
LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

Troll: Whatever an early skin

LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

There are a lot of skins in League of Legends that can be said to be very disgusting, but I think sometimes the fist is already very convergent, such as the hero of the troll, you can look at it, any early skin is much more disgusting than now, mainly because the model is so ugly. There may be many new players who will say, isn't the current model also ugly? But you have to understand that this skin model that you look very ugly now has been optimized once, and you can think about how ugly it was before it was optimized.

Fire Man: Zombie skin

LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

Fire Man's zombie skin, although many people say that it is a t2 level skin, but I want to tell you about the t2 level, does not mean that the special effects are not disgusting. It's just that you can say it's a, all-special effect skin. If you say that you have played with the zombie skin of the fire man, you should feel that the feel of this skin is OK, but the special effects really can't be seen, and you really want to spit it out. Many female players, when playing this hero, have said that after using this skin, they don't want to use it at all next time, because whether it is a model or special effects, how disgusting does it feel?

Nunu: Zombie skin

LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

Since we are talking about zombie skins, it is necessary to talk about the pinnacle of this series of disgusting people, which is Nunu's zombie skin. I don't know if you have paid attention to the special effect of this skin, that is, when pushing the snowball, this snowball is green. And the color of this snowball is also very disgusting to watch. It can be said that the fist should be the skin designed according to the zombie movie style, the key is that the style of this movie is very disgusting, and after you get such a skin, it will look even more disgusting.

Stone Man: Coral skin

LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

Stone man's coral skin should be a t4, or t3 level skin, but also a skin with special effects, but this skin is not very good, that is, its own model is very poor, many players have said that they have dense phobia, after watching this skin model, feel a little disgusting people, just tell you about it, anyway, when I play stone people now, I will definitely not use this coral skin, because there are many other skins that feel very good, For example, this ice type of skin is very good.

Clockwork: Bee skin

LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

Clockwork Magic has a new skin, which is commonly known as the little bee skin, I once told you that the special effect of this skin is very disgusting, although in order to match the name of this skin, the redesign of the ball in the hand looks OK, but the special effect is not OK. I don't know why Fist likes the series so much, because obviously none of the other heroes except Timo are, especially for this style. In particular, the skill of this clockwork demon itself is very exaggerated, and after matching the sound effects and special effects of this little bee, it is even more disgusting.

Zhao Xin: Banana skin

LOL's 6 most disgusting skins Don't be the first disgusting Fist is already very convergent

Why is Zhao Xin's banana skin disgusting? Many people say that the model is ugly, but I personally feel that at the beginning, the player's expectations for this skin are very high, and they think that this skin should be a very handsome skin, but when I enter the game, I go! Can it still be like this? A skin that should have been a handsome man has become a model that looks very disgusting, so it is said that the player feels very disgusting about this skin, which should be very normal, especially some players who only see the original painting at the beginning and start directly are estimated to want to find a fist to refund the money.

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