
wary! 12 countries reported this unexplained childhood disease, at least 1 person died! Russian missiles destroy arsenals of weapons stored in the United States and Europe, Zelenskiy shouted to India?

author:Securities Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has not subsided, and there have been cases of unexplained acute hepatitis in children in many countries.

Recently, in 12 countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, there have been cases of acute hepatitis in children of unknown origin, which has attracted market attention. At present, the number of related cases has increased to 169, at least 1 child has died, and the exact cause is still under investigation. WHO said adenovirus was detected in 74 cases. Of these, 20 were infected with the new crown virus and 19 were infected with both the new crown virus and the adenovirus.

Screenshot of the WHO website

At the same time, the international situation is still complex and turbulent, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is still continuing. A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense said on the 23rd that Russian air-space military missiles destroyed an arsenal containing a large number of weapons from the United States and European countries near Odessa, Ukraine. The mayor of the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa said the death toll from the missile attack that occurred that day rose to eight.

On the 23rd local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy told the media that US Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin will visit Ukraine on the 24th. The United States and Ukraine will discuss issues such as speeding up the delivery of weapons.

At a time when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Europe and the United States disrupted the situation and increased sanctions against Russia, resulting in a sharp rise in oil prices, another piece of news also attracted attention. Nigerian officials confirmed on the 23rd that an explosion occurred at an illegal oil refinery at the junction of Imo State and River State in southern Nigeria on the evening of the 22nd, causing more than 100 deaths.

The number of cases of hepatitis in children of unknown origin increased to 169, and at least 1 person died

According to the surging news, on April 23, the World Health Organization issued the latest notification: since the United Kingdom reported the detection of 74 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown causes in children on the 15th, more countries have reported new cases.

As of 21 April, at least 169 cases of unexplained acute hepatitis in children have been reported in 11 countries in the WHO European Region and 1 country in the Region of the Americas. Among them, there are 114 cases in the United Kingdom, 13 cases in Spain, 12 cases in Israel, 9 cases in the United States, 6 cases in Denmark, less than 5 cases in Ireland, 4 cases in the Netherlands, 4 cases in Italy, 2 cases in Norway, 2 cases in France, 1 case in Romania and 1 case in Belgium.

All cases ranged in age from 1 month to 16 years. Seventeen children (about 10 percent) needed a liver transplant and at least one died.

The clinical syndrome of the confirmed case is acute hepatitis, with a significant increase in liver enzymes, usually accompanied by jaundice, and sometimes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most cases do not have a fever. In the area of epidemiological investigations, no link between cases in different countries has been identified based on the information currently available.

According to a reuters report quoted by China News Network, WHO said on the 23rd that with the increase in cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin among children, 1 child has been reported to have died. WHO also said adenovirus was detected in 74 cases. Of these, 20 were infected with the new crown virus and 19 were infected with both the new crown virus and the adenovirus.

Although adenovirus is currently a major pathogen hypothesis, it does not fully explain the severe hepatitis symptoms in patients. Because adenoviruses rarely cause severe hepatitis in healthy people, it is very rare in children without serious health problems.

WHO said it was closely monitoring the situation and working with relevant authorities such as UK health authorities.

Zelenskiy shouted india? Russian missiles destroy the arsenal of weapons stored in the United States and Europe

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which has lasted for nearly two months, still shows no signs of easing.

According to the Overseas Network quoted by the Russian Satellite News Agency on the 24th, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the 23rd that the Russian Air and Space Force destroyed an arsenal containing a large number of WEAPONS from the United States and European countries near Odessa, Ukraine.

Konashenkov said at a regular briefing on the 23rd: "This afternoon, the high-precision long-range air-based missiles of the Russian Air and Space Force destroyed the weapons collection station of a military airport near Odessa, where a large number of foreign weapons from the United States and European countries were stored. The Russian side has stressed that foreign weapons destined for Ukraine may eventually fall into the hands of radical Ukrainian nationalists and that the people who use them are "uncontrollable."

On the same day, a spokesman for the Military Administration of Odessa in the southern Ukrainian city said that Odessa was attacked by missiles and that local rescue operations were underway. At the same time, he urged citizens not to post photos and videos of the site of the attack and not to indicate the address. In addition, the mayor of the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa said the death toll from the missile attack that occurred that day rose to 8.

The United States continues to stir up trouble. According to CCTV news reports, on the 23rd local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy told the media that US Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin will visit Ukraine on the 24th. The United States and Ukraine will discuss issues such as speeding up the delivery of weapons.

On April 22, Pentagon spokesman Kirby said Defense Secretary Austin would visit Germany next week for a meeting on Ukraine's future needs.

At the same time, according to the Global Times quoted by the US "Capitol Hill" reported on the 23rd, local time on Saturday, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said at a press conference that he hopes Asian countries can "change their attitude" towards Ukraine like European countries. Zelenskiy said: "I very much hope that Asian countries can also change their attitude towards Ukraine. Zelenskiy believes that these countries have become more closely related to Russia because of their past relations with the Soviet Union. "Historically, they (Asia and Africa) had close relations with the Soviet Union," he said. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia was the successor state of the Soviet Union and the largest country in the former Soviet Union, so their relationship with Russia remained strong. However, Zelenskiy also said he sees some countries now "more inclined" toward Ukraine, and then the people of those countries may change their attitude towards Ukraine.

