
The little Chinese wife of the Saudi Kurds, who is only 30 years old, has given birth to five children


The global tour | I was in Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

The little Chinese wife of the Saudi Kurds, who is only 30 years old, has given birth to five children

Hello everyone, I am Shen Dianqi, a field traveler who travels the world and pays attention to Chinese people around the world.

Today I met a Saudi-born Kurd, his father is Syrian Kurd, his mother is a Kurd of Turkey, he was born in Saudi Arabia.

The little Chinese wife of the Saudi Kurds, who is only 30 years old, has given birth to five children

I asked him where he belonged? He was vaguely identified, saying he was first and foremost Kurdish, but when he went to Turkey he would say he was Saudi, that he had never returned to Syria in his life, that his father had been kicked out by the Syrian government (similar to a political prisoner?). )......

Then he kept pulling me along and asking me to introduce my Chinese girlfriend to him. I said, you find it yourself...

He is 29 years old, but he is not yet married, mainly because of financial problems, and it costs almost 200,000 yuan to marry a daughter-in-law.

The little Chinese wife of the Saudi Kurds, who is only 30 years old, has given birth to five children

But he said he was ready to marry 4 wives in the future.

I said, you don't even have one now, and you have begun to fantasize about marrying 4 wives...

He said he was now ready to do business and would be as rich as a Kurdish fellow in the future.

Then he told me the story of his Kurdish fellow.

This Kurdish fellow Chinese very well because he has a Chinese wife.

This Kurdish is 55 years old, but his Chinese wife is only 30 years old, and he has given birth to 5 small msls for this Kurd.

The little Chinese wife of the Saudi Kurds, who is only 30 years old, has given birth to five children

I asked, both 55 years old, is this Kurdish married for the first time?

He said, of course not, this Kurdish has a big wife in Iraq, and then there is a Chinese wife here, but this news is only known to him and his Chinese wife and friends on the Saudi side, and he does not know in his Kurdish hometown...

I said why his wife in kurdish hometown didn't know, he said, because if his wife knew, she would fall out with her... And this Chinese woman is very obedient.

I said, where were the five little msl born? He said that they were all born in China and did not know whether they were Chinese nationals.

I said, don't be Chinese.

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