
Can't thyroid nodules eat broccoli? Debunking: Nodule patients should touch these 4 types of foods less

author:Pharmacist Fang Jian

Many people stumble upon thyroid nodules during a physical exam, and because it is not clear what a thyroid nodule is, most people mistake it for thyroid cancer. In fact, thyroid nodules are very common, according to domestic literature reports in recent years, the prevalence of thyroid nodules in healthy people is about 15.7%-30.12%, and most of the thyroid nodules are benign and asymptomatic, so there is no need to worry too much.

However, if thyroid nodules are found, they should not be left to their own devices, as about 5-10% of thyroid nodules may also turn into thyroid cancer. First of all, we need to pay more attention to the diet, some people say that thyroid nodules can not eat broccoli, is it true? Let's analyze it.

Can't thyroid nodules eat broccoli? Debunking: Nodule patients should touch these 4 types of foods less

Can't thyroid nodules eat broccoli?

This is not entirely unfounded, because most thyroid nodules are caused by iodine deficiency, and broccoli contains an antioxidant substance - thiosides, which will be converted into a substance that can inhibit iodine absorption after entering the human body isothiocyanate, so it will aggravate the body's iodine deficiency and cause the thyroid nodules to worsen.

But we often say that the dose of toxicity is nonsense, isothiocyanate needs to reach a concentration of >4.8mg / L in the body, there will be a significant inhibition of iodine absorption, and in fact, every 100g of broccoli only provides about 0.2-0.5mg / L isothiocyanate, not to mention that the human body also has metabolic capacity, we continue to ingest at the same time, the body is also constantly metabolic discharge. Therefore, as long as the amount of consumption is controlled, thyroid nodule patients can still eat broccoli.

Can't thyroid nodules eat broccoli? Debunking: Nodule patients should touch these 4 types of foods less

Thyroid nodule patients should touch these 4 types of foods less

1. Spicy and irritating food

Many people in life are not spicy, but for thyroid nodule patients who love to eat spicy, they have to endure. Spicy and irritating foods such as chili peppers, ginger, onions, and garlic will irritate the thyroid gland and aggravate the disease, so it is best to eat lightly for thyroid nodule patients.

2. High-fat foods

Since most patients with thyroid nodules are accompanied by hypothyroidism, the basal metabolic rate will slow down, and the body's utilization rate of ingested nutrients will decrease, which will easily accumulate. Therefore, thyroid nodule patients should reduce the intake of high-fat foods, such as pork belly, animal offal, cream, etc., to avoid obesity and hyperlipidemia.

3. Certain coarse grains and cruciferous plants

Studies have found that excessive intake of food such as cassava and walnut is one of the factors causing goiter in iodine-deficient areas, and there are also some cruciferous plants such as kale, cabbage and cauliflower, which contain substances that cause goiter, which affect the synthesis of thyroid hormones and aggravate the condition of additions and subtractions and thyroid nodules.

4. Alcoholic foods

Alcohol also has a stimulating effect on the thyroid gland, and excessive alcohol intake will also inhibit the body's absorption of iodine, thyroid hormone synthesis is reduced, further aggravation and subtraction, so thyroid nodule patients should pay attention to abstaining from alcohol.

Can't thyroid nodules eat broccoli? Debunking: Nodule patients should touch these 4 types of foods less

In addition to paying attention to diet, thyroid nodule patients with hypothyroidism should also be properly supplemented with iodine, and if the thyroid function does not return to normal after iodine supplementation, thyroid hormone supplementation drugs can be added, which needs to be supplemented under the guidance of a doctor.


HUANG Lijuan. Dietary management of hypothyroidism[J].Chinese Journal of Practical Rural Doctors,2008,15(11):11-12.

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