
Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

Bian Que this hero is really very simple, there are team battle replies, and there are outbreaks of damage, everyone only read this article, you know how Bian Que should play. Let's first understand the source of Bian Que's damage, that is, passive. Passive has two meanings, one is that damage will deal 7 seconds of continuous damage to enemies, and up to 5 layers of imprints.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

Taking advantage of the sustained effects of passive damage, we are often able to take a blood when we go out. Learn a skill at the beginning, and you can store two poison bottles online. A poison bottle is thrown into the line of war, making it easy to clear the line quickly. Another poison bottle is thrown directly at the enemy. As long as the opposite side comes out with a fluke mentality, you can frantically flat him, the 5 layers of passivity on the head will make him very uncomfortable, and we can even cross the tap to attack the enemy, let the toxin mark time extend, and then flash out. The poison wound of more than ten seconds can help us successfully take down the next blood.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

The second layer means a 7-second recovery, and each use of a second skill or big move will superimpose a layer of imprints on nearby friendly forces, up to 5 layers. Bian Que's passive damage and recovery are related to the strength of the law, so those who want to make a meat suit, or play players who assist Bian Que, I advise you to dispel this idea. If Bian Que's milk is not on, the damage is not enough, and there is no control, playing auxiliary is simply not feasible.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

A skill can store up to three bottles of poison and throw it out and stay on the ground for 4 seconds. An enemy stepping on it will cause a 30% slowdown for two seconds. A skill is the key to stacking poison, normal combo moves are a skill to start, 1A2A3 quick combo stacked 5 layers of passive, hit the instantaneous burst damage. As long as one skill slows down, it can generally hit the general attack and 2 skills.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

In actual combat, the enemy will not foolishly stand on our poison to let us fight, so we must know how to use a skill to seal the position and predict the enemy's walking position in advance. Bian Que is not allowed to start with Ping A, because each skill of Bian Que has a 0.03 seconds of raising hands. When you put another skill in Flat A, the enemy has already reacted, and your one skill is definitely empty.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

The second skill deals damage to enemies in the casting path, stacking one layer of imprints, up to a maximum of 5 layers. The common mistake made by many small partners who play Bian Que is to forcibly maintain 5 layers of passivity in the early stage of full blood. This will cause your Bian Que to be very blue-draining, and the frequent use of the Second Skill will cause you to walk very slowly, because each of Bian Que's skills has a 0.03 seconds of raising hands.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

So when should you use the second skill frequently? When you're on a group or when you're on your way to a group. Let Bian Que get 5 layers of marks in advance, passively increase the move, can allow you to restore at least 1200 ~ 2800 health. In the later stage, as long as bian que is still there, the regimental battle can hit the opposite side wave after wave, without any ability to fight back.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

The Three Skills of Bian Que detonate nearby markers and stack an additional layer of imprints, each of which deals an additional 50% damage and recovery. The 5-layer passive detonation on the enemy's head is the maximum damage. Many friends say that Bian Que is not harmed, and that is because you have not folded the mark. If you see a bloody enemy immediately pressing a big move, there is no passive layer, that is a very low damage, at most five or six hundred blood.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

See the bloody enemy do not rush, first stack a layer of poison on the enemy, and then immediately press the big move, you can K off this head. Bian Que must use the killing line of the big move to K head, especially in actual combat, if you don't know how to use the big move to save your teammates or kill the enemy, then please remember to leave the big move to the enemy. Because your big move may not be able to save your teammates, but as long as the enemy kills the line in your big move, your big move will definitely be able to kill the enemy.

Glory of Kings: How to play Bian Que? Remember these 4 tips, you flat magpie at least 30 stars of king!

Bian Que does not have a big move on his hand, it is easy to be cut, but if there is a big move, Bian Que can fight back. If you want to play Bian Que, you must not be a tool man. Be sure to play with Bian Que as a medium core, otherwise there is no control, no harm, and no milk teammates. Your Bian Que is destined to be a bastard. | in addition, Bian Que's general attack or skill has a very serious forward shake, and the big flash or two flash can cancel the Bian Que's skill forward shake, which can hit the damage faster.

Have you learned how to play? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, the next issue to share the Bian Que in the nuclear play of the inscription outfit and play ideas, please pay more attention, we will see you in the next issue.

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