
These zodiac signs break up and desperately want to reunite until they break up

As an emotion analyst, I am often asked the question, how do I get my girlfriend back after a breakup?

Every time you see such a problem, Hoshikawa Mai is very helpless, what did you do earlier?

Is a breakup a topic that can be easily said? Always hang the breakup on the lips, no matter how deep the feelings, will gradually cool down and lose warmth.

When the day is truly irreparable, it will be too late to regret it!

Today we will talk about these constellations who continue to break up and compound, break up and reunite, until they break up.

These zodiac signs break up and desperately want to reunite until they break up


Taurus usually belongs to the passive receiver on the issue of breakup, which can also be called the victim's side. Because Taurus's shortcomings are particularly obvious, nostalgia, dependence, and death recognition. Hundreds of years ago, people with these qualities could be regarded as moral models, but now they can suffer great losses. Breakups are always broken, people say a few nice words, and the heart softens. It's like this, until your brain calms down and you make up your mind to get rid of this spell.

These zodiac signs break up and desperately want to reunite until they break up


Cancer is the exact opposite of Taurus, and you usually become the ones who initiate a breakup because you are sensitive, jealous, and always put feelings and family first. In order to ensure your own sense of security, you have to talk about the breakup from time to time to remind the other party that you are the most important person for him/her. However, once or twice there is an effect, the long-term use effect is getting worse and worse, can only continue to squeeze themselves to the edge of the cliff, and accidentally fall to pieces. Security is not necessarily a verbal expression, and subtle care can better reflect the deep affection.

These zodiac signs break up and desperately want to reunite until they break up


Scorpio people often have an impulsive personality, may propose a breakup when they are not happy, and are also particularly easy to hang up on the breakup. Therefore, we often see Scorpio love, always struggling on the road of separation and integration, and most of the reasons are because of yourself. After every breakup, I desperately want to get back together. It's just that the number of breakups and reunions is too much, and the relationship has lost its previous taste, and it only cares at the last moment!

These zodiac signs break up and desperately want to reunite until they break up


Poignant love is the most memorable, and Pisces is born with a romantic zodiac sign, always fantasizing that love is as beautiful as poetry. Of course, this work must not only be happy, but also miserable and gripping. For all this, Pisces will take the initiative to become the black hand behind the scenes, personally directing the scenes of tragedy and joy, breaking up and reuniting, until the breakup. In fact, Pisces has some mutations in their bones, and they want to try that kind of sadistic love.

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