
Youth says| taste, youth

Wen Li Xinrui

What is youth, for you? Maybe you don't have the answer, maybe there are many answers. It can be like the wind, blowing over your face, and when you close your eyes and feel it, it seems to slip away. It can be water, dripping in, drop by drop, and when you reach out and touch it, you just feel that it's wet and cool, refreshing. It can also be fire, always burning with enthusiasm and pride. For me, youth is more like one taste after another, and when I calm down to feel and taste, I will find that it will never be tasted or smelled.

Desks, blackboards, books, morning light. Youth is not great, and most of the time it is trapped in a place called a campus wrapped by gates and fences. It was born under the solemn national flag, grew up in the gentle spring breeze, sometimes stretched out to get up to do sports, sometimes listened to the school song and turned around and danced, but more often, it sat at the desk, looking at the white powder flying on the blackboard, and the characters written on the exercise book.

Maybe we all feel that youth is really boring, always staying in the same place, doing a lot of things every day, and getting along with almost the same people, what does it mean? Then we really misunderstood it. Please hold its hands tightly, you will feel that it is so warm and powerful; please gaze into its eyes, you will find that it is so firm and confident; please approach it, close to it, understand it, you will be surprised that its heart is filled with a lion and an eagle. It swore an oath under the national flag, "Please rest assured that the party will have me." It waved at Mom and Dad, "Rest assured, I can take care of myself." It wrote in its diary, "Come on, tomorrow is another day!" "The obsessive and intoxicating youth is the smell of sweat and bookish ink mixed together."

Practice, innovation, the arena, the sun. Slowly, youth shed its childish face and exuded a slightly mature atmosphere. It travels everywhere, in almost every corner of the world. Sometimes it wears a red vest and sings and dances in the orphanage of the nursing home; sometimes it wears a suit and shoes, and stands tall on the field; sometimes it wears a uniform and hurriedly takes notes behind the old technician. Either way, it is contributing a little bit to the country's development. At this time, the youth has gradually understood, with bravery to put on the cloak for themselves, self-confidence as the background music when walking, take up the struggle and stride forward. Youth is to dare to do and dare to fight!

There are thousands of ideas of youth, but everyone's youth is unique, or high-profile and brilliant bloom, or simple and simple buds, or lively and full of reality, or lonely and full of poetry. Youth is pretentious, so the praise and depreciation of youth is not defined. It just needs to be brave to be yourself, to do what you want to do, to be the person you want to be. On the stage of youth itself, emit its own light! At this time, you smell, you smell, the taste of youth, is sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty.

Choice, work, life, sunset. Graduation is a high-profile declaration that fearless youth will go to another new period, when it will go from here? It sat quietly on a bench and watched the traffic in front of it. It stood up violently, either without hesitation, or trembling and choosing the direction in which it continued to walk, and the youth at this time seemed to have another name, called responsibility and responsibility.

It began to look like an adult, and there were inevitably many outside voices in the middle, "Have you bought a house?" Did you buy a car? When to get married? What is the annual income? "As a young person in the 21st century, we have more room for development than previous young people, choose a path, and at the same time, have a firmer sense of self, and I am glad to hear more and more brothers and sisters fighting against the outside world." They are my role models! Youth at this time is a new taste.

During the epidemic, teams of young medical workers rushed to the front line. Again and again in the research team, the average age is reduced. Poor and backward areas, one young village official after another. Youth is in full bloom, and it is time to struggle! Li Dazhao, a pioneer of the Chinese revolution, once shouted loudly: "With the youth of me, create a country of youth and a nation of youth." Liang Qichao Shiyun: "Today's responsibility is not others, but all in my youth." "Youth, is the sea of flowers in May, should use youth to embrace this era."

Today's China is in a new direction of development, and we are closer than at any time in history to realizing the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The best way for contemporary youth to interpret youth is to bravely undertake the historical mission, unswervingly adhere to the party's leadership, walk in the forefront of the times, and use the chapter of youth to compose the quality of youth's progress, pioneering and dedication.

The taste of youth, can't taste it, can't smell it...

Youth says| taste, youth
Youth says| taste, youth

Shandong Institute of Management

Faculty of Humanities, Department of Network and New Media

One point number Iberian little black pig

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