
Zhu Ting is difficult to return to the peak? Overcoming the four major difficulties is still the king, and the position of other players is still difficult to replace

Zhu Ting is difficult to return to the peak? Overcoming the four major difficulties is still the king, and the position of other players is still difficult to replace

Zhu Ting in the Tokyo Olympic cycle had a serious wrist injury, after the end of the Olympic Games for more than half a year, finally solved the wrist surgery problem, the next stage of rehabilitation treatment has become the fans' optimistic expectations, but Zhu Ting's current position is very critical, she is not the savior of the almighty, but the Chinese women's volleyball team can not leave her, even if she returns to the field, can not return to the peak state of the Rio Olympic Games, are unpredictable, the reason is basically the following four points of difficulty!

Zhu Ting is difficult to return to the peak? Overcoming the four major difficulties is still the king, and the position of other players is still difficult to replace

First, the years are not spared. Zhu Ting is more than 95% likely not to participate in the 2022 World Championships and Asian Games, and Zhu Ting, who has not yet started rehabilitation training, is unlikely to risk returning to the field in the short term. Zhu Ting was 30 years old at the time of the Paris Olympic Games, and Zhu Ting, who has experienced two Olympic Games, can she replicate the courage of the Rio Olympic Games? 22-year-old Zhu Ting in the Rio Olympic Games to kill four parties, in the offensive end almost a file of its own, invincible existence, her score is also proud of the Rio Olympic Women's Volleyball Team of all the team members, 8 years later with the increase in age, physical function slowly deteriorated, Zhu Ting in the recovery of physical energy, injury control ability and other aspects may be much worse than before.

Second, injuries are as fierce as tigers. Although Zhu Ting announced that the operation was very smooth and successful, if her surgery was a very simple small operation, it would not have been possible to delay 5 years to do it, and as early as 2017, when she was injured, she should have operated on it in time without taking conservative treatment. No one can estimate the extent of recovery after surgery, let alone return to the peak of the Rio cycle after surgery.

Zhu Ting is difficult to return to the peak? Overcoming the four major difficulties is still the king, and the position of other players is still difficult to replace

After feng kun, Zhao Ruirui, Zhang Ping, etc., who were linked to the previous golden generation, went abroad for surgery in the Beijing Olympic cycle, they did not reach the peak state of the Athens cycle, but these players were knee surgeries, including the later Wei Qiuyue, although she has been injured to participate in the three major competitions of the Rio cycle, her knee injury has not been cured, dragging her injured leg in the Rio Olympic Games to play 4 games against Brazil is still complete, and it can not support the whole game. Zhu Ting's injury is different from that of several sisters, in the wrist rather than the leg, as a weapon for attacking the hand, the wrist injury is equivalent to self-destruction of martial arts, and everything in the recovery process is unknown.

Third, the technical characteristics are gradually familiar. Zhu Ting in the Tokyo Olympic cycle has encountered difficulties, she as the core of the attack and defense, both to take a pass but also to participate in the front and rear row of offensive tactics, as long as Zhu Ting withdrew a pass, all opponents know to serve to find Zhu Ting, destroy her attack in the fourth position, the Tokyo Olympic Games Zhu Ting played the third or fourth position plus plug tactical attack, the opponent will be blocked, one is that Zhu Ting's state is really not good, the second is that the opponent has mastered Zhu Ting's offensive routine, the obstacles faced by Zhu Ting in the Paris Olympic Games will not be less than the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Zhu Ting is difficult to return to the peak? Overcoming the four major difficulties is still the king, and the position of other players is still difficult to replace

Fourth, the women's volleyball national team lineup is too conservative. The Chinese women's volleyball team in the Tokyo Olympic Games gradually formed a "seven fairies" lineup with Zhu Ting as the core, the main lineup is fixed is conducive to the cooperation of the tactical ball, and the characteristics of each person on the field are familiar with the main enemy research for a long time, and the second pass line will be targeted in advance to predict the main attacker's slam line. The main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Rio cycle has a different new face to join each time in the three competitions, and the Tokyo cycle is to eat a set of lineups to fight to the end.

Even if Zhu Ting is thoroughly studied by the opponent, she is still an irreplaceable member of the main offensive line, and the main offensive line of the new national team gathers Li Yingying, Wu Mengjie, Wang Yunrui, Jin Ye, wang Yifan, which is a representative of the domestic young main attack, but if Zhu Ting can restore about 70% of the strength of the peak period, several main attacks may be surpassed by seconds. Once Zhu Ting returns, there is no doubt that it is irreplaceable, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is both the scoring core and the spiritual leader.

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