
Spring is beautiful when reading

Public library in the city

The "Xi'an Reading Month" activity kicked off

Spring is as beautiful as poetry, and it is when reading. On the morning of April 22, the launching ceremony of the "Xi'an Reading Month" activity of the "Xi'an Reading Month" of the city's public library sponsored by the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism was held in Xi'an Library.

Spring is beautiful when reading

The "Xi'an Reading Month" activity is guided by practicing the core values of socialism, further cultivating the good habit of all citizens advocating reading and consciously reading, vigorously promoting the trend of reading and learning in the whole society, and establishing a long-term reading mechanism for the whole people.

With the public library as the main position, the city has strived to create a good social atmosphere of loving reading and reading good books in the "Xi'an Reading Month" activities over the years, and has held a large number of colorful reading activities. Xu Wenzhe, director of Xi'an Library, said at the event site: After the launch of this activity, Yanliang District, Lantian County, Gaoling District, Qujiang New District and High-tech Zone will successively hold the launching ceremony of the Reading Month to kick off the prelude to the "Xi'an Reading Month" activities. All districts and counties in the city will carry out 146 reading activities with public libraries as the leader.

Spring is beautiful when reading

It is understood that this year's reading month activities show the characteristics of both brand leadership and brand innovation. Activities such as "Tianlu Pulpit" and "Xiaohe Reading Club" of Xi'an Library, and "Story King" of Enyi District Library continue to exert brand effectiveness and serve the majority of readers. Activities such as "Yunshu Langlang" of Xi'an Library, "Works of Shaanxi Local Writers" of Beilin Library, Weiyang District Library "Wearing Hanfu to Yaji", and "Quiet Reading Time" Reading Marathon in High-tech Zone have made very valuable and positive efforts in brand innovation.

Spring is beautiful when reading

The reporter learned at the scene that in addition to the above activities, the "Spring Breeze, Books and You" reading initiative video, the first "Reading Promoter" competition, the third "Looking for Reading Talents" and other activities will create a good reading atmosphere in the whole society.

Reading is good for the mind and knowing the life of The Fali

Spring is beautiful when reading
Spring is beautiful when reading

On April 22, on the occasion of the 27th "World Book Day", the Xi'an Legal Aid Center and the Beilin District Legal Aid Center jointly launched the "Reading For the Mind, Knowing the Fali Life" reading salon activity, advocating that legal workers establish the concept of "reading clearly, exploring and seeking knowledge, applying what they have learned, and taking responsibility for the future", comprehensively strengthening the study of political theory, professional knowledge, laws and regulations, and taking on promising mental states and practical actions to improve quality and efficiency, and wholeheartedly providing legal aid services to the masses.

The city's trade union "Xi'an Reading Month"

The National Reading Campaign has begun

Spring is warm on April days, and it is a good time to read. On April 22, on the occasion of the "World Book Day", the Xi'an Employee Reading Month activity with the theme of "Staff Bookstores Bloom Everywhere - Let Every Employee Read 'Within Reach'" was launched, which opened the curtain for the 16th "Xi'an Reading Month" National Reading Activity of the City's Trade Unions.

Spring is beautiful when reading

At the launching ceremony, experts and scholars from various industries such as members of the China Writers Association, vice chairman of the Xi'an Writers Association, and famous scholars Shang Ziqin shared their reading stories on the spot, and the on-site recitation of staff representatives and professional hosts also brought a feast of poetry to everyone. The xi'an Federation of Trade Unions demonstration staff bookstore also shared the results of the construction of special bookshelves.

Spring is beautiful when reading

It is understood that the reading month will also hold the "strong country rejuvenation has me" reading essay activities and "knowledge and mastery love my China" knowledge contest and other activities, the city's more than 200 staff bookstores will also hold various theme reading activities, at the same time, the Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions demonstration staff bookstore will also continue to carry out a series of reading activities such as the staff family reading sharing meeting.

The launch ceremony was conducted in the form of live broadcasting, which was watched by more than 100,000 people. The relevant person in charge of the Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions said that the purpose of the Reading Month activities for staff and workers is to vigorously advocate the civilized trend of loving reading, reading good books, and being good at reading, continuously improving the ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality of staff and workers, and further enhancing the learning ability, innovation ability, and competitive ability of staff and workers.

Text: Xi'an Newspaper All-Media Reporter Zeng Shixiang Yuan Yue

Pictured: Xi'an Newspaper All-Media Reporter Li Ming Zhai Xiaoxue Zeng Shixiang

Some of the pictures are provided by the Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions

Edit: Chiey

Audit: Tianyi, Wenyue

Producer: Xi'an Newspaper Media Group

Xi'an Newspaper Xi'an Daily All Rights Reserved

It may not be reproduced, copied, or excerpted without permission

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