
The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation


There are so many places to see in Mandalay than you might think, and since you have to rush in the afternoon, you'll have to make the most of the day's itinerary with the palace and three temples. Really, Mandalay is much bigger than I thought. Originally asked the hotel to borrow a bicycle, and then fortunately because it was too hot to give up, sure enough, it seems to be a short distance, the motorcycle has to drive for a while, but the 2000 KYAT motorcycle is still very cost-effective.

Mandalay Palace, located in the middle of the ancient city, was originally the palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the Kompung Dynasty, which was destroyed by fire during World War II and is now rebuilt on the original site. However, the royal palace can really visit the part that belongs to the royal family, not particularly large. The seemingly living parts around are the places where royal families or government bureaucrats once lived and lived.

Entering the palace, you must first verify the ticket, verify the identity, and change the hangtag, and the management is very strict. All urban areas of Mandalay take a pass of 10,000 Kyats, in fact, only the Grand Palace and the ancient city of Inwa are really checked, and the others are basically not checked.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

From the entrance gate to the real royal palace, it takes about 15 minutes to walk, which is equivalent to walking through the garden part of the perimeter, checking the ticket again, and officially entering the part of the Middle Palace. Be sure to bring an umbrella if you come, although the temperature is fine in winter, the sun is still very strong.

The First Impression of the Mandalay Palace was like coming to Thailand, which is a typical Bagan style, which shows that Thailand and Myanmar have more or less Southeast Asian flavors.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

The most eye-catching thing in the whole palace is the Golden Ruan Hall, which now houses the king's lion throne, which is a few meters above the ground, showing the nobility and supremacy of the king's power.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

The pillars of the overall lobby are also golden and brilliant, and the main color is composed of gold and red, and the color matching is very foreign, which also shows the rich atmosphere of the palace.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

The Grand Palace was built in 1859, all the buildings were made of precious local teak wood, but destroyed in World War II, and then rebuilt according to drawings in 1989, it is now the largest palace in the world and also allows everyone to see the prosperity of the Burmese Kumpung Dynasty.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation
The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

There is also a kind of red wood built throughout, which is the most precious teak wood in Myanmar, which is also a wood that can only be used by the royal family. Layer by layer design and flying eaves, exquisite wood carvings, more or less let people marvel at the treasures of Myanmar culture.

The atmosphere and tone of the entire royal palace in Myanmar make people feel as if they have arrived in South Asia, and it is no wonder that the royal family chose this land to build a royal palace in the garden.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation
The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

Some of the palaces in the palace are exhibits of antiquities, exhibiting some ancient items, such as horse-drawn carriages, etc., so that we can also understand the way of life of the Burmese royal family at that time.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

At that time, the royal family was wearing clothes, but their clothes were relatively small, probably because people were shorter. However, the skirt is still very Burmese style.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

Like such a solid color wooden wall background, encounter a good background must come to take a shot ~ did not expect that the myanmar palace color is very good-looking, both tropical holiday style, but also can take a good photo, must come to see this beautiful largest palace.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

One of the most important ways to visit the Royal Palace is the later construction of the Observation Tower, which you can climb to and enjoy a panoramic view of the entire Palace. The golden, yellow, and red colors of a lush green form the beauty of the entire Mandalay Grand Palace. The atmospheric and beautiful palace is indeed one of the most worthwhile scenic spots in Mandalay.

The royal palace of the last dynasty of Burma, the largest remaining palace in the world, has a strong Burmese style and a sense of vacation

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