
Girls spent 50,000 yuan to buy chocolates to send alumni to be attacked by the Internet: forced to change their online names, quit the Network for a week, but did not regret it


At 21:00 on March 12, due to the management of epidemic prevention and control, the Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Normal University launched a campus closure management, all teachers and students are not allowed to leave the school, and daily meals are prepared by the canteen and sent directly to the door of the dormitory. Borrowing Chen Zhenzhen, a third-year student of the Department of Philosophy and Law who lives in his friend's home, in order to bring a little sweetness to the alumni of the school, on April 2, he spent more than 50,000 yuan to purchase 78 boxes of chocolates at his own expense, which were all delivered to the hands of the students after being killed by the teachers of the school's logistics support department.

This move warmed many students in school. They posted chocolate photos they received on multiple platforms such as circle of friends, Weibo, and Douyin, and called the giver Chen Zhenzhen a "chocolate man". A deeply moved netizen thought that this was a positive energy event, so he bought a hot search for the topic on Douyin, hoping that more people could see it, but did not admit that an Internet storm against Chen Zhenzhen also followed.

"The world of dancers, I don't understand", "Don't you just want fire", "Where do you get the money", "Why don't you volunteer", "Why buy foreign chocolate brands"... The groundless accusations and insults of netizens began to fill Chen Zhenzhen's various social accounts.

During the period of being attacked by the Internet, Chen Zhenzhen only clicked on the social platform, almost all of which were 99+ unread message prompts, and there were various sounds in it. Affected by this, Chen Zhenzhen was forced to change his Weibo network name, and later chose to withdraw from the Internet for a week to think about what is wrong with the world.

On April 20, a Red Star News reporter contacted Chen Zhenzhen. For what happened before, Chen Zhenzhen still said that he did not regret sending chocolate to everyone, "After this money is spent, I will have a certain anxiety, but during this period, chocolate is sent or not sent, it brings students a different feeling." ”

Regarding the matter of being stormed by the internet to withdraw from the network, Chen Zhenzhen said that he already wanted to open, "This is a good thing I did, and I did not go to the show." Why should I withdraw from the net because of these people's words? Internet violence can't be a dead end. ”

The following is the conversation between the Red Star News reporter and Chen Zhenzhen.

Spend 50,000 savings to buy chocolates to send to all students in the school

"I hope to bring them a little sweetness and 'redeem' the hearts of more people"

Red Star News: Why would you think of sending food to your alumni?

Chen Zhenzhen: Since March 12, our school has started a closed management, and according to the regulations, only enter and leave. When I contacted some of my classmates in school, they would occasionally complain to me about some of their lives under the control. Although they have no worries about three meals a day, the dormitory is not as free as at home, and they can purchase small snacks. But at the time I didn't know what I could do for everyone.

Later, on March 31, my counselor posted a screenshot in the class group. Probably means that he wants to comfort his classmates, tell them not to worry, and when he can go out, he will buy chocolates for everyone to eat. At that time, I thought, maybe I can buy some chocolate for everyone, bring them a little sweetness, and "redeem" more people's hearts.

Red Star News: Why did you choose to give chocolate?

Chen Zhenzhen: Sending chocolates was my decision after rational thinking. Some people say why don't I send epidemic prevention materials, or rice, noodles, grain, oil, vegetables, etc. But in fact, the logistics of our school is very in place, and everyone does not lack food. Chocolate is small and romantic, which is convenient for school teachers to distribute and replenish energy. Moreover, the dopamine secreted after eating chocolate is also happy. For young people of our age, whether it is a gift between friends, or a New Year's holiday, or some romantic festival, chocolate will also be given.

Red Star News: Did the process of sourcing and giving away chocolate go well?

Chen Zhenzhen: After deciding to give chocolates, I thought about how to buy this thing. After all, the situation in Shanghai at that time did not guarantee that chocolate could be bought, and even the delivery could not be guaranteed. First, I confirmed with the school whether I would accept the donation. After receiving a positive answer, I consulted a friend who works for RT-Mart and got the contact information of the person in charge of the nearest RT-Mart supermarket on the Xuhui campus of Shanghai Normal University.

On April 2, the other party and I determined the steps of tallying, weighing, and ordering online through photos or videos. Finally, the statistics are 78 boxes of Dove Black Qiao, and the total price is 50,000.08 yuan. In fact, I chose Dove Chocolate only because at that time in the recent RT-Mart supermarket, Dove Chocolate had the most inventory, and it was a well-known brand, and I did not expect that it would be blamed because it was a foreign brand.

Red Star News: It cost 50,000 yuan to buy chocolate, was this money given by parents or saved by yourself?

Chen Zhenzhen: I earned it myself by doing photography. Since I was an undergraduate, I have been working part-time, working part-time to save money. Last year, when it rained heavily in Henan, I went to the scene to volunteer, and I spent some money at that time. When I came back, I started desperately saving money again, and I have been saving it until now. And my parents were happy to learn about it on the news and didn't blame me.

