
"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Source: CCTV

CCTV news: Today's (April 21) "steady progress to see the beginning" to see investment. Investment is one of the "troikas" of China's economy, which is connected to demand and supply at the other, with strong driving force and high correlation, and is the stabilizer of China's economic development. Actively expanding effective investment is the focus of the current macro policy, and it is also an important support for responding to changes in the external environment and maintaining stable economic development.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Looking at the two sets of data, the data just released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that in the first quarter, the mainland's fixed asset investment exceeded 10 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.3% year-on-year, better than the 4.9% of last year. In the first quarter, infrastructure investment increased by 8.5% year-on-year, an acceleration over the previous two months and 8.1 percentage points faster than last year. Since the beginning of this year, the central budget in the fields of railways, civil aviation, and highways issued by the mainland has exceeded 46 billion yuan, and the fixed asset investment in railways, highways and other transportation industries has reached about 636 billion yuan, an increase of about 9.8% year-on-year.

Through these figures, it is not difficult to find that since the beginning of this year, all localities have moderately advanced infrastructure investment, actively promoted the start of construction of major projects, and driven rapid investment growth. Behind these figures is a fiery construction site.

The latest data also shows that in the first quarter, the mainland invested in 35,000 new projects, an increase of 12,000 over the same period last year. So, what are the new characteristics and trends in the "start-up" of these major projects? Let's look at the analysis of big data.

"Number" says the hot word for investment in the first quarter

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Big data analysis from the State Information Center shows that since the beginning of this year, around the start of major projects, these more than 20 words have become high-frequency words, it is worth mentioning that the UHV and old residential areas that are highly related to new infrastructure and people's livelihood have become hot words in the past two years.

In traditional infrastructure, which type of project is the most popular? Big data analysis shows that the amount of discussion on the start of "railway" has risen from seventh to second in the same period last year, an increase of 1.6 times.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

In the new infrastructure, the heat of "UHV" has increased by nearly 4 times over the same period last year. It is enough to see that the capacity building of power transmission in the mainland is speeding up.

In the field of making up for shortcomings, the most popular is the two words "old community" and "transformation", which increased by 4.4 times and 6.61 times respectively over the same period last year. Doing a good job in these "key small things" other than "major national affairs" is becoming the focus of state investment.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

The start of construction is inseparable from the matching of funds. In the first quarter, about 1.25 trillion yuan of new special bonds were issued nationwide, which was the fastest in history. More than 60% of this is used for infrastructure, higher than in the whole of 2021. Among them, the proportion of investment in key areas such as agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, ecological environmental protection, and cold chain logistics has increased significantly, which can be seen that the investment structure is becoming more and more optimized.

Reporter's investigation: The people's "urgent difficulties and sorrows" are not many to spend a penny

From big data analysis, we can see that the transformation of old residential areas has attracted much attention. Today, there are more than 200,000 old residential areas in the mainland that need to be renovated, involving nearly 40 million households, and the amount of funds required for transformation is initially estimated to reach 6 trillion yuan.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

However, affected by the epidemic and other factors, this year many local grass-roots finances are facing greater pressure, the reporter found in Chongqing investigation, the old community transformation funds have not been affected, how did they do it?

Located in the center of the old town of Bishan in Chongqing, it is the key area for the transformation of old residential areas this year. The reporter saw at the scene that the drilling rig roared and the construction team was renovating all the roads.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Built in the 1990s, this community has 58 households, the infrastructure is old, the masses are complaining continuously, and the repairs can no longer meet the needs of residents' lives.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Zeng Shunyu, director of the Biquan Street Office in Bishan District, Chongqing: We are ready to spend more than 2 million yuan to use "embroidery kung fu" to achieve micro-transformation and enhance the living quality, public services and cultural vitality of our community.

According to the plan, this year the local government will complete the transformation of 40 old residential areas in the district, involving 3436 households. This work alone will invest 239 million yuan. This year, the finances of Bishan District are not good, and the local fiscal revenue and expenditure in the first quarter of this year are in a "tight balance".

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

On the one hand, the pressure on fiscal revenue has increased, on the other hand, the transformation of old residential areas is imminent, where does the 239 million yuan needed for transformation come from?

