
If you accidentally give birth to a child at home, what should you do with the placenta and umbilical cord

The birth process of most children should be like this: after the mother goes to the hospital for regular obstetric examinations, she is admitted to the hospital under the expected date of delivery recommended by the doctor, guarded by the doctor and midwife, and undergoes a series of delivery processes, and finally the baby is born safely.

However, some ladies who have already given birth may think that "one time to be born, two times to be cooked, three times to be clever", and having a child is such a thing, with previous experience, it is also familiar to be "born" smart. Therefore, these women may not have regular obstetric examinations during pregnancy, and they still think that their due date has not yet arrived a few days before the birth of the child. This is also one of the main reasons why there are no births in hospitals.

If you accidentally give birth to a child at home, what should you do with the placenta and umbilical cord

First, regular obstetric examinations are very important

1. Regular examination can continuously observe and understand the fetal development at various stages and the changes in the body of pregnant women, and can find common comorbidities in pregnant women in time so as to get treatment in time to prevent the disease from developing to a serious stage.

2. Understand the fetal position in time, and judge whether it can be a smooth delivery, and try to avoid the injury caused by difficult labor.

3, especially after 36 weeks, once a week, obstetric examination, strengthen the management of perinatal period, grasp the timing of childbirth, and be ready for production at any time.

4. Pay attention to the signs of childbirth, and when there is redness, regular contractions or water breakage, you must go to the hospital in time.

5. Expectant mothers with a history of childbirth must not act on their own experience alone.

If you accidentally give birth to a child at home, what should you do with the placenta and umbilical cord

2. Recommend the timetable for obstetric examination

Obstetric examinations during pregnancy are generally about 13: every 4 weeks before 28 weeks of pregnancy, every 2 weeks for 28-36 weeks of pregnancy, and once a week after 36 weeks of pregnancy.

High-risk factors such as pregnancy complications, blood glucose abnormalities, and abnormal B-ultrasound tests need to increase the number of obstetric examinations as appropriate.

If you accidentally give birth to a child at home, what should you do with the placenta and umbilical cord

3. Prenatal signs

1, see red: when the cervix slowly opens, the vagina will discharge a small amount of bloody mucus, with this symptom is not far from the time of contractions.

2, contractions: the beginning is irregular, the intensity is relatively weak, the duration is short, slowly and gradually become regular, the duration is extended, this time needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible to hospitalize for delivery.

3, broken water: the vagina suddenly outflow of water, can not control themselves, this situation belongs to the rupture of amniotic fluid, once found that the amniotic fluid rupture, immediately go to the hospital hospital for delivery.

If you accidentally give birth to a child at home, what should you do with the placenta and umbilical cord

Fourth, the guide to having a baby on the spot

In order to provide a basic guide for mothers and families who are rare but can still occur and do not have time to go to the hospital to give birth:

1. Arrange for the people present to dial 120, be sure to explain the specific location and situation, and call the ambulance to the door.

2. Choose the right position as much as possible to give birth. In general, the upright position of the upper body helps the baby to be born smoothly, such as squatting and kneeling on all fours. In addition, the lying on the side will also be very good, for a particularly fast delivery, the side lying can be appropriately slowed down, so that everyone has time to prepare, and do not have to worry about the baby will fall to the ground and cause injury when born.

3. Prepare a mattress mat for delivery. Spread it out under mom. If not, find a clean large towel to spread out. Put a clean plastic bag under a clean towel.

4. Pay attention to the hygiene and cleanliness of the midwives. If there is time, the delivery family can wash their hands all the way down to the elbow. If it is too late, but there is alcohol hand sanitizer in the home, it can also be used instead, or if there are medical rubber gloves in the home, you can wear rubber gloves.

5. Encourage the mother to breathe deeply, listen to her body, and exert force according to the feelings of the body.

6, if the baby's head comes out, hold the baby's head, check whether the amniotic sac is still completely wrapped around the baby, if there is, you can find a clean, sharp object to puncture it, and then use a clean and soft towel to gently dry the baby's face.

7. If there is an umbilical cord wrapped around your baby's neck, try to loosen the umbilical cord. Don't cut the umbilical cord yourself, don't pull your baby's body out, but wait for the baby to deliver it himself.

8. After the baby's head comes out, it may take one or two more contractions, and the baby's shoulders will slowly come out one by one. Hold your baby so that your baby's head is slightly below your chest so that the amniotic fluid in your baby's mouth naturally flows away.

9. Immediately put the dried baby on the mother's abdomen and make skin contact with the mother. When the skin is in contact, there is no fabric between the mother and the baby, and it is possible to cover the baby with a blanket to keep warm.

10. Wait for the placenta to deliver. The placenta may be delivered soon after giving birth, or it may take half an hour or an hour or so.

If you accidentally give birth to a child at home, what should you do with the placenta and umbilical cord

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