
Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

On the morning of April 23, Beijing time, the snooker World Championship came with a battle report. O'Sullivan led Mark Allen 12-4 and finished the second stage with match points in hand. The last stage (or the last round) match time: 21:30 on the 23rd. Selby drew 4-4 with Yan Bingtao to end the first stage of the match, and Maguire led Zhao Xintong 11-5 to end the second stage.

Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

Mark Williams beat Jackson Page 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the Quarterfinals. He will face the winner between Mark Selby and Yan Bingtao in the quarter-finals. Ma Wei shot 6 over 100, and in 12 of the 13 innings he played at least 50+. In front of the "son", the old horse was stimulated out of the TOP level.

Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

Mark, Williams vs Page, played a 7-1 lead in the first stage. In the ninth inning, Mark Williams blasted out a single shot of 110 points to continue to extend the lead. Page scored 69 points in the tenth inning to take back an inning. But in the eleventh inning, Williams blasted a 2-shot 50+ in a single inning (65, 65) to make it 9-2.

Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

In the twelfth inning, Page scored 81 points through multiple starts and chased another set. In the thirteenth set, Williams burst out again to blast a single shot 117 points, and in the fourteenth set, Williams blasted a single shot 127 points, and the big score was 12-2 to the match point. In the fifteenth set, Page scored 63 points to save a match point, but in the sixteenth set, Williams did not give the opponent another chance, and ended the game with a large score of 13-3, becoming the first player to advance to the quarterfinals.

Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

Zhao Xintong against Maguire, Zhao Xintong fell behind Maguire 3-5 in the first stage. In today's game, Zhao Xintong could not find his form, losing the game 5-11. In the ninth inning, Maguire scored 72 points on multiple occasions to win another set. In the tenth set, the two sides engaged in a tug-of-war to hold the score tightly.

Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

In the end, Zhao Xintong won the next set with a slight advantage of 63-61. But in the eleventh inning, Maguire scored 64 points in a single shot to color. In the twelfth set, Maguire's hand was still online, with a single shot of 82 points, and Zhao Xintong had no temper. In the thirteenth inning, Zhao Xintong finally shot a single 72 points to recover a set.

Williams scored 13-3 to become the first player to advance to the quarterfinals

But in the fourteenth inning, Maguire scored 70 points several times to win another set. In the fifteenth inning, Maguire scored 61 points. In the sixteenth inning, he played on the side, but still failed to hold on, losing the match 42-56 and ending the match 5-11.

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