
Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...




Choice: It's courage

Means taking responsibility

Choice: Is a double paddle

Take you far away



It is a process of self-reinvention again and again

It keeps us growing

Continuous improvement

If life is a journey of constant choice

Then a thousand sails read the end left

It's your own unique landscape

Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...
Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...


Street picking

The choice of more is the advantage

Free time can be fully utilized

The choice of more is also a disadvantage

More time was wasted on entanglement

In the end, it may not have achieved the desired effect

So choosing more is not necessarily more exciting

But it must not be painful

Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...


Street picking

Not having a choice is a pain

I would feel that if the original choice was another

Life will not be more exciting

Even if that wasn't true, it would be so regrettable

To make life more exciting is not to choose more

It's how you look at the choices you make

Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...


Street picking


We choose frequently

It wastes our limited willpower

Let's lose focus

Especially in today's information explosion

There are so many things to choose from

And the process of selection

Often only will come

Confused, hesitant, doubtful and withdrawn

Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...


Street picking

There are so many paths in life

And we have only one pair of feet

It is impossible to walk all the roads in a lifetime

Instead of wandering on various roads

It is better to identify a road and stick to it

Eventually, it will reach a peak that many people can't reach

Nichiji Street Cai 丨 If it is your turn to make a choice...


Street picking

No matter what others think

The road is under our own feet

As long as you dare to go, you have a chance to arrive

The mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village

The road is always there

But hopefully

Forever belongs only to those who are brave enough to fight

Image 丨Zhao Tengjie Li Yunge Shang Yingyun Huang Zhen Xun Lanting

Edited by 丨Liu Yue Chen Guiqin

Audit 丨 Kang Xinkuo

Editor-in-chief 丨Li Xin

Produced 丨The light of the beginning of the day network culture work

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