
Original picture books | me and my special features

Original picture books | me and my special features



Mention a certain time, a certain date,

Or somewhere,

Details about what happened at that time or place

It will clearly come to my mind...

The official explanation is: in a highly detailed and accurate way

Remember the events of daily life,


Original picture books | me and my special features

For example, I remember what I did yesterday.

What was done on this day last month,

What did you do on this day two years ago...

Or maybe my mom officially criticized me

Can be traced back to the second semester of kindergarten,

One night in April 2013

(I remember every time I was formally criticized!) );

My movie night started in kindergarten,

It was first every Tuesday and Thursday, and later every Friday.

I watched 66 movies in 2021

(excluding the 2nd one),

See more in 2020,

Specific to which day to see which movie,

I remember it all.


When I was working in the study,

Even with a range hood on,

I can also hear clearly in the distant kitchen,

Two people whispering,

Original picture books | me and my special features

Mom and Dad couldn't hide anything!

"The Nail of Escape"

After a rock climbing class,

I found the 3rd toe of my right foot weird.

The old nails are still there,

But a new little fingernail grew!

Original picture books | me and my special features
Original picture books | me and my special features
Original picture books | me and my special features

Later, similar situations occurred frequently,

The nails of the 3rd toe often run off after climbing,

I can't even chase it back!

"Disobedient Hands"

Let's start by stating:

I will tie! shoes! bring!


Never reached

Mom and Dad's standards.

Original picture books | me and my special features
Original picture books | me and my special features
Original picture books | me and my special features
Original picture books | me and my special features

Sometimes tied too loosely, opened in a moment;

Sometimes it is tied too tightly and becomes a dead knot that cannot be undone.

No matter how others demonstrate step by step,

My mind was still confused.

That rope is like a whirlpool of chaos,

More and more chaos...

"No emotion, only reason"

The tear point is extremely high,

No matter what tear-jerking movies you watch, no matter what sad books you read,

No tears.

Original picture books | me and my special features

In order to verify authenticity,

I've specifically watched Titanic 2 times,

The first time I watched it with mom and dad,

The second time I admired it alone,

Just sad in my heart,

Precious tears of gold still did not fall.

Original picture books | me and my special features

What are your specific features,

Let's hear it too!

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