With this question in mind, the reporter went to the District Housing and Construction Committee and found the answer here. Of the 239 million yuan, 135 million yuan came from the central government, 10 million yuan came from the budget allocation of Chongqing municipal finance, 59 million yuan was invested in district finance, and 35 million yuan was raised by the society.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Liu Zhiming, director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee of Bishan District, Chongqing Municipality: The central and municipal levels have arranged special funds for the old residential areas, and these funds were issued in advance of the budget targets in early March this year, and the first time to disburse, it can be said that the arrival of funds is like a "timely rain".

In order to do a good job of the key and small things around the people as soon as possible, the local government also took the initiative to tighten the days and introduced the "Ten Measures" to strictly save and compress the "three public" funds, and strictly control general expenditures.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Liu Geng, deputy director of the office of the Finance Bureau of Bishan District, Chongqing Municipality: The conference funds have been reduced by 30%, the "three public" funds have been reduced by 38%, and the purchase and operation and maintenance costs of official vehicles have been reduced by 43%.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

The money that is hard to save must be spent on the "blade". In order to make the money "worth the money", the renovation plan of the old residential area has been modified several times. Street and community officials went door-to-door to understand residents' pain points.

Chu Guiyun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dawang Community, Bicheng Street, Bishan District, Chongqing City: Elevator installation is the most urgent and most anxious thing for our people. We have also adjusted the elevator plan many times, because it involves some households he wants to enter the house directly, some residents he asks not to enter the house, because to modify the structure of his balcony, we go through the house by house, one household to do ideological work.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Yang Haiying, a resident of Bishan District, Chongqing: I hope that after the renovation, our roof and wall surface will no longer leak water, our stairwell road will be very beautifully painted, and when we come out, there will be no more mud on the road.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

The government is living a tight life and allowing the people to live a good life. In the first quarter of this year, Chongqing invested more than 50 billion yuan in people's livelihood projects, and coordinated the construction of more than 200 major municipal people's livelihood projects, including transportation infrastructure, employment, health, education, old-age care, childcare and other fields.

Wan Heng, deputy director of the Budget Department of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Finance: In the first quarter of this year, the proportion of people's livelihood expenditure in our general public budget expenditure remained at about 80%, in order to ensure the investment in people's livelihood, we will continue to strengthen the "three synergies" of project pool, capital pool and resource element pool, compile a three-year rolling plan and annual investment plan for municipal government investment projects, and use limited funds on the "blade" of people's livelihood.

New Infrastructure Construction Booms and Strengthens the Foundation for Economic and Social Development

After talking about the key small things around the people, let's take a look at a major event in the country in the first quarter of this year. In February this year, the mainland launched the "East Counting West Calculation" project, which is to guide the eastern computing power demand to the west in an orderly manner, optimize the layout of data center construction, and promote the coordinated linkage between the east and the west. "Counting the East to the West" is considered to be another major infrastructure project after the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the West-to-East Power Transmission, and the West-to-East Gas Transmission, and is expected to become a new starting point for new infrastructure and stimulate strong momentum.

Qingyang data center infrastructure construction has been fully rolled out

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Qingyang, Gansu, one of the top 10 national data center clusters in the "East Counting West Calculation", the reporter came here to see that a plot of land of thousands of acres has just completed the land acquisition and demolition work, and a national data center cluster covering an area of 17,000 mu will be built here.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Ugao Yifei, director of the Qingyang Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology: A large number of projects have begun to be planned, especially this year, we have 6.7 billion yuan of projects to start, and this year we have completed 2 billion yuan of project investment.

According to the ten-year plan for the construction of the Qingyang National Data Center Cluster, 800,000 new 2.5 kilowatt standard racks will be built here, of which 300,000 new racks will be added by 2025.

Not only the rack, but also the construction of optical cable links is very important in the "counting of the east and counting the west". As a national data center cluster focusing on serving the computing power needs of regions such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, yangtze river delta and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Qingyang will build long-distance links to the three major regions.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

At present, Qingyang-Beijing, Qingyang-Shanghai, Qingyang-Shenzhen optical fiber direct connection network links are stepping up construction to create low-latency, high-reliability and large-capacity network channels. By the end of October, the fiber optic cable link from Qingyang to these three major areas is expected to be fully opened.

Jin Junfeng, deputy general manager of China Telecom Qingyang Branch: According to the design, a delay to Beijing is basically within 10 milliseconds, to Shanghai can be mastered within 15 milliseconds, then Guangzhou is within 20 milliseconds, this (standard) quality is also very high.

