
Positive energy! Ke Jie: My live broadcast focuses on patriotism and three views

Positive energy! Ke Jie: My live broadcast focuses on patriotism and three views

"Eight Crowns" Ke Jie is a new generation of Chinese Go leaders, but also a banner of today's Chinese Go. He has played in the world for many years, fighting for the glory of the country through thorns and thorns, and carrying countless reputations.

So, Ke Jie can get to this day step by step, in addition to the extraordinary talent and hard work, what are the factors?

That's right, his strong patriotism!

Recently, Ke Jie talked about the topic of patriotism in the live broadcast on his B station account. Let's feel how patriotic Ke Jie is!

Positive energy! Ke Jie: My live broadcast focuses on patriotism and three views

During the live broadcast, when talking about Huawei, which has sponsored the Weijia League for many years, Ke Jie highly appreciated and said, "I am proud that we have such a great company." ”

Positive energy! Ke Jie: My live broadcast focuses on patriotism and three views

Subsequently, Ke Jie domineeringly swore an oath: "I am super patriotic, and the main theme of my live broadcast room is patriotism", "You have watched me for so long, do you think I will be an unpatriotic person?" I am quite patriotic, my main theme is the three views, the main theme is patriotism."

In this regard, some netizens ridiculed Ke Jie as a "wolf anchor", and some netizens questioned why Ke Jie often spoke English when broadcasting live.

Ke Jie replied, "It's not that we learn English and know English is unpatriotic, this is to let us better understand foreign forces, better understand their language, and understand what they are saying." ”

Master Yi long skills to control Yi! Ke Jie's answer made many netizens open up.

Positive energy! Ke Jie: My live broadcast focuses on patriotism and three views

Finally, Before the next broadcast, Ke Jie thanked the netizens:

"I'm still having a lot of fun chatting with you, and the more I talk, the more proud I get." You always mention our country's very good enterprises, very good people, very good cultural self-confidence things, the more I talk to you, the more I feel the strength of our motherland. ”

"I hope that every year will have today, and every year will have this dynasty." I feel the strength of our China again, thank you. ”

Positive energy! Ke Jie: My live broadcast focuses on patriotism and three views

Through the above live introduction, I believe we can all feel Ke Jie's strong patriotic feelings.

It can be said that Ke Jie represents a new generation of patriotic youth who dare to fight and challenge, and his live broadcast is a vivid patriotic theme education class.

Great for my country!

Wow our Ke Jie!

Let's forward more positive energy and pay more attention to Ke Jie's live broadcast!


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