The Capitol Hill newspaper said that Zelenskiy's remarks came at a time when India was facing pressure from the United States and Western countries to join them in sanctioning Russia. On the morning of April 21, local time, British Prime Minister Johnson flew to India to begin a two-day visit to India. Johnson came to Indian Prime Minister Modi's hometown of Gujarat on the 21st, and met with Modi in New Delhi on the 22nd to discuss free trade agreements and defense and security cooperation.

In addition, according to the Russian satellite network, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said on the 23rd that the UNITED States' attempt to suppress the Russian economy was unsuccessful, and then turned to blame Russia for the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Zakharova said that it is clear that the original plan of the United States was to put economic pressure on Russia and force Russia to submit, which did not succeed. Now, the United States has turned to another plan, moving in the direction of blaming Russia for its use of weapons of mass destruction. Zakharova stressed that this is a move to cross the "red line".

The Russian Defense Ministry said on the 23rd that on April 21, Ukraine used drones to drop a container containing ampoules on the Russian military positions. If detonated, a chemical reaction is expected and toxic substances are released. Zakharova said the incident meant the U.S. attempt could have been put into action.

More than 100 people died! An illegal oil refinery in Nigeria exploded

According to CCTV News, Nigerian officials confirmed on the 23rd that an explosion occurred at an illegal oil refinery at the junction of Imo State and River State in southern Nigeria on the evening of the 22nd, causing more than 100 deaths.

Gudlerk Opia, head of the Imo State Oil Resources Management Department, said in a telephone interview with reporters that the illegal refinery where the explosion occurred was located in a forest at the border between the Eberma district and rivers state in the state, and that the accident had killed more than 100 people. The Imo state government has issued a warrant for the refinery's operator and has begun investigating the cause of the accident.

It was reported that about 150 other people had been severely burned and several vehicles had been burned. The governor of Imo State has warned owners who are still operating illegal refining in the state to stop operations immediately or face legal sanctions.

Unscrupulous gangs in southern Nigeria routinely sabotage pipelines, steal crude oil and send it to illegal refineries for processing. Some illegal refineries are also prone to accidents as crude oil leaks from damaged pipelines, often causing environmental pollution.

Institutions: U.S. stocks will continue to fluctuate, and A-shares are in the bottom area

Finally, let's look at the global capital markets. On Friday, European and American stock markets fell collectively, with the Dow plunging 2.82%, the Nasdaq down 2.55%, the S&P 500 down 2.77%, germany's DAX down 2.48%, France's CAC40 down 1.99%, Britain's FTSE 100 down 1.39%, and Italy's FTSE MIB down 2.12%.

Fed Interim Chairman Powell recently said that in the environment of high inflation and loose monetary policy, it is appropriate for the Fed to accelerate its action slightly, and the speech was interpreted by the market as a confirmation of the Fed's 50 basis point rate hike in May. In addition, the market also expects the Fed to raise rates by 50 basis points each at its rate meetings in June and July.

Huaxi Securities analyst Wang Yitang believes that considering that the valuation level of US stocks is still high at this stage, the US Treasury yield curve has also been inverted, the US inflation pressure is still large, many companies have a certain pressure in the new financial report data, and the possibility of further tightening of the Fed's monetary policy has risen significantly, and it is expected that the US stock market will fluctuate in the coming period. Considering that the European market is vulnerable to the linkage of the US stock market, and the tightening of liquidity by the European Central Bank, it is expected that there will be further adjustments in the European market in the coming period.

From the perspective of emerging markets, Wang Yitang pointed out that emerging markets continued to pull back this week, and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index fell 3.35%. Considering that the Fed's liquidity is in a tightening stage and the liquidity of many overseas emerging economies has changed, it is expected that the stock markets of most emerging markets will still fluctuate sharply in the future, and there will still be obvious pressure on the bond and foreign exchange markets of many overseas emerging markets.

For the current A-share, Haitong Strategy believes that the market is in the bottom area, which is the period of layout. Haitong strategy pointed out that since April, the policy is still increasing, monetary policy, April 15 the central bank announced a comprehensive reduction of 25BP, April 18 the central bank and safe management bureau proposed to strengthen financial services, increase support for the real economy of 23 policy measures, April 22 the central bank held a party committee, emphasizing that it will "further increase support for the real economy, maintain market stability, maintain economic stability"; real estate policy, loose signals are appearing intensively, since April there have been Quzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai More than 17 cities in Huaibei and Nanping have relaxed the purchase policy, involving purchase restrictions, loan restrictions, sales restrictions, provident funds, mortgage interest rates, housing subsidies, etc.; since 2022, more than 70 cities have relaxed the property market policies such as purchase restrictions and sales restrictions to meet reasonable housing needs. It can be seen that the policy bottom has appeared this time, and the performance bottom needs to wait for the policy effect to appear.

Haitong Strategy said that from the perspective of valuation, the current CSI 300 dividend yield/ 10-year Treasury bonds and the risk premium of all A-shares (the difference between the PE inversion and the 10-year Treasury bond) have reached the extreme value of 1 times the standard deviation, indicating that the current stock market is already very cost-effective. If the GDP target of about 5.5% for the whole year can be achieved, it is expected that the net profit attributable to the mother of all A shares in 2022 will grow by about 5-8% year-on-year, then the market will gradually fill the pit with the increase of corporate profits in the future, and the annual decline will be narrowed. Drawing on historical data, the layout period between the policy bottom and the performance department is currently at this stage, focusing on the main line of stable growth, such as financial real estate and new infrastructure (more flexible), and gradually paying attention to the consumption related to economic recovery.

Editor-in-charge: Wang Lulu

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