
Wild vegetables are timely, eat with caution, and this guide is worth collecting

author:Red Net

RedNet Moment News Reporter Liu Xuan reported from Changsha

There are more than 300 kinds of wild vegetables in the mainland, but there are only dozens of kinds for people to eat, such as: purslane, mustard greens, quinoa, bracken, etc. Eat a little seasonal wild vegetables in spring and summer, which has a good health care effect. However, every year, wild vegetable allergies and poisoning occur due to the accidental consumption of poisonous wild vegetables.

Recently, the Hunan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau has made a reminder on how to choose wild vegetables: unfamiliar and unknown wild vegetables, do not pick, avoid eating poisonous wild vegetables by mistake; when picking wild vegetables, avoid polluted areas, such as chemical plants, sewage, highways, landfills and other areas, to avoid eating polluted wild vegetables; at present, wild vegetables such as toon, watercress, alfalfa and other wild vegetables have achieved large-scale planting, if you want to taste early, try to go to the regular market or supermarket to buy; buy or pick wild vegetables as much as possible to reduce storage time, eat as soon as possible, So as not to cause deterioration due to improper storage; taste early, do not eat. Especially the elderly, infants, pregnant women, lactating women, and people with allergies should eat as little or not as much as possible; if they are unwell after eating wild vegetables, they should promptly induce vomiting, and carry the remaining wild vegetables and vomit to seek medical treatment in time.

【These can not be eaten】

Hook kiss

Hook-kissed whole plants are toxic, with roots and young leaves being the most toxic and extremely neurotoxic. Oral poisoning is mainly manifested as numbness in the limbs, difficulty swallowing, diplopia, ptosis, respiratory paralysis, etc., and in severe cases, it can lead to death. But it is very similar to honeysuckle and is easily eaten by mistake. Hook kiss and honeysuckle (scientific name honeysuckle) are both Chinese medicinal materials, although the two are different families of plants, but the leaf shape is similar, are yellow flowers, they flowering period is also similar, are plant vines, but honeysuckle is not toxic, if the hook kiss is mistakenly used as honeysuckle feeding, it can be poisoned, or even die.

Wild vegetables are timely, eat with caution, and this guide is worth collecting

Hook kiss

Poisonous parsley

Alias walking horse parsley, wild celery flower, poisonous parsley contains a highly toxic substance called "celery", to mature seeds are the most toxic, because it grows more similar to water celery, and the two are also easy to grow in the same place, so you must pay attention to identification when picking. After accidental ingestion, symptoms such as oropharyngeal burning, salivation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, swallowing and difficulty speaking may occur, and in severe cases, death due to respiratory paralysis may occur.

Wild vegetables are timely, eat with caution, and this guide is worth collecting

Poisonous parsley

Datura stramonium

Mandala whole grass is poisonous, with fruits, especially seeds, being the most toxic, followed by young leaves, and dried leaves are less toxic than fresh leaves. Mandala poisoning, generally half an hour after eating, the fastest 20 minutes to appear symptoms, the latest no more than 3 hours, symptoms mostly disappear within 24 hours or basically disappear, severe cases after 24 hours into fainting, spasm, cyanosis, and finally fainting death.

Wild vegetables are timely, eat with caution, and this guide is worth collecting

Datura stramonium

【Beware of these】

Whether eating wild vegetables will cause adverse reactions is related to the type of wild vegetables, the amount of eating, and the difference in personal physique. Wild vegetables such as houttuynia cordata and wild garlic contain allergic substances and are prone to allergic reactions. Such as purslane, after some people with allergies eat it, if the skin is exposed to the sun, it is easy to induce solar dermatitis, and symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching and even blisters appear in the eyelids, face, neck and arms. In addition, most of the wild vegetables in spring have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, most wild vegetables are cold foods, people with weak spleen and stomach should not eat, easy to cause indigestion, and even cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

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