by nature, let alone aquatic products? At least 40% of China's people do not eat aquatic products often, and 10% of northerners absolutely do not eat fish and shrimp.

Of course, with the improvement of people's material life, some people who have not eaten crayfish will also taste early, some people are afraid of safety and retreat, there will also be some people because crayfish are only spicy and choose not to ask, and some people think that crayfish is not as delicious as seafood, so the crayfish market will definitely not be hot because Japan prohibits the sale of crayfish.

During the barbecue season, does Japan's legislation banning the sale of crayfish affect the scale of farming and the interest of foodies?

Some netizens laughed: "The first date is indispensable to crayfish, when the breakup is not crayfish, there is no sense of ceremony, the epidemic is over, do not eat crayfish to celebrate, how to meet?" ”

Because of this, China's crayfish market will not be depressed because some people do not like it, and people and companies that cultivate crayfish will not be able to abandon this profitable project because of Japan's decision.

In contrast, what are your high opinions?

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