
Personality Test: Pick your favorite dress and test whose fetishes will be applied to you!

Some people in life will have a bad taste habit, and when they use their own bad fun habit on others, this kind of person feels very happy, and it seems to add fun to their lives when they are completely opened. So who will your wicked fetishes be unleashed on? Test it to find the answer, let's take a look:

Personality Test: Pick your favorite dress and test whose fetishes will be applied to you!

Choose this one: it will be used on a friend

When you are with your friends, you are often the most unscrupulous, and you will apply your bad fun fetishes to your friends, and such playfulness is commonplace for you. Friends have also been accustomed to your behavior, in the eyes of friends you are an easy-going person, friends do not feel that there is anything wrong with your bad habits, everyone likes to play with you.

Personality Test: Pick your favorite dress and test whose fetishes will be applied to you!

Choose this one: it will be applied to the parents

You are the one who likes to play with your parents, you will apply the bad fun fetish to the parents, you feel that the parents are the most ridiculous people, many times you feel that this is a kind of fun, you want to share the joy of life with your parents. This interaction between you and your parents has always enhanced your relationship, and your parents think that you are an old child who has not grown up.

Personality Test: Pick your favorite dress and test whose fetishes will be applied to you!

Choose this one: will play on your own body

You are a person who does not like to base your happiness on the pain of others, you do not know whether your bad habits are a problem for others, and you feel that it is safer to use them on yourself. You don't want to make the people around you unhappy because of your actions, and you don't do it to others when you're not sure if the other person wants it or not.

Personality Test: Pick your favorite dress and test whose fetishes will be applied to you!

Choose this one: it will be applied to your partner

You love to make jokes about your partner, and you think it's fun to apply the fetish to your partner. Many times you feel that such jokes can enhance the feelings and understanding between yourself and your partner, you don't feel that your partner will not accept your own behavior, you think that your partner should be very cooperative with yourself, you are still very confident.

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