
On days of isolation, the best way to combat anxiety is to embrace yourself

"A grain of sand of the times, falling on an individual, is a mountain."

More than 800 days have passed since the "epidemic", what is your first reaction when it comes to "epidemic"?

I think most people's response is to isolate. Indeed, in the two years of COVID-19, for those of us who have experienced it, the most common thing is quarantine.

Presumably, some friends should have a lot to say about the partition, so have you ever had anxiety in the days of isolation? So today I want to talk to you about the days of isolation, what if we feel anxious.

On days of isolation, the best way to combat anxiety is to embrace yourself

Let me tell you about my own personal experience, in the past few years of the epidemic, I have encountered several days of quarantine because of the epidemic, and the most memorable is the beginning of the epidemic. At that time, I happened to be working in the field, and I thought that the epidemic would end quickly.

No one expected that they would start a life of isolation. At the beginning, I still enjoyed this kind of life, because I didn't have to leave early and return late. Can have a good rest. But as time went on, I was driven mad, and i think most people in quarantine are like this.

At the beginning of the week, I felt that this life was still quite happy. But in the end, his days began to turn upside down in the morning, every day was unkempt, he didn't sleep at night, and he couldn't sleep during the day. The farthest distance to go out is the balcony of the dormitory, and the time to go out to buy vegetables in a week.

Sometimes it was two weeks, because there was another colleague in the dormitory at that time, and we both took turns going out. Although we will also talk together for a few days. But more often than not, we are alone, after all, a day is so long. We can't talk all the time.

On days of isolation, the best way to combat anxiety is to embrace yourself

Later, slowly we said that no one would go to the living room, which was also to reduce contact, and on the other hand, the isolation time was too long. Even the two of us chatting can feel a sense of loneliness. It is also because the schedules of the two people are getting different. I was still awake when he slept, and he was resting while I slept.

So we started to self-isolate, and the most we talked about during that time was to feel very anxious because we didn't know when we would end this life. So the two of us felt that we could not go on like this. If we don't change again, we can't solve this anxiety.

Therefore, during that time, what I particularly liked was to check the encyclopedia and read the public account articles. Because I'm anxious!

I remember that during that time, I inquired the most about how to relieve anxiety and how to start my side business. Because my anxiety comes from many problems in life: work, career, etc. It is also because of that experience during that time that I also learned that the best way to combat anxiety is to embrace myself.

On days of isolation, the best way to combat anxiety is to embrace yourself

Especially when we are alone in isolation, the feeling of loneliness and anxiety increases exponentially, and the only way to solve these problems is that we can find ourselves and then find a solution that suits us.

At that time, I reorganized my life in the same way, because all anxiety was because I had too much free time, so I wrote out my abilities on paper, the things that I had to solve now, and then I scored them, and then sorted them according to the level of the score.

I started making plans for my quarantine, and that's when I started working as a self-media. Because this allows you to have something to do in that situation, instead of eating and sleeping every day, it is to brush short videos. Indeed, this is also useful in this way.

Because at that time, my daily life began to become more and more fulfilling, my anxiety became lower and lower, and my daily life became more and more fulfilling. Indeed, the most important thing in dealing with anxiety is our own attitude and hard work on this matter, and only if we find a way that suits us can we better solve him.

On days of isolation, the best way to combat anxiety is to embrace yourself

After all, everyone's source of anxiety is different, and only by finding this source and solving it can we alleviate our anxiety. So, if you're feeling anxious right now, list the causes of your anxiety and address it. Because the best way to fight anxiety is to embrace yourself.

So, did you feel anxiety during your days of isolation?

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