
I became a bird

I became a bird

Yuzhou District Donghuan Primary School Class 1917 Liu Mingrui

"Oh, there's a lot of homework!" While complaining about the amount of homework, I looked up at the sky and watched the birds flying in the sky, and I thought, "How nice it would be if I could become a bird without writing homework!" ”

I was thinking, suddenly felt the itch in my back, looking back, ah, I grew the wings of a bird, I became a free bird!

Now, I'm going to set out for the sea, and I'm going to see what the sea is like from another perspective after I become a bird. I flew in the direction of the sea, and suddenly the sky seemed to be wrapped in a gray cloth. Not good, it's going to rain. I hurried down, and suddenly, a bolt of lightning passed in front of me, "Help! I yelled, "Scared me to death." "After the thrill, I carefully flew to the ground.

The sky is slowly clearing, I am getting closer and closer to the sea, I see the blue sea, the sky and the sea are almost the same color, you can't tell which part is the sky and which part is the sea. At this time, I was hungry and thirsty, and the sea could not drink, so I had to drink the rain on the ground. While I was looking for food on the beach, a man pounced on me and almost caught me, but thankfully I was quick to escape.

Winter was coming, and I didn't know how to make a nest, and I wanted to live in the owl's house for the winter, but the owl drove me out mercilessly. I had to go into hiding in a cave. The cold wind whistled and I was frozen and shivering. At this time, I seemed to see my parents eating hot pot at home, which was my favorite food. I still faintly heard my mother calling me, and at first I suspected that it was my delusion, but the voice became clearer and clearer, and I slowly opened my eyes. Ah, it turned out to be a dream! Fortunately, it is a dream, or it is better to be a human child!

(Comments: The young reporter is full of imagination, imagining himself as a bird through dreams, and experiencing through the perspective of a bird.) The text is generally fluent, and it would be better if some impressions could be added appropriately, for example, whether it is a human being or a bird, you must learn to master the skills to survive. )

I became a bird
I became a bird

Edit | Xie Zhuoling

Audit | Liu Li

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