
Introduction to Schromer Sander's The Fictional Jewish Nation

author:Yaohua twenty-five

【Revised on 2022.5.10】

After the Arab conquest of Palestine, native Jews converted to Islam, forming the modern Palestinians, after which the Jews were divided into two branches, north and south.

South Branch: Islamized Jews who followed the Arabs in running the Apennine And Iberian Peninsulas, were once involved in organizing the Jesuits, and were closely associated with the "Renaissance" (secondary school Westerners) and colonial plunder.

North Branch: In the 8th and 12th centuries, the Turkic Khazarians (i.e., Qajar) established the Jewish faith. Later, the Khazarian kingdom was destroyed by the Russian-Eastern Roman alliance, and a large number of Khazarians moved to Central Europe, forming the "Ashkenazi Jews", the main source of contemporary Israelis.

Mr. Yi Tianli discovered that Ye would forge the "Kaifeng Jews", and Mr. Ha Qing discovered that Ye would forge the Jingjiao Monument. The "Great Qin Jingjiao Popular Chinese Monument" is a product of a joint forgery between JinniGe and Wang Zheng in 1625. Not only is the origin of this stele completely unknown, but it is also completely unverifiable in Chinese historical materials. In the final details, concepts such as "Great Qin", "Jingjiao", "China", "Arroben" and "Lü Xiuyan" are inconsistent with the historical facts at that time, which can be described as unmistakable. The "Kaifeng Jews" were also forged by the missionaries of the late Ming Dynasty, and there was a special article on tianli.

Some people turn a blind eye to ironclad evidence, is this really the attitude that scholars should have? Some scholars in Israel have long discovered that the Jewish nation and the land of Israel are really fictional, and now they are still holding the dead concept of "blue hat return"? Many people put these ironclad evidences in front of them, and they may be dismissive in their hearts, thinking that they have seen it more thoroughly, but what is the difference between making history for the Jews and believing in western pseudo-history? The Jews were eager to become the "rich merchants of the Yuan Dynasty", so they went crazy to forge, and as a result, they helped a lot. "Falsification by perjury" is a great misunderstanding, should not it be reflected?

The main achievement of the Second Western History Discrimination and Falsification Forum was the deconstruction of the pseudo-history of the Yejing and the pseudo-archaeology of the Jehovah. These two were first pointed out by Mr. He Xin. Before the 11th century, the fictional Jewish people were just a religious concept, and the Yuan Dynasty had not yet become synonymous with the spirit of capitalism, and "Jews and Modern Capitalism" probably did not understand who was before and who was behind Jews and capitalism.


The Fictional Jewish Nation is a historical work written by Schromer Sander from the standpoint of the "citizen of Israel", which confirms that the "Jewish nation" is a fictional historical entity through the analysis of history and mythology. [1] Schromer Sander himself was a "Polish Jew" who taught at Tel Aviv University in Israel and the French Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences, and his writings were once highly controversial. [2]

We should note that the historical genealogy of the Jews is closely related to and different from the Western pseudohistory system of the Germans. The historical narrative subjects of the two are different, the former is Jewish, the latter is Indo-European. The book is aimed at the Jewish system of pseudohistory (i.e., the "Egyptian model"), but does not touch on the core issues of Western historical falsification, such as the "Pseudohistory of Greece".

However, the present-day view of falsification has emerged to a greater or lesser extent in the book, such as the author's quotations from ancient texts often complaining about how unrealistic their data is. Therefore, we should not ignore the important reference significance of works such as "The Fictional Jewish Nation" for the identification of contemporary Western history. Moreover, the author is good at quoting from the sidelines, has a clear understanding of many documents, and also provides a wealth of literature and academic sources for the identification of Western history.

Introduction to Schromer Sander's The Fictional Jewish Nation

Schromer Sander, translated by Wang Junxing and Zhang Rong, CITIC Publishing House.

I will summarize "The Fictional Jewish Nation" as follows.

(1) The "Jewish people" is a fictional Zionist concept

Schromer Sander points out that what Zionists call the "Jewish nation" today is a purely fictional concept, and that the Jews have not been a wise "nation" since the beginning of time, as the Bible says. [3] In fact, the composition of the Jews was extremely complex, many of them from Arabs and Turks, whose only bond was their belief in the same God.

The reason for this, we can find, is that in the mid-to-late 19th century, some European Jews launched a "Zionist" movement, declaring that the Jews must regain the land and country that belonged to their ancestors, otherwise they will eventually be destroyed. They eventually "found" the ancestral land where the Jews lived before they were "exiled" by the Romans, which was Palestine. This claim claims that the Romans "exiled" the ancestors of today's Jews, leaving them now homeless. This was heavily promoted by the Jewish elite, and many people were convinced of it.

