
Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

Hello! Hello everyone, I'm Genbu and take you to see a different Kamen Rider every day.

With kamen Rider Levi's 33 and 34 episodes airing, the show's timeline has also been filled in neatly, according to the lines of Akashi Heroes, everything originated thousands of years ago. Kiefe wants to make humans servants, and Akaishi hero chooses to surrender for the survival of mankind, so there is everything that follows. But xiaobian felt that Akashi hero had lied, concealed a lot of things, and many doubts did not have answers.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

From the timeline point of view, thousands of years ago, the human race at that time already had a fairly high intelligence, and gave birth to the "king", and then Kif appeared, asking humans to submit to him, there must have been a lot of battles during the period, and Kif's power made the king of mankind at that time, Akashi Hero, feel desperate, for the continuation of mankind, he made a pact with Kif to give Akashi hero enough time to choose the future of mankind.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

Then, for thousands of years, Akashi Hero has been observing humans and witnessing the evolution and development of human beings, and finally he concludes that humans are not Kif's opponents, plus he has signed a contract with Kif to become Kif's servant, so Akashi Hero begins to make plans for Kif's resurrection.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

It is speculated that the archaeological team found the Kiev seal and the kiev statue in the ruins of Central and South America in 1971, which was dominated by the red stone hero, or promoted by him behind it, and this was the first step in resurrecting kiev. Ambitionists were then attracted to experiment with the development of the Kif Seal and the Kif statue, for which the "Noah" organization was formed, with Akaishi Heroes participating as an official officer, and Kazuki's father, as the chief scientist, issuing the Evil Seal and the Knight System, but also creating many unqualified demons and sacrificing many humans.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved
Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

Then the young Igarashi Motota is killed in a car accident and is sent to Yuki's father, the heart is transplanted with Kif's genes, the demon Bell is born, and the first demon knight is forced to become the first demon knight, who is used by the "Noah" organization to deal with unqualified experimental demons, during which the demon Bell also kills Igarashi Motota's family.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

On the road not to destroy the demons, Igarashi Motota meets Igarashi Yukishi, and Motota, whose heart is gradually collapsing, wants to get rid of such a life, and finally gets rid of "Noah" and Bell with the help of Kazuki's father and others, marries and has children with Yukishi and opens a bathhouse. Later discovered by Bell, dissatisfied with Yuan Tai's betrayal and burned down the bathhouse, that is, at that time Weiss was born, and made a pact with the young Yihui to protect his family and beat Bell back.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved
Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

Due to Motota's betrayal, the demon Bell hides around Akashi Hero, the "Noah" organization is disbanded, replaced by Phoenix, and secretly uses the power of Kiev statue to establish the outlaws, which eventually triggers a series of events that re-involve the Igarashi family in Akashi Hero's plan to resurrect Kif.

This is the backstory of Kamen Rider Levis, which on the surface is how Akashi resurrected Kif, but in fact it is full of doubts.

Kamen Rider Levi's: Akashi heroes lie, Keeff is a loser, 3 questions are still unsolved

The biggest doubt is why Kif didn't turn humans into servants thousands of years ago, and spending thousands of years letting Akashi heroes choose the future of mankind is very troublesome, unless Kif at that time simply did not have enough strength to achieve this goal, otherwise there was no need for so many things. And Kif's origin is not explained, such a strong demon can not appear out of thin air, and in the end is why Kif became a statue, or who turned Keeff into a statue, it is certainly not self-sealing.

There are so many questions that there are no answers, so Akashi Hero's decision on the future of mankind and the like is estimated to be his own wishful thinking, maybe thousands of years ago they were losers, waiting for many years before they dared to come out and act.

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