
Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

Hello everyone, I'm Pickers.


As we all know, Bennett is known by players as the 6-star God of War. Although he is only a 4-star character, in the current version, he has a strong ability to increase damage and restore health, and his replacement role has not yet appeared. Therefore, his position in the player's heart is also "rising in the water".

Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

Of course, the role of Bennett has always been a role that various bloggers have pushed (must raise). In this regard, there will also be many new pit partners, will come to consult Shiqi, why their Bennett injury effect is not good? After looking at their accounts, Shiqi saw 3 problem points. Of course, it was also a mistake I had made. So, pick up qiqi to give you an analysis.

Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

Bennett features analysis

Bennett is a fire elemental one-handed sword character whose positioning in the game is secondary. Of course, there are also many big guys who have opened up the casual play of the main C Bennett. That is, after the Seat of Life and the improvement of training, he uses the short characteristics of his E skill CD to output fire element damage. Of course, it is not recommended that everyone play this way, after all, this game relies on high-intensity holy relics.

Of course, when it comes to Bennett's characteristics, we have to start with the big moves of this character. Once unleashed, it gives all allies in range the opportunity to increase their base attack power and health. And the basic attack, the position in the game, there is no need to say more about it. In a simple word, the basic attack power = the source of ten thousand injuries can be said to be the same as the status of double explosion! So, the question is, Bennett's main reactor base attack power, or elemental charge?

Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

Bennett's main reactor base attack power, or elemental charge?

As we all know, Bennett relies on big moves to help the team, which means that charging is still more important for Bennett. However, after looking at the numbers of many newcomers, Shiqi found that they had all made a mistake, the basic attack was pulled to a thousand points, and the elemental charge was only more than 100. Obviously, insufficient charge will greatly affect the battle cycle. Thus affecting Bennett's ability to assist.

Bennett's big move lasts 12S and has a cooldown of 15s. Before the end of the big move, you can add 2s more attack power time, rounded up, the big move basically has no vacuum period. So, in theory, the charge stacked to about 230 can meet the needs of players. It is worth mentioning that if Bennett in the Thor team can properly convert some of the charging terms into basic attack entries, after all, Thor can charge the whole team!

Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

How does Bennett's skills add points?

After putting on the charging gear, Bennett was not only able to guarantee his own circulation. When paired with the "national team" lineup, the output of the charging ball can also stabilize the skill cycle of teammates. Therefore, the big move is Bennett's core skill, and the skill plus point can be preferentially selected.

As for the elemental combat skills, in the early stage, our resources are not a lot, it is recommended not to point. The reason is very simple, the early character training is not very high, basically can not play any damage, but as a ball production skill to use. In the later stage, you can add points appropriately to improve Bennett's output ability and make up for the damage for the team. Finally, the ordinary attack plus point, the suggestion of the picker is not point, after all, Bennett is a one-handed sword, the multiplier is low, can not be enchanted with fire wounds, not to mention that he is an auxiliary, in this regard, there is no need!

Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

Bennett became a god with 1 life and 6 lives as a negative ascension

It's no secret that Bennett's increase in damage before 1 life is limited by his teammate's current health. When health ≤ 70%, only blood will be returned within the range of the big move, and 70% of health must be > to increase the base attack power of teammates. After unlocking 1 life, this limit is broken, and Bennett can provide an attack bonus at any time. And it can also increase Bennett's base attack by 20% based on the current output, so Bennett's life becomes a god.

Of course, regarding Bennett's 6 lives, in fact, Shiqi has already explained a lot. Point or no point actually changes Bennett's general use problem. Before 6 lives, all characters will be able to eat the attack damage bonus. After 6 hits, it will enchant the character with a general attack, resulting in a negative increase in the output of some characters, such as Yura, Noel, and Kazudou Arata, who rely on their own elemental enchantment or physical attack to equalize A damage.

Proto-God: How should Bennett, the 6-star god of war, be raised? 3 tricks to teach you to use his abilities to the extreme!

Final conclusion

The reason why many players' Bennett has not achieved the expected effect is that these 3 points are not done well. No heap charge heap base attack. Adding a little waste of resources in the early stages lengthens Bennett's developmental rhythm. The key point is to put Bennett's 6 life points, resulting in a significant decline in his versatility. Of course, this is the problem that Shiqi saw in the game, if you have supplemented, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share.

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