
46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

author:Zhong Ming talked about science

Remember last year's North American hot domes? The United States and Canada broke the highest record in many places, approaching 50 degrees, and could not disperse for a long time, causing hundreds of deaths, which was called a millennium phenomenon at the time.

But who would have thought that there would be another high temperature incident in the northern hemisphere this year.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, which is warning of high temperatures in India and Pakistan, extreme heat is engulfing much of India and Pakistan, which are densely populated and affect hundreds of millions of people.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

India's meteorological department said that on April 28, the maximum temperature in a wide area reached 43-46 degrees Celsius, and this high temperature will continue until May 2.

Pakistan's meteorological department said daytime temperatures in most parts of the country were 5-8°C higher than normal.

Although there are many reasons for the high temperature, some people believe that the cause of the abnormal high temperature in India and Pakistan is inseparable from the background of global warming. Extreme weather due to global warming is becoming increasingly rare, such as: 2019-2020 forest fires in Australia, heat domes in North America, and extreme rainstorms in Asia and Europe.

If global warming continues to affect the planet, is humanity going to prepare for the worst?

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

India is unusually hot, what is going on?

According to foreign media, the life-threatening high temperature heat wave arrived in India one month earlier than normal, and the maximum temperature in most areas will reach more than 40 °C, and the minimum temperature will not be lower than 30 °C. This means that even at night, people in most parts of India are exposed to the effects of high temperatures.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

In fact, because of India's geography, extreme heat occurs every year before the arrival of monsoon rains.

India faces the sea from east to west, the latitude is low, so as the direct point of the sun moves north, the subtropical high pressure will control India, affected by the subtropical high pressure control, the weather is clear and cloudless, the prevailing sinking air flow, warming and pressurization, so there will be abnormal high temperature weather. Only when the rainy season arrives can the rainy water alleviate the local heat.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

Although heat waves are common in India, temperatures are hottest in May and June in previous years, and in previous years extreme heat has only lasted a few days.

But this year, more unusually, there were unusually high temperatures in March, with Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh being the worst hit of any state, with 25 heatwaves since March 11.

This means that not only do hot weather appear earlier, but extreme heat becomes more extreme, lasts longer, and has a greater impact on the local area.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

The good news is that around the beginning of June, the monsoon season will bring rain and cool temperatures to India, but the bad news is that the monsoon season is advancing from south to north, and northern India is currently suffering the worst heat wave, which will take more than a month to usher in precipitation cooling.

Extreme heat has a very big impact on people, it will lead to more and more frequent forest fires; it will also cause snow melting in the mountains, and there will be snowmelt floods; and it will also exacerbate the degree of drought, which is very bad for crops.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

For indians, prolonged periods of extreme heat are very dangerous, partly because a large proportion of people do not have air conditioning and rely on fans.

Long-term high temperature heat wave, will lead to the human body is difficult to dissipate heat, easy to cause heat stroke, even heat stroke, the mortality rate of heat stroke is very high, even after medical rescue, the mortality rate can still reach 50%, if there is no timely treatment, the mortality rate of heat stroke will be higher, for the elderly with underlying diseases and weakness, very dangerous.

In addition, high temperatures at night can also cause the body to have no chance to recover health, thereby increasing the likelihood of illness.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

So, what exactly is causing India's unusually high temperatures?

IMD scientist Naresh Kumar attributed the heatwave to atmospheric factors, citing storms that originated in the Mediterranean region and received little pre-monsoon rainfall in northwestern and central India. Anticyclones – areas of high air pressure where air sink also led to hot, dry weather in parts of western India in March.

On the other hand, india's Ministry of Geosciences recently released a report on climate change in India, which noted that the frequency of extremely warm weather in India increased between 1951 and 2015, especially in recent years, when warming accelerated.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

In recent years, the global average temperature has moved from the flat line chart to the same trend as the extreme warm weather chart in India. Therefore, although the direct cause of the abnormal high temperature in India is not global warming, global warming is also an important factor.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

It should be not only India that global warming is affecting. Over the years, due to the impact of global warming, extreme weather has occurred in many parts of the world, resulting in huge disasters. Is the unusually hot india a reminder that humanity is preparing for the worst?

What is humanity trying to do for the worst?

In fact, all mankind is a community of common destiny, and everyone needs to take action in the face of global warming.

At present, in order to cope with global warming, the mainland has put forward the goal of "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality", that is, it wants to reduce carbon emissions and slow down global warming.

46℃! The heat hit India, the World Meteorological Organization issued an early warning, human beings should prepare for the worst?

The mainland has also developed clean energy, wind, solar, nuclear, hydro, etc., gradually replacing thermal power generation. Even thermal power generation is optimizing the structure, improving the efficiency of thermal power generation, and controlling carbon dioxide emissions to achieve the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction.

However, the power of only one country on the mainland is still limited, and only by working together for it can all mankind delay global warming.

Fortunately, the Earth's environment has not yet reached a tipping point, which means that humanity still has a chance to turn the tide.

#India may suffer the strongest heat wave in 122 years##India##地球 #

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