
Where will Ronaldo's next stop go? Thanks to the Manchester United fans for a week around the pitch! Repeat only one sentence

In the early hours of the Morning Premier League, Manchester United beat Brentford 3-0, the home games of the season were all over, Cristiano Ronaldo performed well and won the best of the game, and he went around the field a week after the game to thank the fans.

Where will Ronaldo's next stop go? Thanks to the Manchester United fans for a week around the pitch! Repeat only one sentence

Cristiano Ronaldo laughed and clapped around the stadium after the game, and was patted and said: "I'm not finished(I'm not finished)." Does this seem to imply something?

Where will Ronaldo's next stop go? Thanks to the Manchester United fans for a week around the pitch! Repeat only one sentence

Will Cristiano Ronaldo leave Manchester United? C Ronaldo's contract with Manchester United until 2023, it is not known where he is going, because manchester United's chances of the Champions League are very small, will C Ronaldo stay at Manchester United if he cannot participate in the Champions League? This is an unsolved mystery! As for the future relationship between Manchester United and Ronaldo, the current head coach Lonnick is also confused.

Where will Ronaldo's next stop go? Thanks to the Manchester United fans for a week around the pitch! Repeat only one sentence

After the game, Longnick talked about Ronaldo in an interview, first of all, he said that he supported Ronaldo. But whether Ronaldo will stay, he said that this question should be asked of Teng haag. At the same time, it is also necessary to look at C Luo's understanding of his own position. Lonnick said Ronaldo is not a center player and he doesn't want to play as a single center. To this end, Lonnick said that today's football power team is either a three forward, or a pseudo-No. 9 + two forwards (Ronnick believes that this is also a three forward), but he has to play two forwards... Will Tenhag give the answer?

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