
Radiant| he said, "How good it should be to end up with you."

Radiant| he said, "How good it should be to end up with you."

Wen | radiant Editor| Swallow Picture | network

He said, how good it should be to end up with you

You, silence! Laugh without saying a word

It is an affirmation, and it is also the end of the prayer for happiness

past events

Precipitated in the rings of the years

Little by little, it flowed into my heart

I miss the bamboo chair under the bend of the moon

I envy the twilight years in the bamboo chair and still snuggle up with each other and never abandon each other

A loving couple who can never finish talking sweet words

Some people say that love is big

The mountains are edgeless

Heaven and earth are united

He dares to be with the king

Other words




In the trivialities of the frivolous

In three meals of chai rice oil and salt

Get used to your business

Love your soft whispers

When love is written into life

Ability to record

Let the moment explode into eternity

Let the fragments of happiness strike the near-numb soul

At midnight

A windy season

Let the soul rest, freeze, sublimate, and then look for a fit and collide with each other

In the dark night of sparks. The night sky is brilliant, the heart is bright, and the stars are full of stars,

Dance for you; the crescent moon bends, and smiles for you

This sleepless man


The wind showed me the way

The stars applauded me

The little bugs hiding in the corners of the night are also listening to us

Unintelligent language sends prayerful blessings

Some preferences can only be frozen

Some joy depends only on memories

In the bottom of my heart

One side after another

Like the waves wash against the shore

The same picture is played out

Wait for the twilight year, cook tea and boil the years leisurely;

Leisurely strolling to enjoy the blossoms and falls, the time is quiet, a lifetime of health...

Radiant| he said, "How good it should be to end up with you."

Author: Radiant, like to record the bits and pieces of life, want to make the memories of the warm heart of things, either touching or thought-provoking, to themselves and others to leave a good, so that the original colorless life colorful, feel very fulfilling.

One Point Heart Dream Literature