(2) Early Jews were not "exiled" but converted

Schromer Sander points out that while it is true that the Romans suppressed the Jews in 70 AD, it is complete nonsense to say that the Romans "exiled" the ancestors of the Jewish people from the local area. "Exile", like the concept of the "Jewish nation", is a historical fiction. In fact, the Romans never "exiled" any of the people in the Near East who submitted to it, as summarized in the author's examination:

(1) The productivity and production levels at that time were not sufficient to support "exile". The exile of the conquered population would lead to a significant reduction in the number of people cultivating land and taxpayers, which would not be conducive to the consolidation of rule. In terms of the power of the state at the time, the Roman rulers "apparently did not exile all the people of the eastern countries they conquered, nor could they do so—because there were no trucks, trains, or large ships that the modern world could use." ”[1]

(2) The Jewish War by the ancient Roman historian Flavio Josephus is the only source of literature on the Jewish "exile" theory, and there is no other evidence in terms of literature and ruins. "The destruction did not extend throughout the Kingdom of Judea, but mainly affected Jerusalem and some other fortified cities. Josephus estimated that 1.1 million people died in the siege of Jerusalem and the ensuing massacre, 97,000 were captured, and thousands were killed in other cities. Sander pointed out that the weak kingdom of Judea "does not exist such a big city." A prudent estimate suggests that Jerusalem at the time probably had between 60,000 and 70,000 inhabitants. ”[1]

(3) The author cites a large number of sources to prove that the original Jews were not "exiled" but converted to Christianity and Islam. Around the 4th century AD, Christianity gradually emerged and eventually became the state religion of the Eastern Roman Empire, leading some Jews to convert to Christianity. By the 7th century, Islam was on the rise of the Arabian Peninsula. Between 638 and 643 AD, Islamic armies captured Palestine. As Jews were treated more tolerantly under The influence of Islam than in the past, Jews living in Palestine converted to Islam in large numbers. If Palestine is really the ancestral land of the Jews, then the Palestinians today are the true and legitimate heirs of those ancestors. [2]

(3) The contemporary Jewish subject was formed in Qajar and Eastern Europe

The Jews were formed through the spread of religion. "In the Kingdom of Qajar, Judaization began with immigrants who convinced the pagans that their faith was preferable. With the rise of the Kingdom of Hasmon, a massive mass conversion movement that began in the 2nd century BC reached its peak in the Kingdom of Qajar in the 8th century AD. ”[1]

In the 8th and 12th centuries AD, the Kingdom of Qajar between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea established Judaism as its state religion, thus forming the Qajar Jews. In 1016 AD, a coalition of Eastern Rome and Russia attacked and defeated the Kingdom of Qajar. After the fall of the Kingdom of Qajar, the Jews of Qajar went into exile and eventually gathered in Eastern Europe. In Eastern Europe, they formed the national language Yidixu, which marked the true formation of the contemporary Jewish nation.

(4) The Jews are a religious group whose scope is constantly changing

Zionists disguise the fictional stories of the Bible as historical facts, declaring that an ancient Jewish people is determined to return to the "land of the ancestors" as a pretext for colonizing and suppressing Palestine.

In fact, the "Jewish nation" is completely fictional. The "ancestral land" of the so-called "Jewish nation" is actually just a few Arabs who believe in Judaism. They have renounced their faith several times and joined other religions, while people elsewhere have joined Judaism and become Jews. [2] Thus, the Jews were in fact a religious group with ever-changing scope, and the so-called "Jewish people" that remained fixed, faithful, and returned to their homeland did not exist in history.

In the domestic school of Western history, Mr. He Xin first paid attention to the relationship between Jews and Western pseudohistory, which is not unrelated to his freemasonry historical research. He Xin pointed out in his article "Sources of Western Pseudohistory" that there are two major templates for Western pseudohistory, one is the Bible, the Old Testament, and the other is James Anderson's Masonic Charter in 1701. [4] Zhu Xuanzhi also had a similar view, pointing out that western pseudohistory has three stages: the pseudohistory of the Bible, the pseudohistory of enlightenment, and the pseudohistory of communication. Both point out that the roots of Western pseudohistory lie in the Bible, and that the Old Testament is the "history book" of the Jewish people, so we cannot ignore the close connection between Jews and Western pseudohistory.

According to Mr. He Xin's research, the so-called "Greek" prototype of Western pseudohistory is the "Hillini people" in the Bible, so the Greek pseudohistory can be said to be directly from the Bible, and the Greeks and Egyptians in western pseudohistory are actually from Jews. In a recent conversation, He Xin further pointed out that "Jews" itself is a fictional concept, and also gave the example of the fictional Jewish people. Therefore, if the original illusion of the Jews is broken, there will be nowhere to escape the pseudo-history of Egypt and Greece, and the entire edifice of Western pseudo-history will collapse, which is the value of this book for the identification of Western history.

Mr. Yi Tianli has published a series of articles questioning the "Kaifeng Jews", some of which are questioning the "Jewish Monument". Mr. Ha Qing cited this article as the speech of the Second Seminar on The Identification of Western History. On this basis, Heqing proposed from the perspective of language, religion and so on that the Jews may have originated from arabs, which is not unreasonable. [5]



[1] The Fictional Jewish People, by Schrommer Sander, translated by Wang Junxing and Zhang Rong, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore

[2] Schromer Sander: The Fictional Jewish People, Micro-Letters

[3] The Fictional Jewish People, Datong Thought Network

[4] Sources of Western Pseudohistory, He Xin

[5] "Xi'an Stele Forest Tang Stele "Jingjiao Stele" and Kaifeng "Jewish Stele" are forgeries of missionaries", Heqing's speech