
The amazing "law of the strong": be your own patron

Life is in the sea, the tide rises and falls, and many people do not lose to fate and others, but to themselves.

And those who are getting stronger and stronger have become their biggest backers.


The amazing "law of the strong": be your own patron

How many people lost

The "Slow Horse Law"?

The real tiredness is not the struggle, but the confusion in the heart.

I have read a very heartfelt sentence on the Internet:

"In this era, artificial intelligence is not terrible like people, what is terrible is that the more people live, the more they look like artificial intelligence." ”

Some people on the Internet say,

"When you mess around at work, you're wasting your time.

Because you yourself think your time is not worth anything, how can your salary be high? ”

The road to success is not crowded, because the vast majority of people choose ease.

Time is the fairest thing in the world, and if you choose to send it, it will in turn send you.

Every day that could have made you better, once wasted, won't start over.

In this ever-changing era, no one will be waiting for a stroll.

You can't just do it yourself, you have to do better than others.

Doing a little more today than yesterday, and being a little more proficient tomorrow than today, is the greatest truth of ordinary people.


The amazing "law of the strong": be your own patron

The Amazing "Lazy Ant Effect"

What is it?

The depth of a person's thinking determines the height of his life.

The Evolutionary Biology Research Group at Hokkaido University in Japan once conducted an experiment.

They tracked three black ant colonies of 30 ants each to observe their division of labor.

It turned out that most ants were diligent, cleaning up nests, carrying food, and caring for young ants, with almost no pause.

However, a small number of ants are idle, looking around the colony all day long, never working.

Biologists call these few ants "lazy ants" and mark them.

Interestingly, when the team cut off the colony's food source, the industrious ants immediately became a mess.

The "lazy ants" are not in a hurry, leading the colony to move to a new food source.

It turns out that lazy ants are not lazy, but spend most of their time on reconnaissance.

They seem to be idle, but they have not stopped thinking in their minds, which is known as the "lazy ant effect".

The biggest gap between people is not the degree of effort, but the depth of thinking.

Without deep thinking, all diligence is in vain.

A person who is stuck in chores and lazy to think is doomed to the predicament of mediocrity.

Getting rid of low-quality diligence and developing the habit of thinking is the first step in life.

Only by leaving space for people to think in their busy lives can they listen to the voice of the soul and find the most valuable path in life.


The amazing "law of the strong": be your own patron

Your attitude towards life,

It determines what kind of person you will become

There is a "Matthew effect" in economics: the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker.

What kind of person you are, what kind of world you will enter, what kind of life you will meet.

If you are a hard-working person, you will enter an upward world and live a unique life;

If you are a lazy and negative person, you will enter a downward world and live a life that can be lived and lived.

In the end, it will always be you who decides how far you can go and what kind of life you can live.

You are the ultimate and best destination for yourself.

What you believe, you will attract.

There is a saying: "The quality of life comes from the power of the heart." ”

This world is your own world, and your attitude toward the world determines what kind of world you will have.

Source: Ten Points of Reading, Insight, Philosophical Life Network, People's Forum Network

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