
Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive


The global tour | I was in Bahrain

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

Hello everyone, I am Shen Dianqi, a field traveler who travels the world and pays attention to Chinese people around the world.

I talked to Kiber about his views on the world's major countries and the countries surrounding the Middle East.

After I finished talking to him, I could see that his idea was a more typical Sunni worldview in the Gulf states.

Let me first introduce Kiber, who is first and foremost a Sunni in Bahrain, (Bahrain is a Sunni minority with 30% sunnis, but a country where Sunnis are in power, with Shiites in the 70% majority, but no political rights)

At the same time, he has also joined the army, and has carried out peacekeeping, assisted many YSL countries, he has a lot of reading experience, and his geographical knowledge is solid enough.

He has been to Afghanistan three times, once to Nepal on behalf of the Government of Bahrain for earthquake relief.

After getting in touch with him, I feel that people are very good, very talkative, and knowledgeable.

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

1, Saudi Arabia and UAE

He believes that the Saudi royal family is a very pragmatic team, building Saudi Arabia particularly well, and Saudi Arabia is also the strongest country in the Middle East.

I asked him how do you see the news of the dismemberment of journalists.

First of all, he said, it is in line with the doctrine that a journalist should be beheaded (beheaded) if he makes a mistake, but he just feels that dismemberment is a bit inappropriate (one should not cut off one's hands and feet).

The UAE, on the other hand, is a Gulf brother, as well as Sunni, and has done a great job.

2, Qatar and Oman, one rich and one poor

He said that Qatar and Bahrain are actually very similar, but Qataris are luckier than Bahrainis, because Qatar has a small population, which should be less than 800,000, and Bahrain is many times smaller than Qatar, with a permanent population of 1.2 million and a registered population of 600,000, so Bahrain's resources are not enough.

Qatar is very wealthy because it has few people. Oman is the poorer brother in the Gulf states.

3, Kuwait

He said kuwaitis are also rich, and not only do the government give them money, the government encourages them to do business, and Kuwaitis are very good at doing business, with an average of one out of every 7 people being the boss.

4, Iraq

He expressed his dislike for the current Iraqi government, which is Shiite and heretical.

At the same time, he didn't like Iraqis, saying that Iraqis have a lot of cheaters because the country is too poor and chaotic.

In the past few years, Bahraini citizens have been kidnapped in Iraq, tied up for several years before being released, and killed a Bahraini, I asked why only one? He said the kidnappers were not joking to prove they weren't playing.

Since then, the Bahraini government has not encouraged Bahraini citizens to travel to Iraq, and if you can't persuade you, what happens to you in Iraq will not be cared about by the Bahraini government.

He considered Saddam's iraq to be beautiful, when Iraq was even richer than the Gulf states. (He mainly considers Saddam to be Sunni...) )

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

5. Syria and Yemen

He said he didn't like Assad very much, and I asked why?

He said Bashar al-Assad was Shia.

Do I say that sectarian divisions are so important?

Behind the Shiites, he said, is Iranian-controlled.

Yemen is also a country of liars, he said, and we never go there, and it's been a mess in the last few years.

6, Turkey

He believed that Turkey had the glory of the Ottoman Empire, but it was a pity that it was divided, and if he continued to this day, he would certainly be in a more powerful YSL country, and should continue an Ottoman federation to unite the entire YSL world.

I said, if the Ottomans were still alive now, you might be speaking Turkish.

He said, this is not OK, my native language is Arabic.

I said, however, the disintegration of the Ottomans was due to the rise of modern national consciousness, and it was difficult for various languages, cultures, and sects in the Ottoman territory to complete the integration.

He said, I really didn't expect that.

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

7, Iran

That, he said, was the source of unrest in the Middle East...

Not only are they Shiites real YSLs, but they are behind all kinds of wars.

I asked rhetorically, but in fact, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates are also behind the support of the Syrian opposition, yemen's Sunni government... He thought for a moment, but Saudi Arabia, Qatar... It's because it helps them build...

8, Pakistan

He said Pakistan is a big country, and people in their country can survive by hiding in the mountains without giving them any modern food.

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

9, the Afghan Taliban

He said, I think they are positive, positive.

10, India

He said that India is also a big country, and they only want the people in their country to be Hindus, and there is a very serious discrimination in India.

11, China, Japan

He sees China as a growing power (he knows much more about China than the average Bahraini).

There are a lot of Japanese cars in the Middle East, and almost nothing else is known

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

12, United Kingdom

A very smart country, taxes are too high, the cost of living is too high.

I said that The British tax is not high, the Nordic countries are the left-leaning high-tax countries, and the United Kingdom is the old right-wing power in Europe.

13, Germany and France

A lot of high-quality industrial products are produced, but there is a very serious underpopulation, and they must correct it, otherwise they will be finished.

France has a very serious case of discrimination against msl, does not allow women to wear burqas, and does not have freedom of belief.

Bahrain's Sunni friend Kiber, who perceives countries in terms of sectarian preferences, considers the Taliban to be positive

14, United States

If you have oil, we are good friends, if you don't have resources, I will ignore you, and if you have resources and don't listen to me, I will beat you.

I said, but your phone case has an American flag.

He said, coincidentally, like a normal pattern, I didn't care.

I said, at least to prove that you don't hate the United States, I think it's understandable, because the United States has a lot of influence in the entire Gulf countries, including Bahrain and the military presence, so the United States still exists as a subconscious influence among young people in the Middle East.

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