
To tell the truth, this sign is very difficult to get true love, and they have a number in their own hearts

If you want to get a complete heart, you must first pay our own heart, which is the honest and true attitude when facing feelings.

But if you can't give, make sacrifices, always think about weighing, or weigh the pros and cons when you're facing feelings, unless you meet someone you really like, or you meet a "fool."

In addition to these two situations, you weigh the pros and cons in your relationship, and the other party will do the same thing, and the emotional relationship itself becomes a secret trade-off between each other.

Don't treat each other sincerely, don't talk about feelings with sincerity, and want feelings to have good results, this is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

So a lot of times we have to admit and accept a fact:

The person who does not treat you sincerely will always have countless reasons to prevaricate you, and the person who treats you with sincerity will always have a reason to convince himself, affirm you and accept you.

So if you can accept this fact, I think you can understand the concept of true love in Virgo.

To tell the truth, this sign is very difficult to get true love, and they have a number in their own hearts


Man takes himself very seriously, which is true of nature, but this cannot be used as an excuse for selfishness and ego.

Because you will be educated, you will be treated in real life, and you will actually feel the impact of selfishness and selflessness on yourself.

There is no need to say much about this question, you just need to look at the race around you and you will understand everything.

Look at how the selfish people around you survive in real life, is no one to be friends with him? Is no one treating her with sincerity?

The answers to these questions are in everyone's mind, and that lonely way of living is also a choice they have chosen, confused, and unenlightened.

The reason for this is that in any case, man can also recognize the fact that "man is an animal with the essence of survival in groups".

Relative selfishness and selflessness are the watersheds of high and low Virgos, of course, high-order Virgos are not completely selfless, they are not so generous, after all, it is an earth sign, but it is relatively selfless.

And low-level Virgos are invariably selfish, and it is precisely because of this selfish self that they cannot get out of the control of low-level thinking.

So you will find that in the low Virgo here, it is impossible for them to say and do things without hurting people.

But to themselves, it seems that nothing is going on, as if everything is quite normal.

To tell the truth, this sign is very difficult to get true love, and they have a number in their own hearts


After saying this premise, let's talk about the concept of true love of Virgo, the true love of Virgo is directly related to reality, and it is also directly related to the nature of Virgo and the spirit of service.

Therefore, the choice that does not meet the current standards can only be a special love and affection in the heart of Virgo.

Only if it meets the criteria of reality, the choice of the future foundation can be the true love of Virgo.

Standing on the point of the self, we can more carefully extend the emotional consciousness and sense of security of Virgo.

If a Virgo needs material things herself, or her own material conditions are not good, resulting in her always having low self-esteem in her heart, then when he chooses the object, the material level will be very stuck.

If the material conditions are not up to standard, they cannot have feelings, even if they think in their hearts.

Even if Virgos first like this person, they will eventually dislike it more and more, for the simple reason that the cost of liking is too great, and the sense of security in material life is too poor.

Therefore, this type of Virgo is most likely to have accidents and problems in the relationship.

Because they will put most of their thoughts and sense of security on material standards, there will be a subconscious that runs towards material things to build feelings.

So if a person's material conditions are very up to standard, Virgo has a sense of security, and they will think that they can slowly like this person.

But the result of this kind of thing is often Huang Liang's dreams and self-deception.

To tell the truth, this sign is very difficult to get true love, and they have a number in their own hearts


Then Virgos with similar material conditions will not have such a subconscious, and their criteria for selection are more inclined to the spiritual and practical pace of life, that is, whether it is appropriate or not.

Yes, the right is the selection criterion for Virgo true love, to put it realistically, true love is not with you for a day or two, nor three or five months, but many, many years.

And in the matter of considering whether it is appropriate or not, Virgos can't let go of themselves, not that they don't want to, but that they really can't do it.

Virgos may not feel anything about this kind of thing, because they are used to it.

But as far as the other party is concerned, it is a fact that Virgo hides this matter, and the other party does not have to feel it, and can see it with his eyes.

So after the other person sees this fact, you wonder what he will think when facing Virgo? Does he dare to let go of himself?

The answer is not to dare, or not to be.

At this point, Virgo's true love is stuck in the bone, and in this case, what Virgo can give for the other person is the part they feel they can give, not all of it.

If it's all, isn't Virgo herself insecure?

Would a Virgo do such a stupid thing? Don't think about it, then this kind of atmosphere of getting along, the result can be imagined, so I said that Virgo gets true love is really difficult.

If nothing else, in this state, she can force the person who likes him away, give the stimulus to go, and the person she likes has the same result.

In fact, on this point, many Virgos also have a number in their hearts.

To tell the truth, this sign is very difficult to get true love, and they have a number in their own hearts


In the end, Virgo's true love is what they need, not the other person needs him, to use the saying "you need me, what does it have to do with me?" ”

Paradoxically, when Virgo needs each other, he can't be honest and truthful, so the possibility that their needs can be achieved is also very low.

In fact, we can get or can't get true love, the relationship with others is really not very big, and the relationship with ourselves is the greatest.

Virgos who can go around this circle will sublimate on the issue of emotional awareness, and Virgos who can't get out of this circle may have to take a lot of detours.

Because the essence of feelings is not going to become!


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