
explore! Poster design trends

explore! Poster design trends

Dynamic poster design, as the name suggests, is a poster that can be moved. The design visual expression form of dynamic posters is different from the past, whether it is a graphic language or a color language, it has a unique form of artistic expression and distinct characteristics of the trend of the times. In the dynamic poster design, logo, characters, letters, all the elements are moved at a certain rhythm, and the mix brings a strong visual interest and impact. Almost all areas of design use dynamic effects design, with a special graphic element that changes with rhythm and shots. Just the right amount of dynamics to make the design even more distinctive.

explore! Poster design trends

Flat illustrations. Flat illustration is popularly said to be both to extract the elements to be drawn into flat graphics, making the picture refreshing and simple, and is sought after by many designers, and business poster design often uses this style of illustration to complete the visual effect.

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Texture illustration. Texture illustration can be said to be based on flat illustration to add texture texture (such as noise, noise) and light sense, itself and flat illustration is much the same, compared to flat illustration is more layered, more textured, more realistic.

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Hand-painted style. The illustration of the hand-drawn style is also widely used, and the artistry and aesthetics are extremely high, which requires the designer to have a strong foundation in art. This style of illustration is more like a painting work, and the hand-drawn illustration is applied to the poster through typographic composition, which better attracts people's attention, leaves a deep impression on people, and becomes the core memory point.

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Gradient illustration . Gradient illustration is an illustration style that gradually transitions one color to another color when filling, which can be a two-color gradient or a multi-color gradient, and the transition between them is very smooth, and the style is especially beautiful and romantic. The sense of light is relatively strong, so it is also called shimmer illustration. The color is generally the same color, generally a two-color gradient, up to five, can create an elegant temperament.

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2. 5D illustration is popularly known as three-dimensional illustration, that is, the representation of three-dimensional things in two-dimensional space. C4D can easily draw this style of illustration, which is generally used in e-commerce poster design.

explore! Poster design trends

Stroke illustration. Stroke illustration, as the name suggests, is to stroke the outer outline of the visual elements such as shapes and color blocks drawn, so that all the elements in the picture can be presented in front of the viewer very clearly, and it is very interesting for the second dimension.

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The graphic elements of the plane in the 3D style poster are injected with three-dimensional vitality, giving people a visual feeling that is about to come out. This style of poster is three-dimensional and realistic enough, with both strong artistry and strong visual impact. C4D is very suitable for use in poster design, the two-dimensional performance elements, fun and effective combination of three-dimensional space system in the 3D poster, can enhance the effect of poster design, we usually see a lot of posters, banners are made of C4D, the effect is very outstanding, more visually cool.

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Simple geometric shapes create artistic visuals, a technique that has always been common. Although it is not a new trend, it is still very important. This geometry is widely used, especially in visual design, where the practice is to place pictures into shapes. Compared with the use of rectangles and perfect circles, geometric shapes do bring a lot of artistic design to the page and enhance flexibility.

explore! Poster design trends

In the poster design, more and more designers work the font, presenting a layout with a new and modern sense. Common font layouts are as follows:

Decorating the typeface with some decorative patterns (plant, animal, geometric) makes the typeface more designable and better conveys information.

explore! Poster design trends

The weighty bold type has swept up a wave, and the font is so large that it exceeds the boundaries of the poster, with a strong sense of design and decoration.

Arranging text into geometric shapes, whether curved lines, circles, or continuous curves, these geometric shapes may be 2D or even 3D, for example, using fonts to discharge 3D objects such as cubes and spiral staircases is very popular.

Translucent fonts are also quite popular, such as superimposed letters, unified font virtual real presentation.

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Optical illusion designs are easy to impress because people spend a long time looking at it repeatedly in order to figure out what the image is saying. If the concept of abstraction and flow in the poster needs to be expressed, optical illusion is a good way of expression, and optical illusion often appears in a dynamic form, but it is worth mentioning that it is not possible to design the optical illusion elements too abstract and complex to understand.

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