
Cleopatra cleopatra


In 30 BC, Cleopatra, Cleopatra, the Cleopatra, lay in a bed in the cold palace, holding a poisonous snake in her hand, placing it on her chest, leaving it to bite and die of poison. Cleopatra is the most legendary woman in Egyptian history. Shakespeare called it the sexy of the world. George Bernard Shaw called her "a wayward and unsympathetic woman." But in the eyes of the Egyptians, she was the "last savior."

In 69 BC, Cleopatra was born in Egypt during the era of the "Ptolemaic Dynasty". The first monarch of the Ptolemaic dynasty, Ptolemy. Sottle, originally a general under Alexander the Great, was appointed governor of Egypt. After the death of the Emperor, the country was divided, Ptolemy. Sottle took the opportunity to declare The Independence of Egypt and proclaimed himself the "Pharaoh of Egypt". Cleopatra was the daughter of Orret the "Ptolemaic XII", and she had a half-brother named Claudius. In 51 BC, before the death of the Twelfth Emperor, Cleopatra and claudius siblings jointly inherited the throne, according to the custom of the time, to marry. After they married, Ptolemy. Claudius, along with two important ministers, Poshnius and Okchivian, joined forces against Cleopatra, and in the struggle for power Cleopatra failed and was driven out of Alexandria, Egypt, by her husband. Cleopatra was a very undefended woman, and on the border between Egypt and Syria, she set up camp, re-planned, regrouped, looked for an opportunity, and wanted to kill her hometown. She desperately needs strong foreign aid.

God gave her a man, the most powerful Julius Caesar in history. He was the "Viceroy of Gaul" of the Roman Republic, in what is now France. After conquering Gaul in 8 years, Caesar began to attack Britain and the Germans in the east of the Rhine. In 49 BC, he returned to Rome with his army and fought against his political enemy "Pompey", who fled to Egypt in defeat. Caesar pursued him, and before he could do anything, Perdinos, a subordinate of King Ptolemy XIII of Egypt, killed Pompey, and XIII gave the head to Caesar. The reason why XIII did this is because the Roman Empire is like the sun in the sky, expanding its territory, and the Mediterranean coast belongs to its territorial sphere of influence, which seriously threatens the survival of Egypt, and has no choice but to curry favor with Caesar.

Ptolemy XIII's thoughts were seen through by Cleopatra, and she decided to take the initiative to overthrow the rule of her man Claudius. In order to get close to Caesar, Yanhou asked his subordinates to disguise themselves as the great merchant Fujia and contribute "treasures" to Caesar. She stripped naked and slipped into a splendid blanket, carrying it under her hands to see Caesar. In front of Caesar, Cleopatra slowly stepped out of the blanket, and her graceful posture, graceful figure, fragrant breath, and feminine eyes completely conquered Caesar. Eventually, with the support of Caesar's mediation, Cleopatra returned to Egypt and regained power. Unwillingly, Ptolemy XIII joined forces with Bohnius to launch a rebellion to regain the lost position of power, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Caesar's army. On the way to escape, he was killed by the Romans. Cleopatra succeeded in seizing supreme power by caesar's hand and became the only female pharaoh in Egypt. Thus ended the era of nominal coalition rule with Claudius.

After quelling the rebellion, Caesar remained in Egypt, entangled with Empress Dowager, spent the night together, and gave birth to a son, Caesarion. Eight months later, Caesar returned to Rome, where he purged all opponents and became "consul for life." In the administrative system of the Roman Republic, the "consul" is the head of state, generally ruled by two people, but when the country is in a state of emergency, a consul is elected, as the sole core of power in Rome, is the legal head of state and the supreme ruler, who can rule the world alone. Land, resources, people, and wealth all enjoy the right to dominate and can determine the life and death of anyone.

In 45 BC, Caesar invited the Queen to Rome for a vacation. By this time, Empress Yan was married to another half-brother, Ptolemy XIV. They went to Rome together. Caesar held a grand banquet for Cleopatra and let him stay in his official residence to renew his old dream. In order to win cleopatra's favor, Caesar built a temple in Rome dedicated to the Greek goddess Venus, and created a statue of Cleopatra from gold, which was placed with the statue of Venus. Make all the preparations for the next step to be justified after marrying Yan.

Unfortunately, his strength and brutality triggered strong dissatisfaction from the "Senate" in the political arena, and a group of people led by Butulu deliberately tricked the Senate into launching an assassination. The Roman Senate, held by 100 prestigious tribal chiefs, had legislative and decision-making powers. In 44 BC, Butulu and others informed Caesar in the name of the Senate, under the pretext of going to the Senate to discuss the matter. When the unsuspecting Caesar entered the Senate, a man named Casca pulled on Caesar's clothes and raised a knife to cut his throat. Caesar grabbed Casca's butcher knife with his backhand and exclaimed, "What do you want to do?" The might of the king frightened Casca, and he quickly signaled to the others to help, and more than 60 people standing on the side all rushed over and surrounded Caesar on all sides, one person and one knife, resulting in Caesar's life. After Caesar's death, Roman power was taken over by his adopted son Octavian and his subordinate Antony. In the west of Rome, ruled by Octavian, and in the east of Rome, ruled by Antony.