Qingyang data center will fully realize the supply of green electricity

Data centers consume a lot of electricity, so they are also called "smokeless steel mills". According to qingyang city's 802.5 kilowatt rack plan, after completion, it will use 21 billion kWh of electricity per year, how can such a huge amount of electricity be guaranteed to be green and energy-saving?

Uygi Yifei, director of the Qingyang Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology: At present, our resource endowment in Qingyang City is 10.5 million kilowatts of wind (electricity) light (electricity), and it is planned to supply all green electricity to the big data center to ensure that the big data center can reach more than 85% of the electricity consumption in the first phase.

Step up talent reserves to cope with the development of the digital industry

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Walking in this park in Qingyang, the reporter counted, and there are already 12 data centers of Internet head enterprises landing here. According to the plan, by 2030, the output value of the core industry of Qingyang's digital economy will reach 270 billion yuan, bringing 80,000 high-end talents to work. However, in terms of the current local talent scale, the talent gap is huge. To this end, Longdong College in Qingyang has taken the lead in setting up talent training bases with 10 colleges and universities in Xi'an and Lanzhou to provide human resources protection in the form of order training.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Li Xiangfeng, dean of the School of Information Engineering of Longdong University: Enterprises can set up order classes in colleges and universities, how many people you want to train, we can determine how many people in this class. In the future, these students will serve the "counting of the East and counting the West".

During the investigation, the reporter felt that although the proportion of information consumption in Qingyang's digital economy in 2021 is less than 5%, from infrastructure construction to talent reserves, Qingyang is firmly grasping the rare development opportunity of "counting in the east and counting in the west" and striving to build a solid foundation for high-quality development. This small city in western China is now taking advantage of the new infrastructure and rejuvenating itself.

News Feature: I came from Dashan and went into the IT industry

Not only In Qingyang, Gansu, today, 25 new projects have been started in 10 national data center clusters across the country, driving investment of more than 190 billion yuan in all aspects. Among them, investment in the western region increased by 6 times over the same period last year. The acceleration of new infrastructure construction not only drives the vigorous development of the digital economy, but also provides more employment options for local people. Meet a woman in a new profession.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

The person in the camera is called Chen Xia, 30 years old this year, and is an artificial intelligence labeler in an artificial intelligence industrial park in Tongren City, Guizhou Province. Her daily job is to classify and label the content in the pictures on the computer to help the artificial intelligence gradually have the ability to recognize.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Chen Xia, artificial intelligence labeler in Tongren City: For example, like this car, I will teach it, when you are on the road, you must pay attention to the front of the person or car, you must know how to avoid.

Now, Chen Xia has to mark an average of 600,000 points on the computer every day, and because of ken drilling business, her average monthly salary can now get 7,000 yuan, sometimes even more than 10,000, which is much higher than the local average salary. The life of Chen Xia's family has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Chen Xia, artificial intelligence labeler in Tongren City: I bought a house around this side and paid a down payment, which is a big breakthrough.

Don't look at Chen Xia now, she is completely dressed as a professional woman, but just before, she was an ordinary housewife in the mountains, and the family's food and clothing all depended on her husband.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

In order to let them live a good life early, the local government launched a relocation for poverty alleviation, and Chen Xia's family also moved out of dashan. At the same time, the local government also brought the industry to the doorstep, relying on the advantages of the local digital economy development, set up an artificial intelligence industry poverty alleviation incubation space, where Chen Xia found a job. However, when she first started working, Chen Xia encountered no small challenge.

Tongren Artificial Intelligence Labeler Chen Xia: I entered this company to train, and then I want to do a PPT, in my life I have never done such a thing before, I was very nervous at that time, and now I remember that in front of many colleagues on the stage to speak very nervous, the voice is simply trembling.

In the end, Chen Xia gritted her teeth and persevered. After induction training, she quickly learned to use the annotation tool skillfully. Slowly, she became the backbone of the business here.

Tongren Artificial Intelligence Labeler An Yongjun: Chen Xia is the most capable of our business here.

Tongren Artificial Intelligence Labeler Chen Xia: My husband and I did not take wedding photos when we got married, so many years there was only this photo of the Civil Affairs Bureau licensed, (after work) a chance, we went to take such a family portrait.

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Today, there are more than 80 artificial intelligence annotators like Chen Xia, more than half of whom have the same experience as her, and the annotators have not only enriched them, but also opened up new spaces for their lives.

