
New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Since its launch, the "Red Finance and Revolutionary Cultural Relics Exhibition" has received a warm response from the society. Considering the needs of foreign audiences, an online exhibition hall is specially launched so that everyone can watch the red exhibition without leaving home.

The online exhibition hall is divided into five chapters: "Sprouting Thoughts", "Spark of Fire", "Heroic Resistance against Japan", "Welcoming Liberation" and "Building a New China", including the entrance compound, square sculptures, student dormitories, academic staff office, bank of the Cpc Soviet Republic, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border District Bank, and Southern People's Bank, etc., which truly reproduce the environment of the exhibition hall and reproduce the real feelings of the exhibition to the greatest extent. (Exhibition Channel: Public Number: Guangdong Grand View Museum)

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

VR interface

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

VR interface

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Visit the site

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Visit the site

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Unit 1: Ideas Sprout

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Military readings

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Unit 3: Heroic Resistance Against Japan

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

Unit 4: Welcoming Liberation

New! You can see the red exhibition without leaving your home

The first set of renminbi

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