Red Star News: For college students, 50,000 yuan is not a small amount, have you ever regretted it?

Chen Zhenzhen: To be honest, I was still hesitant before spending this money, because I bought a new camera, I didn't have a lens yet, and I was going to buy a second-hand lens. But when I paid the 50,000 yuan, I was really cut to the point, and I didn't even think about it. It may be related to some of the personalities and habits that I have been doing public welfare and developed before. I don't think about it too much, I think I'll earn money again in the future. But during this period, chocolate is sent or not, and the feeling it brings to the students is different.

Again, I don't regret doing so. Spending 50,000 yuan is not a burden for me, but it may really make me a little anxious, thinking about how to go next and how to support myself. After all, I graduated this year, if I had this 50,000 yuan, I might not be so panicked to earn money and go to work.

After the unexpected hot search, it was questioned by many people's network violence

"No snowflake is innocent when the avalanche occurs,

I hope you will be kind to the internet language"

Red Star News: When you deliver chocolates, did you ever think that you would be attacked by the Internet?

Chen Zhenzhen: After the chocolate was delivered to everyone, many students and sisters came to thank me, saying that "this sister is kind and kind", and some media came to contact me for relevant reports. But I really didn't expect that this would even lead to Internet violence.

There are a lot of keyboard men who belittle and insult me, and some even call me a "dancer". I was infuriated by the fact that there was a blogger on Weibo, who not only speculated about me in various ways, but also put my personal photos on the Internet and even @ my Weibo account. In order not to be harassed, I had to change the weibo screen name.

Red Star News: After being attacked by the Internet, how did you respond?

Chen Zhenzhen: After the chocolate was delivered on April 2, I went to volunteer against the epidemic on the 3rd. Because of my personal grin and busy volunteering, I didn't respond much to online comments. But then these keyboard warriors didn't budge, and even reprimanded me in private messages on my social accounts. Angry, I responded by taking a few TikTok videos based on the questions they accused.

Girls spent 50,000 yuan to buy chocolates to send alumni to be attacked by the Internet: forced to change their online names, quit the Network for a week, but did not regret it

↑ Chen Zhenzhen was partially commented on by the Internet storm

But on April 9, keyboard man's voice reached its peak. The reason is that one of my Douyin fans felt that I was very positive, so he helped me buy "Jitter +", but more people began to indiscriminately accuse and slander me after knowing the matter. In desperation, I chose to withdraw from the internet for a week to think about what is wrong with the world.

Red Star News: What is your content on the Internet storm, and what impresses you the most?

Chen Zhenzhen: During that time, I clicked on the social platforms that were all 99+ unread message prompts, and there were all kinds of sounds in them. For example, "The world of dancers, I don't understand", "Don't you just want fire", "What good people are you pretending to be", "garbage" and so on. It just so happened that at that time, the Shanghai sister was scolded to jump off the building after charging the takeaway brother with 200 yuan of phone bills, and the anti-epidemic volunteers were scolded for makeup, and a netizen commented to me that "I spray you will jump off the building?" Will you go up to the balcony? I'm not going to spray. "At that time, I felt that online violence was really too difficult to understand and terrible.

Red Star News: How did you digest these negative emotions this week after you left the Internet?

Chen Zhenzhen: In fact, there were volunteer activities on April 10, but because of the insults of these netizens, I was in a very bad mood and did not go. At first, I really couldn't understand why I was inexplicably attacked by the Internet. Why is everyone scolding me? I can't figure it out, I'm doing a good thing, and I'm not going to put it on a show.

Later, from the 10th, I stopped looking at my phone, didn't look at it, didn't think about the insults that insulted me, and concentrated on writing, reading books, and editing documentaries. Gradually I figured it out, why should I withdraw from the net because of these people's words? I didn't do anything wrong.

Red Star News: After experiencing this incident, what do you think of the Internet violence?

Chen Zhenzhen: This 50,000 yuan is what I have earned after experiencing N people carrying such heavy camera equipment alone, listening to such lonely songs, and earning 1 cent and 1 cent. I don't regret spending it, and I don't regret choosing to buy chocolate for alumni. If the sun is needed in this era, then I would like to be a glimmer of light, and I can have a point of heat and a point of light as much as I can.

Being sprayed like that online, I'm definitely going to be uncomfortable. But I think the Internet violence can't be a dead end, the more sad you are, the more you care about what they say, the more unhappy you are, the more depressed you are, and the happier they are. No snowflake was innocent during the avalanche, and I hope everyone will be kind to the language of the Internet. The last little sister who was hit by the Internet storm has left, and I hope that I am the last little sister to be hit by the Internet storm, and there will be no next one.

This article originated from Red Star News