
The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

author:Sifeng Creek

Mount Ailao

There is a place in Yunnan Province called Ailao Mountain. This place of Ailao Mountain is related to the people of Laos today and the various "Yan" commonly used in our modern Chinese.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Mount Ailao is located on the Red River in south-central Yunnan Province and extends into Vietnam. During the Han Dynasty, the Ailaoyi who lived here established the Southern Palm Kingdom, which is the name given by the Han people, who are one of the ancestors of the Lao lao people, the Thai Thai people, and the Yunnan Dai people.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Lancang - Million Elephants - Vientiane

They called themselves Lancang, which is the origin of the name of today's Lancang River.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Lancang means million elephants in Dai. The south palm of the southern palm country above is not close to the Lancang sound, it seems to be a transliteration.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Laos once established a powerful country on both sides of the Mekong River in the 14th century, called Lancang, Lancang means million elephants, and the high-speed train on the newly opened China-Laos Railway is called Lancang.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

There is also a very magical place, which is the capital of Laos, which we call Vientiane, which is actually more or less in line with the concept that Lancang is a million elephants.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

From Laos to Laos

Taiwan and Singapore call Laos "Laos" (寮国). In fact, at the beginning of the founding of the country, we also called Laos Laos Laos.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Later, when I learned about the history of Laos, I suddenly found that when we were in the Ming Dynasty, we had a name for this country, called Laos, which was in the whole map of Kunyu Wanguo. Therefore, the lao country was changed to Laos.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Why is it called "Lao"

"Prison", "Liao", and "Lao" are all transliterations of "Lao", most likely from the pronunciation of "we" in the Ancient Zhuang Dong language.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

It is conceivable that in ancient foreign languages, when listening to these Zhuang Dong people, they always said something like "lao", so they were called "lao" people. According to the urine nature of the Central Plains regime, it is necessary to give the corner peoples a contemptuous name, and at the earliest it was even used as a very aggressive word such as "獠" and "䝤", and it was included in the "Guangyun", noting that the beast is a polysyllabic character (liao and lao), here is lao.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos
The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos
The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

In the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu, Huo Jun's Biography", it is said: "Yongchang County is a beast, and it is not dangerous. "Yongchang County is the area around present-day Baoshan in Yunnan.

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Geographical discrimination

Regional discrimination has not been less common from ancient times to the present. In ancient times, some northerners called southerners "beasts". For example, in the early Tang Dynasty, there was a great calligrapher named Chu Suiliang, the official to the prime minister, a person from Qiantang (present-day Hangzhou), who became a lifelong enemy of Wu Zetian because he opposed Wu Meiniang as empress. In the New Book of Tang, Chu Suiliang's biography, it is said: "The emperor was furious, and the Wu clan called out from behind the hou of the sword, 'Why don't you kill this beast'. ”

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

And now the "Yankee" in the population of Guangdong is not a kind of region?

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

Today, the word "Guy" has a very weak meaning. In Cantonese, "Guy" has been blurred and become an affix to refer to adult men, such as "fat guy", "tall guy", "big guy", and even extended to a positive word like "big guy".

The origins of Ailao, Laos, Laos, Laos

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