
Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

author:Dr. Fu Min talked

Purine is a substance actively produced by the human body, but too much purine in the body will form uric acid, induce symptoms of high uric acid, high concentration of uric acid will also overflow urate crystals, these small particles of crystals like to appear in the joints of the person, and finally induce gout.

It is not that unlucky people who secrete too much purine will be plagued by gout, the causes of gout and high uric acid, and there is a great relationship with diet.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

Some foods contain purine substances, if you eat these foods regularly, coupled with the purine components secreted by the body, it is easy to cause the concentration of uric acid to continue to rise.

Common high purine foods are as follows:

1, seafood: seafood belongs to a more typical high purine food, which contains a relatively large amount of purine substances, although the taste of seafood is more delicious, but for gout patients, it is not recommended to eat seafood often.

2, animal offal: animal offal food is very delicious to eat, and often people as a drink to eat, but these foods also contain too many purine ingredients.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

3, broth: the older generation of people like to drink a variety of broth, purine is easily soluble in water, most meat food almost contains purine substances, so broth also belongs to high purine food.

4, beer: the content of purine substances in beer may not be high, but regular drinking of beer will lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, excess purine components can not be excreted by the physiological atmosphere, so often drinking beer is also not conducive to uric acid.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

In summary, if you eat these foods regularly, it is easy to cause elevated uric acid in the body, but there is also a food that will also cause uric acid to remain high, but it is often ignored.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

The food mentioned today is spinach, which may not be unfamiliar to spinach, and no longer belongs to a kind of green leafy vegetables that we often eat in our daily lives, which contains rich nutrients, such as vitamins, various trace elements and so on.

Spinach contains the purine substance itself is relatively high, coupled with the fact that it contains a certain oxalic acid component, oxalic acid into the human body, may react with calcium elements, the formation of calcium oxalate, resulting in calcium loss, this time the health of the bones has declined, it is easier to leave an opportunity for gout.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

In addition, oxalic acid may also cause the internal environment of the body to be further acidic, which will also promote the high level of uric acid at this time, so it is also suffering from high blood lipids, and it must be careful before choosing.

What are the early manifestations of elevated uric acid?

  • Joint pain and discomfort

Because high uric acid can induce gout, early elevation of uric acid may be accompanied by changes in joints, and redness, swelling and discomfort may occur.

If this situation occurs, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to check the level of uric acid, do not act arbitrarily, so as not to continue to rise in uric acid in the body without knowing it.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat
  • Feel thirsty

Excess uric acid in the body mainly relies on the kidneys to metabolize and excrete in the form of urine, so there is a situation of high uric acid, the loss of water in the body is too fast, and it is easy to have a dry mouth and tongue.

Therefore, if you feel that the dry mouth and tongue are more serious for a period of time, then it is also recommended that you pay attention to whether uric acid is stable in time, so as to avoid the continuous increase of uric acid in the body and serious damage to the body.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat
  • Back pain

The reason why high uric acid can cause back pain is also one of the typical signs of impaired kidney health, which is located on both sides of the person's waist, one on each side.

If there is a problem with kidney function, it is likely to involve the surrounding nerves and tissues, accompanied by the feeling of back pain, so this abnormal performance should also be paid more attention to.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

Which foods are suitable for people with high uric acid?

wax gourd:

Winter melon belongs to a kind of vegetable, its taste is relatively good, and the nutritional value is relatively high, for people with high uric acid, it is good to eat some winter melon in the diet, because winter melon can play a role in reducing swelling and diuresis.

Promote the smooth discharge of excess water and metabolic substances in the body, and at the same time have a certain help for uric acid metabolism, I hope you love to eat.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat


Cucumbers can not only be eaten directly, but also used for cooking, and even cucumbers can be used as side dishes, which may look inconspicuous, but the nutrients contained in them are relatively rich.

The most abundant content in cucumber should be water, so eating cucumber in moderation may be able to achieve the effect of hydration, for those who do not like to drink water, can avoid the phenomenon of lack of water, while the body is full of water, but also can promote the egg uric acid physiological garlic excretion outside the body to reduce the burden of body and mind.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

Low-fat or skim milk:

Although milk is a product of Western countries, but with the exchange of culture into China, it has also been liked by people, especially in daily life, many young people gradually realize that drinking milk in moderation can supplement nutrients for the body at the same time, but also reduce the burden of body and mind.

However, people with high uric acid do not dare to drink milk, they are worried that drinking too much milk will lead to a further increase in uric acid in the body, and patients with high uric acid can choose low-fat or skim milk, which may be less likely to cause gout attacks.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

What do I need to pay attention to in stabilizing uric acid in life?

【Drink more water】

As we mentioned many times before, the excess uric acid in the body mainly relies on the kidneys to metabolize and excrete the body in the form of urine, so if there is a situation of high uric acid, we can add some water to the body in the daily diet, and it is recommended that the daily water intake can be best maintained at about 1500 ~ 2000 ml.

Adequate water can increase the amount of urination, but also can promote the smooth metabolism and discharge of harmful substances, which is helpful for assisting daily uric acid, please do not take it seriously.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

【Proper exercise】

Taking a certain amount of time to do exercise every day helps to promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, reduce physical and mental burden, and is also good for caring for physical health.

Patients with high uric acid are recommended to participate in aerobic exercise appropriately every day, which may help accelerate the smooth discharge of harmful substances from the body, reduce the physical and mental burden, and also help to assist daily uric acid.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

【Change the way you cook】

When you want to stabilize uric acid cooking food, you should probably pay more attention to it, the mainland is a big food country, so there are many ways to cook, some cooking methods may use cooking oil, so its oil content is more.

This way of cooking will make people consume too much oil to increase the burden on the body, so from the perspective of health, I hope that everyone will try to use light cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling and so on.

Natural "purine king" or found, seafood side stand, this "vegetarian dish" is not recommended to eat

Do you have anything else you need to supplement about stabilizing uric acid? Feel free to leave a comment below.