
The six doors secretly ordered | to fall incomparable! Shadow's second career transfer was first exposed

Hidden in the deepest shadows,

Handle the sharpest blades!

Assassin Shadow Vein,

About to join the second career transfer,

Appear in the new expansion pack!

【Shadow falling light even the cold of heaven and earth】

Sharp offensive,

It is like a river.

Practice in the darkness,

Give him unusually sharp combat effectiveness.

The new Shadow's career name - Shadow.

The six doors secretly ordered | to fall incomparable! Shadow's second career transfer was first exposed

【Shadow Fall Qi Yanbai】

They have the fastest body,

Holding the sharpest blade in the jianghu,

Bring the enemy the most accurate and surging blows.

Shadow is better at bursts and outputs,

In the midst of the battlefield,

Create a bigger killing intent.

The spark ends,

Fireworks lift off,

This is the man in the shadows,

The only romance in this life.


Let that sickle,

Sharper, sharper, faster!

Cut through the darkness,

Bring the warmth and light of the same door,

That's Shadow's mission.

The six doors secretly ordered | to fall incomparable! Shadow's second career transfer was first exposed

Shadow's second career transfer will be in next month's expansion pack,

See with the guest officers.

Detailed explanation of related occupational equipment and skills,

Stay tuned for the latest news from the official WeChat!

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