Soon after cleopatra returned from Rome, he killed her current husband, Ptolemy XIV, with poisoned wine, and appointed Cesarion the Younger as Ptolemy XV, mother and son, to jointly govern Egypt. When Antony attacked Sabbath, he summoned Cleopatra to meet at Tarsus, hoping to obtain egyptian wealth to solve the problem of army sufficiency. For Cleopatra, Caesar's death was a fatal blow that cost her strong foreign aid. Antony sent an invitation, she had a premonition that this was an opportunity, and decided to make good use of this opportunity to seek the Roman Empire as a backer. In order to take down Anthony in one fell swoop, careful preparations were made. She rides on a luxurious ship, purple sails painted with precious dyes, ships made of gold inlaid with gold, and the blue waves and glittering lights in the sea. Dress yourself up as the goddess Venus and lie on a gauze tent strung with gold wire and as thin as a cicada's wing. 12 children stand on either side, and the agarwood fan gently shakes. The maids, dressed as hyperion fairies, swung silver oars in their hands, rhythmically headed toward Tarsus, Where Antony was stationed. This beautiful scene made Antony can't help but feel that all wars, power, and interests were thrown out of the cloud of nine clouds. Throwing cleopatra under the pomegranate skirt, the soul is not guarded. He agreed to send troops to eliminate Arsinoi, another political enemy of Yan hou. In the winter of 41 BC, Antony enjoyed the aromatic aroma of Cleotla, and in Tarsus the two earburns were grinding for a year.

In the spring of 43 BC, Antony returned to Rome, and at this moment, his relationship with Octavian eased somewhat, and he married Octavian's sister Octavia, in the form of a marriage, which solidified the foundation of cooperation between the two sides. However, 3 years later, the relationship between the two broke down again, and Anthony drove his wife Octavia back to her mother's house. She decided to marry Cleopatra and promised her a generous "bride price": the strip centered on Damascus, the Phoenician coast, the island of Cyprus, and parts of the Kingdom of Nabat. In doing so, it is not only to tie her heart, but also to use Egypt as her strategic rear and provide a steady supply of materials for her conquest. In 34 BC, Antony returned from a campaign on the Baltic coast, and instead of returning to Rome, he held a triumphal ceremony in Egypt, ascending to the throne with both Queen, calling queen "queen of kings" and little Caesarion "king of kings". In doing so, Antony provoked strong opposition from the Romans, who simply ignored Rome and was determined to become egypt's door-to-door son-in-law. Living in Egypt and not leaving, he also wrote a letter of resignation, completely divorcing Octavian's sister. He lived with Cleopatra for twelve years and had three children. Antony's popularity plummeted in Rome, and Octavian seized the opportunity to put Antony to death, and he ventured to obtain Antony's will from the Virgin of Vesta and publish it to the public. Antony's will, which stated that he would be buried in Egypt after his death, gave a large tract of land under his name to Cleopatra and little Caesarion. This will caused an uproar in Rome, and the Senate and the Citizens' Assembly stripped Antony of all titles and authorized Octavian to crusade against Antony.

In 31 BC, Octavian and Antony fought at Cape Aktium (Battle of Yaksing), and just as the battle between the two sides was in full swing, Cleopatra suddenly ordered his fleet to turn around, break away from Antony, and sail back to Egypt. It was unbelievable that she would do so. Feeling that Anthony was doomed to failure, he betrayed Anthony in advance, secretly established contact channels with Octavian, secretly communicated the song, and prepared to pounce on Octavian's arms. Anthony was overwhelmed by this beauty, and even left the army, all the way to follow, the three armies on the battlefield without a master, chaotic, soon Anthony's main army, was annihilated by Octavian. In 30 BC, Octavian attacked the city of Alexandria. Seeing that the tide was gone, Anthony drew his sword and killed himself, ending his life.

Cleopatra wanted to embrace the third Roman ruler of his life. Unfortunately, Octavian reneged on his promise, completely repented, and imprisoned her. There is a saying that "nothing is too much" to do. She had a crush on Caesar and Anthony, and Octavian would never make the same mistake again. From the moment of captivity, Cleopatra understood that it was all over. In the face of the powerful Roman Empire, Egypt did not have any resistance, and as the king of a country, it ended with its own efforts to survive in the cracks. But after all, he was a "pharaoh", enjoying dignity and nobility, and did not want to be humiliated by the Romans. So the maid secretly put an "Aps" poisonous snake into a fig basket, sent it to the palace, and delivered it to her hands. She cleverly used poisonous juice to end her singable life.

After her death, Octavian buried her with Antony. Caesarion, who was born to Caesar, and Alexander, who was born to Antony, were ordered to be executed and eradicated. The 300-year-long Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt came to an end and was incorporated into the Roman Empire.

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