
Keyboard Man | Jokic difficult to stop the undercover "boarding"? Payton Jr. saved the "Ben Westernization" dream

Keyboard Man | Jokic difficult to stop the undercover "boarding"? Payton Jr. saved the "Ben Westernization" dream

Starter: Chicken Nuggets (Nuggets) Next main course: Timberwolf or Grizzly Bear

【Post-Game Post】In the first round of the playoffs, the Warriors defeated the Nuggets 102-98 and advanced to the next round 4-1.

Key player data for both sides:

Warriors: Curry 30 points, 5 boards, 5 assists and 2 breaks, Klay 15 points, 9 boards, 3 assists and 4 breaks, Wiggins 12 points, 5 boards and 2 assists, Dream Chasing 11 points, 2 boards, 6 assists and 3 hats, Poole 8 points and 4 assists, Payton II 15 points, 3 boards, 3 assists and 2 blocks.

Nuggets: Jokic 30 points, 19 boards, 8 assists, 1 break, 2 blocks, Cousins 19 points, 4 boards, Gordon 15 points, 8 boards, 2 assists and 2 blocks, Barton 14 points, 3 boards, Morris 14 points, 3 boards and 7 assists, Hyland 4 points, 2 boards and 2 assists.

Keyboard Man | Jokic difficult to stop the undercover "boarding"? Payton Jr. saved the "Ben Westernization" dream

[–] OnRedditSometimes 884 points an hour ago

Jokic’s teammates were processing two choices when they received a Jokic dime. Do I: 1. Brick 2. Throw the ball away for a turnover

Fans: Whenever Jokic's teammates accept a pass from Jokic, two thoughts come to mind: 1. Am I going to hit iron? Or 2. Throw the ball away by a direct mistake?

[–] WarriorsCurrymvp2 84 points an hour ago*

Atrocious. That Denver team wins 20 games at the absolute maximum without him. He deserves MVP for dragging and making it a relatively competitive 4-1 series. If you're talking purely the offensive side of basketball, you don't really get better than Jokic atm.

Warriors fans: Murderous hearts. Without a teacher, the Nuggets would win up to 20 games. Jokic deserves to be this year's MVP, just because of his performance in the first round and making the score 4-1 so competitive. If you're just talking about the offensive end of the game, for now, there really isn't a player more well-rounded than Jokic.

[–] OleRockTheGoodAg 799 points an hour ago*

Demarcus Cousins secured an offensive rebound with 49.4 left in the 3rd. Denver led in offensive boards 14-4 then and were leading 75-70. Dominating the glass and paint was giving the Nuggets the edge, leading by 8 going into the 4th.

They didn't get another offensive board for the rest of the game.

Fans: Cousins grabbed an offensive rebound with 49.4 seconds left in the third quarter, and the Nuggets led 14-4 with offensive rebounds, a 75-70 score. He dominated rebounding and interior, gave the Nuggets an edge, and led by eight points into the fourth quarter.

As a result, the Nuggets did not grab an offensive board for the rest of the time.

Keyboard Man | Jokic difficult to stop the undercover "boarding"? Payton Jr. saved the "Ben Westernization" dream

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