
World Book Day | rare: books are not lottery tickets, and reading books is not buying lottery tickets

April 23 is World Book Day, which was established to encourage more people to read and write. Rapid changes in the medium seem to fundamentally change the way we access information. People from the way of reading physical books, gradually dispersed into more diversified and fragmented choices, "efficiency first" has become the criterion that everyone pursues, but there are still many people who choose to slow down in the "double speed" era, choose to enter the sea of books, and feel the truth of life, the miscellaneous of society, the beauty of logic, the purity of the mind and the power of speculation from reading.

Reading a book is like coming face to face with the author; reading a book is to experience the life described in the book in the simplest way.

Today we have a conversation about books with Shaoyan, through which we will see the meaning of reading in their lives.

World Book Day | rare: books are not lottery tickets, and reading books is not buying lottery tickets

Shao, poet, translator. Published the poetry collections Secondary Snow and The Postmark of Cy Twombly, translated and published Baselm's Snow White, Brautigan's In Watermelon Sugar, and Ashbery's poems.

1) Hermann Hesse said, "No book in the world can bring you good luck, but they can make you quietly yourself." How do you think this sentence should be understood?

Lesser case: Books are not lottery tickets, and reading books is not buying lottery tickets. Moreover, very few people win the lottery. Books, like other things, will subtly become a part of him, just as a person can see what kind of person he is from the music he listens to and what he eats.

2. What books have you been reading recently? Why choose it?

Lesser: I have no plans to study. Recently, I was reading Vonniger's Slaughterhouse-Five and re-reading fragments of Stepanova's Memory of Memory. The previous one was a friend who told me about Vonniger's Breakfast at the Top, which I hadn't read, and then I found that his original book was not expensive, so I bought a few copies. The latter book was right next to the bed, and I reviewed some fragments before going to bed.

3. What is your study like, and how much time do you spend reading in the study every day? How many books do you buy in a year? Can you sum up in one sentence why you like to read?

Minor: I have a study, but there are few people in my family, and I usually read, write and translate in the living room and bedroom. I bought too many books and didn't read them, and I couldn't stop thinking about buying books. An average of one or two hundred copies a year. Why do you like to read? Probably the same question as why you like to eat meat and drink alcohol.

World Book Day | rare: books are not lottery tickets, and reading books is not buying lottery tickets

Rarely. Could it be photographed

4. If you have the opportunity to make friends with the characters in the book, who are you most looking forward to meeting?

Less: Another Borges in Borges's book.

5. "There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers." Whether a book is good or bad usually has no clear boundaries, and the key to choosing what book to read lies in self-awareness and judgment. What kind of books do you prefer to read in your daily life?

Lesser: Some books are indeed informative and necessary, but I now prefer to read them slowly, and some books need to be read repeatedly, sometimes staying on some words and phrases.

6, now many people are aware of the importance of reading, but lament that they can not always look into it, what do you think is the reason?

Rare situation: the old reading can not go in, may not read the right book, or may be the mood at that time is not right, another time to read.

7, improve the amount of reading is very important, but the reading content is more worthy of attention. And the number of books is huge, how do we choose the right book for ourselves?

Less: I value text more than content.

8, the rapid development of the Internet is changing people's reading habits, many people are more inclined to read e-books, and dilute the reading demand for paper books, what do you think about this problem?

Lesser: I personally still like paper books, but I'm getting used to reading them on screen.

9. With World Book Day approaching, can you recommend a few books to us?

Lesser: I am not eligible for a recommendation. Many of his favorite writers and books have been translating the poems of John Ashbery lately, and he was one of the best, if not the best, poets of the American post-World War II era. Last year I also concentrated on Reading Sebad's Austerlitz, The Ring of Saturn, Immigration, and Dizzy.

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily Reporter: Liu Xinting, Hu Yalan, Cai Qianlan Interview

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