
You have to suffer a loss to remember the four constellations, Aries is too impetuous, Taurus a tendon

Many people grow through setbacks and gain experience in every failure. They all do not listen to the old man,suffer losses in front of their eyes, and only after they have suffered losses do they know that what they have done is wrong and right. Many people initially stick to their own ideas, do not listen to the advice of others, and think that a thing will develop in the direction they want. But in fact, if you insist on going your own way, you will suffer losses in the end. Take a look, you have to suffer a loss, what are the long-term memory signs, right?

You have to suffer a loss to remember the four constellations, Aries is too impetuous, Taurus a tendon


Aries is too impetuous, no matter how they grow older, their personality is like this, have an impetuous heart. And I attach more importance to my own ability, so I often want to take shortcuts, which leads to my own losses, because life is actually no shortcut to take. To be down-to-earth, you will naturally be superior. And Aries does not listen to the advice of others, is very impulsive, and always makes up his mind to rush forward at all costs. Many people will use this to give them a set, and they don't know if they have suffered losses.

You have to suffer a loss to remember the four constellations, Aries is too impetuous, Taurus a tendon


Taurus is very stubborn and has identified one thing, that is, nine cows cannot be pulled back. Although they know that the problem exists and that they should listen to the opinions of others, they just want to try it out in their own way, thinking that there may be a better way to solve the problem. But often in the end it is a failure, because insisting on going its own way is basically a failure. You think that they have heard the advice given by others, but in fact they still do it according to themselves, and in the end it is themselves who suffer losses.

You have to suffer a loss to remember the four constellations, Aries is too impetuous, Taurus a tendon


Pisces relies on their own whimsical thinking, thinking of society as beautiful, and thinking that there will be no setbacks. It is very difficult to draw a good blueprint in your own mind, and it is very difficult to realize it. Basically, they don't go as they think, and they fall on their heads every time. But it is difficult to let them remember for a long time, unless they have suffered a big loss and know that it hurts, they will have a long memory.

You have to suffer a loss to remember the four constellations, Aries is too impetuous, Taurus a tendon


Looking at the taciturn Scorpio, it seems to be unremarkable, a look that no one can deceive them. It is difficult to trust others in the heart, and it is difficult to listen to the advice of others to them, and it is always immersed in their own thoughts. I feel that what I am doing is right, because I don't trust others, so no matter what others say, I won't adopt it. I'd rather suffer losses than experiment with myself step by step. Arguing with them is unthinkable and makes people helpless.

Sometimes listen to the experience of some of the predecessors, after all, they are ahead of the curve. Many times you can avoid some unnecessary mistakes, knowing that there is a pit in front of you, why jump into it? In the final analysis, it is still necessary to be down-to-earth and learn more from experience.

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