Active efforts to ensure effective investment "steady progress"

From the reporter's survey, it can be seen that the new infrastructure has led to the vigorous development of the digital economy and provided more employment opportunities for the people. In the first quarter, in the face of the more complex and severe international environment and the multiple tests brought about by the frequent occurrence of domestic epidemics, we took the initiative to start major projects early, funds were issued in advance, investment in key areas was fully promoted, government services were accelerated, and investment still maintained steady growth, providing solid support for stabilizing the basic plate of China's economy. Connect with Yang Yu, a special commentator of this station.

Anchor: Yang Yu, hello, in the face of the risks and challenges of China's economic development in the future, do you think we should continue to stabilize the mainland's investment, what aspects should we make efforts? How to ensure that the funds are used on the cutting edge and actively and effectively expand investment?

Strategic Planning Moderately Advanced Key moments make us energetic

"Seeking progress in stability and looking at the beginning" has taken the initiative as an investment to become a stabilizer of China's economic growth

Special commentator Yang Yu: Strategic planning, moderately advanced, so that at the critical moment, investment can make it stronger. The 14th Five-Year Plan proposes 102 major projects, covering science and technology, transportation, energy, water conservancy, ecology, education, urbanization, etc., based on the present, focusing on the long term, connecting the needs of the country and the needs of the people, and reflecting the strategic planning. In the face of downward pressure on the economy, the Central Economic Work Conference held in December last year proposed that infrastructure investment should be "moderately advanced" and "policy efforts should be appropriately advanced". All localities and departments have strived to land early, start construction early, and achieve results as soon as possible. When some factors that exceeded expectations appeared in March, looking back, the strategic planning of the five-year plan and the requirements of the Party Central Committee to "moderately advance" made investment strong at the critical moment.

Major projects Focus areas Turn potential into a driving force

Focus on major projects and key areas to transform China's development potential into the current driving force. In the first quarter data, infrastructure investment, manufacturing investment, and investment in high-tech industries have grown rapidly, including those that transform traditional industries, those that support emerging industries such as the Internet, those that guarantee food production, and those that promote green development. For example, in the new infrastructure, 81,000 new base stations were built in the first quarter of 5G alone.

Focus on the urgency, difficulty, and hope to make up for the shortcomings of the strong and weak items Closely follow the concerns of the people's livelihood

Focus on "urgent difficulties and expectations", make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and closely follow the concerns of people's livelihood. Those major project construction eventually serve our work and life, and more and more major investments are directly invested in the lives around us and the concerns of people's livelihood. For example, in the first quarter of this year, it was invested in the provincial, municipal and county three-level CDC, national and provincial regional medical centers, national traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation centers, public old-age care institutions, kindergartens, national fitness facilities, service facilities for the disabled, and other fields, directly making up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood and improving the quality of life.

Four or two thousand pounds should give full play to the role of the "big head" of nongovernmental investment

We should persist in "four or two thousand pounds" and give full play to the role of nongovernmental investment as the "big head." Since the beginning of this year, the investment in the central budget has been intensified, mainly playing a guiding and leading role. At the same time, it is also necessary to stimulate social investment and private investment. Last year, private investment accounted for 56.5% of the overall investment, which is the "big head" and the main force. For example, the construction of new infrastructure, compared with traditional infrastructure, has three characteristics: diversification of subjects, diversification of scale, and marketization of operations. The aforementioned "East Counting West Calculation" project is driven by state investment, and more is invested by large Internet companies and private capital, and it is expected that the "14th Five-Year Plan" can drive 3 trillion yuan of investment.

In short, the current investment is not "flood irrigation" or the government's "single-handedness", but in the "effectiveness" of "effective investment", in the embodiment of national strategic planning and response to the people's livelihood concerns, the whole society to make more efforts together. By giving full play to the roles of investment, consumption, and foreign trade, China's economy will be able to face difficulties and move forward steadily. (CCTV reporters: Zhang Qin, Yue Qun, Liu Ying, Sun Yuan, Li Bin, Zhang Hao, Sun Qian, Jin Zhu, Fa Qi, An Wenjian, Sun Lipeng, Hubei Tv, Wu Bojun, Guizhou Tai, Han Yu, Chai Jia, Chongqing Tai, He Liang, Wang Peng)

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