
Einden's tumultuous operation with Van Buley's record pigeon

author:Hidden Dragon Pigeon Language
At 2:30 a.m. Chinese time, the Czech midao captain sent me a text message, the 90 km pigeon will warm up the race, the young and disabled pigeons have flown back, but last year's young birds before the prize and the two beautiful-looking main players did not return, thinking about this article again and again hope that it will be useful to him.

Dutch long-distance champion Peter Einden's tumult operation

I have strict requirements for pigeons aged one or two, and the most important thing for them is to be able to concentrate. I train them from 40 km, and then, they have to fly twice from Kokiko at 180 km.

Kokiko's itineraries take at least 4 hours, and some even a full day. How is this process arranged? First, on a week's morning, I took my pigeons to Kokiko, not far from the French border.

The time to reach the destination is generally 6:00 am. The radio was broadcasting "pigeon racing news", the Belgians were in some parts of the south of France, ready to release thousands of carrier pigeons, the Dutch, of course, not to be outdone, they always wanted to release the same number of pigeons as the Belgians.

Between six and seven o'clock, the pigeons flew up. The pigeons fly in the direction from south (emcement) to north (home). Our pigeons, on the other hand, are from west to east (intersecting with other pigeons!). )。

I waited until the Belgian pigeons from Quéfle or Nayon passed overhead that I began to release my pigeons, a training that benefited my pigeons more than the twelve races prepared for the young birds, especially so that they could learn to orient themselves and concentrate.

Now that the stage of growth and development has passed, the next step is of course to learn orientation and concentration. The advantage of this is that my pigeons will never become the heels of other pigeons.

For two-year-old pigeons, the flight training journey starts at 60 km, then 200, 300 and 400 km. This was followed by a short period of rest. The rest period for the cocks is arranged after two international races, while the rest period for the hens is arranged after three international races. They have to get good results in these international competitions.

But I also have times when I indulge them, for example, for pigeons who compete in the national races of Saint-Vincent, Dax and Begilak and get a place, they are less strict. These races are "races to blow home by the wind" and any pigeon that can fly with its tail and pout its ass can win the place.

I never care about picking pigeons in races with an average flight speed of more than 1200 meters per minute, there is no need; in contrast, I tend to screen pigeons with an average flight speed of less than 1100 meters per minute (based on the fastest bird). That's why I have a crush on pigeons who have returned from barcelona, marseille, papina.

Einden's tumultuous operation with Van Buley's record pigeon

Van Buliana

There are two world-famous pigeons in the loft of André Van Brienna, the Bull and tarzan. Bull Belg 47-3355559 The main history of The Bull is: 2nd, 2nd and 103rd in three national races in 1949, 63rd and 19th in 1950, 34th of 4122 pigeons, 2,661 pigeons, 19th of 4,524 pigeons and 1st Of 1,222 p. in 1951.

Tarzan Bleg48-3000753 Grey Spotted Male's main history is: 14th San Sebastián International in 1952, 1st Centro Boma of the same race against 2,583 pigeons in 1953 and 41st of 2,941 pigeons in the same race in 1954.

Due to japan's special geographical environment and competitive conditions, fanciers pay special attention to the performance of pigeons to withstand bad weather when introducing breeding pigeons, so van Briana is quite popular in Japan. In 1957, when Mr. Ryuo Sekiguchi, then president of the Japan Pigeon Racing Association, visited Belgium, he made a special trip to Van Buliana to introduce breeding pigeons to the pigeon association, and selected "Deakin" and its paired hen "Doul" from many famous pigeons.

Einden's tumultuous operation with Van Buley's record pigeon

The calendar of the Deakin B50-3464669 Grey-spotted is:

In 1951

14th of 527 pigeons from 170 km,

8th out of 800 pigeons 207 km,

27th out of 589 pigeons 270 km,

83 of 854 pigeons 400 km,

6th of 537 pigeons 400 km,

15 out of 480 pigeons 207 km,

In 1952

54 out of 800 pigeons 270 km,

7th of 1,206 pigeons from 340 km,

15th of 488 pigeons from 620 km,

57th of 3,329 pigeons from 620 km,

111 out of 1,425 pigeons from 640 km,

170 of 1763 pigeons from 870 km,

In 1953

12th of 764 pigeons 340 km,

11th of 891 pigeons from 620 km,

26th out of 830 pigeons 620 km,

9th of 300 pigeons 620 km,

43 out of 1,900 pigeons from 719 km,

157 out of 1,600 pigeons 620 km,

In 1954

25 out of 900 pigeons 270 km,

159 out of 960 pigeons 797 km,

1051 km 1976 pigeons 253,

16th of 782 pigeons from 620 km.

The calendar of the B54-3054101 Grey Spotted Hen of Tour is:

In 1955

5th of 704 pigeons in 270 km,

24 out of 456 pigeons from 620 km,

703 out of 3,562 pigeons in 620 km,

483 out of 2,800 pigeons per 500 km,

In 1956

2nd nat. 405 p., 270 km,

9th of 525 pigeons 340 km,

60th of 412 pigeons from 620 km,

19th of 311 pigeons from 590 km,

42 out of 600 pigeons 340 km,

70th out of 588 pigeons from 620 km,

22 out of 380 pigeons from 620 km.

I have taken the opportunity to extract these race records in great detail in the hope that the fanciers will be able to understand how the breeders should race and the focus when selecting the breeding pigeons. Both pigeons have won various prizes in races at different distances over the years, indicating that they are in excellent physical condition and have performed consistently.

For example, when the "Tur" competes in a distance of 500 kilometers, it can fly at a speed of about 1150 meters no matter what kind of weather it encounters. Van Bulian's pigeon gives me the impression that it is full of power overall, especially the wings are very strong. Although their main and aileron feathers are slightly less plump than those of Bricu and Azaxon, the bulging shoulder muscles are sufficient to compensate for this deficiency.

Tracing the lineage of Van Buliana, the bloodline of the Gulne lineage can be found, and the main blood that makes up the Gulne line is the Ansenu lineage. I think this is the source of Van Bulian's outstanding ability to withstand bad weather.

Experienced fanciers know that when the race is carried out in good weather, the order of the prizes often depends on the position of the loft and the speed at which the pigeons enter the loft, and only when there is bad weather is it really a contest for the strength of the pigeons themselves.

Winning a 1st berma in major national and international races is the lifelong dream of countless pigeon breeders, and to realize this dream, it is necessary to bring in excellent breeding pigeons that have been tried and tested in difficult races.

Postscript: After reading these two paragraphs, I also began to understand why Pitt Divaide always liked the national champions, he described it as "those pigeons are very stable 'walking' back, the best pigeons in the world are 'walkers'!"


| Peter Ehndon/and River King

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Einden's tumultuous operation with Van Buley's record pigeon